Retail Outlets Flashcards
Who will determine the size of the ship’s store operation?
Commanding Officer
Before establishment of a ships store who will report, by letter, the date the ships store will commence operation to NEXCOM?
Commanding Officer
The CO informs the date the ship store will start operating to who?
A copy of that letter goes to whom?
TYCOM & DFAS, Cleveland
A ships store may be established before a ship is commissioned, provided that what person has reported for duty?
Supply Officer
Items to be stocked on pre-commissioned ships will be limited to what?
Authorized emblematic items (No more than 15% of inventory)
If the CO desires any deviations from the operating procedures, a letter request will be submitted to whom?
Request for modifications to ROM software must be submitted in what format and to whom?
Submit a Program Change Request to NEXCOM via TYCOM
What type of fund pays for the cost of recreation equipment?
Ships Store Profits from sales
What is the primary sales outlet aboard ships?
Ship’s store
Who are authorized customers of the ship’s store?
a. Officers and enlisted personnel onboard for duty
b. Officers and enlisted personnel onboard either for active duty for training or for passage en route to duty. (USA, USAF, USMC, USCG)
c. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Public Health Service and US Foreign Service personnel en route to duty.
d. Accredited U.S. technicians (mil or civ) who are embarked or assigned on board in an official capacity
e. Active duty members of the armed forces not listed located in a remote area where an armed forces exchange is not available.
Non-distinctive items of clothing may be sold for cash to personnel of foreign ships which are in distress after approval from whom?
The hours of operation for retail store are prescribed by whom?
Commanding Officer
Hours a week the store should be open?
In port? 20 hours
Underway? 42 hours
At the end of the business day, customers should be given how much time to complete their shopping?
15 minutes
How many days in advance should the crew be notified of changes in the ship’s store hours of operation?
7 days
Display aids available for visual merchandising are found in what publication?
NEXCOM Pub 90-33
What are 9 examples of Institutional signs?
a. Availability of merchandise and service
b. Special orders
c. Profits go to MWR
d. Refund Policy
e. Limitation on cigarette sales
f. Provision of purchase
g. Authorized Patrons
h. Check Cashing
What are 3 examples of Merchandise signs?
a. Price of an item
b. What the item is
c. What items are on sale
According the P-487, what are the 3 characteristics of a retail store display?
a. Full view of customers
b. Clean, neat and orderly selection of most items
c. Popular and fast moving items kept in easy access
What is the purpose of merchandise display in the shop’s store?
a. Creates interest in product
b. Shows merchandise at its best
c. Holds customer’s interest
In regards to appearance, what should be done to the ship’s store for a holiday?
Holiday decorations
What is the maximum time decorations should remain on a display without being refreshed or changed?
1 month
As the ships store operator, you should ensure that the store always maintains what type of items?
Basic Stock Items
Who should ships requiring visual merchandising support services contact?
What fund is charged for the cost of display aids?
Individual ship’s profits
Who is responsible for ensuring the retail prices for items in the sales outlets are consistent with the guidelines stated in the P-487?
Sales officer
The prices for merchandise sold in the ship’s store are computed in the sales office by using what device?
ROM computer system
Definition of Mark-on:
An increase in a previously established retail price
Markups applied should be sufficient to cover what 4 things?
a. Markdowns & surveys
b. Cost of operations
c. Operating expenses such as shipping charges
d. Meet the requirements of the CO for MWR fund
A mandatory 6% markup should be given to what 3 items?
a. Toiletries
b. Sundries
c. Uniform items
What markup rate is prescribed for all other retail items in the ship’s store?
Cost plus 15%
Cigarettes/tobacco will be priced how?
In accordance with current price bulletin published by NEXCOM
What is the recommended markup for foreign merchandise?
Canned drinks sold through a vending machine will have a markup of what percent?
Who may override the ROM system markup price by keying in the desired selling price on the stock record?
Ship’s store officer
What maximum percentage of profits is the ship’s store authorized to make?
