Organization Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Ship Store?
To Promote Good Morale, To Provide Services Necessary in Day- to –Day Living.
What provides technical guidance and administration Assistance to Ships Store under the authority delegated by the Naval Supply System Command?
What functions does DFAS Perform?
- Audit Returns
- Maintain Files and Reconcile documents for Receipt from Purchase and Receipts from OSO
- Reconcile Cash Reported in Returns
- Pay Dealers Bills
What provides technical Assistance and Guidance to forces Afloat in order to improve the performance of Ship’s Store Operations?
Fleet Assistance Teams
The Fleet Assistance Teams are made up of what Pay Grades?
E7, E8, and E9
What provides Quality Standard Navy Clothing Stock?
Defense Supply Center (DSC)
Where is NEXCOM Headquarters Located?
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Fleet Assistance Teams Are Located where?
- FLC Norfolk
- FLC Jacksonville (Mayport Detachment)
- FLC San Diego, CA
- FLC Yokosuka, JP
- FLC Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Urgent Requests for assistance may be made how?
By Naval Message or Telephone (whenever considered appropriate by the Supply Officer)
Assistance Visits will normally be scheduled for a period of how many Days?
Assistance visits should be requested how many months before an overhaul?
18 months
For emergency requirements at least how many days