Minimum? 10%
Items of ships store stock will be sold at cost price to what 3 military activities?
a. Armed Forces Exchanges;
b. Military Sealift Command Branch Exchanges;
c. Ships not operating a ships store, when the transferring ship does NOT provide a composite MWR fund
Items of ships store stock will be sold at retail price to what 3 military activities?
a. The CO for recreation purchases;
b. Merchant ships and foreign governments;
c. Ships not operating a ships store, when the transferring ship provides a composite MWR fund
Items of ships store stock will be transferred at cost price to OSO. Name 3 examples of OSO.
a. Other sales officer
b. General Mess
c. General Stores
What publication provides authority for the use of ORF (Official Representation Funds) for the purchase of mementos for presentation to foreign dignitaries and other officials?
Examples of gifts and mementos to command or official theme gifts/mementos include what items?
Plaques, pens, books, command ball caps and other items with an official logo
Examples of personal gifts that may NOT be sold using the ORF include what items?
T-shirts, golf shirts, flight jackets, uniforms, scarves, ties, tobacco, and flowers.
The CO will submit a written request listing the quantities and description of the mementos required to whom?
Sales Officer
The Sales Officer will process the transaction as what type of sale?
Bulk Sale
What is the purpose of UPC Barcodes?
Identifies an item
Who has authorized access to the cash register in the retail store to ring up sales?
Ships Store operator (only)
When mark-on is desired on selected items in the retail store, the store operator can only change the price of those items after what action has taken place?
The price change is authorized by the Sales Officer
At the end of the day, the sales officer will compare the Navy Cash Merchant Summary report with what?
C02/C03 Report
Who will conduct an End of Till Import and then an End of Till Reconciliation in ROM?
During the end of till reconciliation process, subtracting the system total from the amount entered by the sales officer will give you what?
The Variance (over/short)
The sales officer will examine all overages and shortages of what amount?
What is the definition of a NON-EPOS outlet?
Any retail outlet which does not use EPOS cash registers to sell or record sales.
What are examples of NON-EPOS outlets?
Vending machines, hangar bay sales, pier side sales, etc
After a breakout from the bulk storeroom to the non-epos outlet has been confirmed, the items on the breakout are considered to be what?
For can drink vending machines, any difference between book inventory and actual inventory is considered to be what?
Cost of sales
For electronic sales, it is not necessary to post Navy Cash transactions daily into ROM. The grand total amount of the navy cash transaction will be entered into ROM how often?
Monthly or prior to printing the cash sales invoice (DD1149)
The cost of sales in Non-EPOS outlets will be computed by doing what with the inventory?
Breaking them back to the Bulk Storeroom
The computed cost of sales figure for Non-EPOS outlets is stated on what report?
Profitability Snack Vending (Non-EPOS) Report
How often does a representative from Medical inspect the retail outlets (2304)?
On a regular basis
What type of equipment is normally used as a cash register in the ships store?
Cash registers are normally procured from what fund?
OPTAR fund
What if the OPTAR fund is insufficient?
The key to the cash register will be maintained by whom?
Ship’s store operator (only)
The duplicate key to the cash register will be kept where?
In the sales officer’s safe sealed in an envelope
What type of payment is NOT authorized when purchasing merchandise in the ship’s store?
2-Party check
If your cash drawer has less than 5 compartments, where should you keep personal checks you receive during the day?
Under the cash drawer
Who approves the maximum amount of cash that can be left in the cash register overnight?
What is the maximum amount of cash that can be left in the cash register overnight?
With two store operators, how often should cash from sales be collected?
At the end of each shift
Who is responsible for the refund policy?
Sales officer
Where should a customer go to get a refund?
Sales office
What form will the sales officer fill out for each refund?
Who signs the NAVSUP 972?
The customer and sales officer
Under what conditions are refunds made for defective merchandise?
a. Merchandise covered by guarantee
b. if no warranty, within 30 days of purchase
Guaranteed merchandise will be accepted and refunds made, providing what conditions are met?
Return day is within the manufacturer’s guarantee or warranty
Procedures for handling refunds on Navy Cash can be found where?
NAVSUP 727 ch 7
Where in the Navy Cash application will the sales officer go to find the Individual Refund Link?
In the “Funds Transfer Options” window under “Funds Transfer” link
What type of refund allows a single purchase transaction to be selected for the refund and helps to ensure that a particular purchase is only refunded once?
Chip Purchase Refund
What type of refund can be used when the specific purchase may be difficult to identify, such as vending or single item within a multiple item purchase?
Miscellaneous Refund
What button on the ROM II computer takes you to the refund screen?
The sales officer will make sure that the total on the printed receipts match the totals on what report?
Navy Cash Daily Refund Report
If the totals do NOT match, the sales officer will request assistance from whom?
Treasury Financial Agent
The receipts and NAVSUP 972 will be staled to the Navy Cash Daily Refund Report and filed where?
C02/C03/C04 (RK) file
What type of sales helps eliminate the problem of not being able to serve all potential customers on board a ship due to limited operating hours?
Group sales
Bulk Sales are made to what 4 locations?
a. Navy Exchanges
b. Military Sealift command Branch Exchanges
c. Ship’s not operating a ship’s store when the transferring ship does not have a MWR fund
d. To the CO for official functions
Bulk sales are made at what price?
Bulk sales will be made using ROM generated requisition and what document?
DD 1149
What are the records keeper’s responsibilities related to a bulk sale?
a. Create the bulk sales document (DD1149)
b. File signed DD 1149 in WF4 until payment is received
Who prepares the DD1149 for OSO and Bulk Sales?
Issuing ship
All bulk sales will be expended from what location?
Bulk storeroom (never from sales outlet
What are the sales officer’s responsibilities related to a bulk sale?
Verify the items being sold are available and approve the sale.
Who signs the non-confirmed copy of the DD1149 after it is printed?
Sales officer
The original and 2 copies of the DD1149 will be forwarded to whom?
Bulk storeroom custodian
Upon receipt of signed DD 1149, what are the bulk storeroom custodian’s responsibilities related to a bulk sale?
Obtain merchandise directly from bulk storeroom and deliver merchandise to requesting activity.
After the requesting activity circle the quantities received, which copy of the DD1149 will they sign?
All copies
Who keeps the original DD1149?
Issuing activity
The DD 1149 will be filed where until payment is received?
When will payment for bulk sales be due?
At the time of delivery
If payment was not received at time of delivery, how will the merchandise be accounted for at time of inventory?
The items on the DD 1149 will be added to the bulk inventory
How will the money from the bulk sale be reported after collection?
Separate entry in the NAVSUP 469
When will the DD 1149 be confirmed in ROM?
Once payment is received
How will the DD 1149 be distributed once payment is received?
a. Original- B12(AO) file
b. Copy- B12 (RK) file
Special sales outlets are considered as what kind of outlet?
What part of the ships store operation is considered to be a 24/hr day, 365/days a year operation?
Vending Machines
What is the markup on canned drinks sold in the vending machines?
Who is responsible for inspecting the cleanliness of the vending machines?
Medical Officer
How do you prevent coins from jamming up inside the coin changer?
Clean coin changer regularly
Primary responsibility of the vending machine operator?
Keep Machines full and take care of customer complaints
You should keep a cleaning record for the vending machines for how long?
30 days
Detailed vending sanitation information can be found in what publication?
When the ship requires a temporary vending service to be established for the crew and approval has been granted, who should arrange the service?
Who negotiates contracts for leasing of amusement machines?
NEXCOM will generate what form citing the terms of the contract?
DD 1155
A copy of the DD 1155 goes in what file?
What form is used for remittance to contractor for amusement machines?
SF 1034
Distribution of the SF 1034 and the transmittal letter will be filed where?
Who signs the sanitation regulations?
Senior Medical Officer
Medical will inspect retail outlets how often?
On a regular basis
A copy of the inspection will be filed where?
Who has the key that opens up the money box inside the vending machine?
Who keeps the key that locks the money box to the machine?
Vending Machine Operator
What sign is put on the door to minimize theft?
“Please remove jacket or overcoat”
In the event of a break-in, what should you do FIRST?
Secure and place a car seal on the space involved
When a break-in occurs, who should it be reported to?
The CO through the Chain of command
What publication can you find the procedures to be followed when fraud is suspected and discovered in the ship’s store?
Changing the amount collected in the NAVSUP 469 is considered what type of offense?
Anyone who suspects fraud in the ships store operations should report it to whom?
Procedures to handle losses resulting from wrong doings are listed in what publication?
Coffee Bars should include what type of service?
The retail price set for any item produced must include what?
The cost of all ingredients which is used to make up the finished product (container, spoon, napkin, etc).
Retail process should be ______ than comparable products ashore
Coffee bar sales will be collected or recorded on what device?
Gross profit from Coffee Bars should be within what range?
Coffee Bars are what type of store?
When an item is needed in the coffee bar, the case pack will be broken out to the store, but charged as what?
Cost of Operations-Retail
Where in the NAVSUP P-487 can you find the Coffee Bar Cost Cards?
Appendix E
You can calculate your profits on one of what 2 ways?
Paper form or electronic spread sheet
How often should entries for profit calculations be made?
During audit, how can management determine if the operation is operating within the acceptable range?
By comparing the total profit as shown on the profit generator sheet against the total of the cost of ops-retail divided by total sales.
All inventories for coffee bars will be received in what location?
Bulk Storeroom
Example of items to be inventoried in Coffee bar?
Napkins, cups, stir sticks, or gallon containers
Breakouts to the coffee bar should be what type of quantity?
a. Case pack or gallons
b. Lowest amount to sustain operations
If you sell items such as cookies or muffins, what must be done at the end of each day to prevent theft or loss of those items?
Inventory and Break the items back to bulk
Retail Items, other than coffee, will show up as what on the Back of 153 Report?
Cost of sales and collections for all sales. (should be ignored when computing gain or loss)
How often will Medical conduct a sanitation inspection on the coffee bar?
On a regular basis
What requirement must be met prior to being assigned to the Coffee Bar?
Medical review
What type of food may be sold at a coffee bar?
Packaged food
Coffee may be dispensed into personal cups as long as they hold what requirement?
If proper dispensing containers are used to avoid any contamination between the customer’s cup and coffee bar dispensing equipment.
INCONUS, Coffee bar supplies may be ordered from where?
Overseas, Coffee bar supplies may be ordered from what location?
Prime vendors, if available.
Based on the sales history of each item, what document is used to show what items that need to be broke out from the Bulk Store room?
The ROM breakout recommendation report
Breakouts and break backs involve the movement of stock between what 2 spaces?
Bulk storeroom and sales outlet
Who is required to sign the NAVSUP 973 after it has been prepared and printed?
The records keeper
Who is responsible for the picking, packing and delivery of stock from that location?
Transferring custodian (not always the bulk custodian)
Who is responsible for the accurate receiving of stock at that location?
Receiving custodian
Breakouts and break backs will be documented on what form?
The ROM system automatically assigns the ___ ___ number for each breakout?
Next Available
At what time will the breakout numbers restart?
At the beginning of the accounting period
When signing the NAVSUP 973, the responsible custodian is clarifying what on the delivery?
The accuracy
Once the NAVSUP 973 is confirmed, it will be filed where?
RR1 file
If a discrepancy exists between quantities transferred and received, an immediate spot inventory of the item concerned will be taken where?
Bulk storeroom
PDTs are used to conduct what 3 uses for breakouts, break backs, and inventories?
a. UPC maintenance
b. Record stock numbers
c. Quantities
What type of information is shown on the PDT?
a. Name of item
b. Stock number (does not show price)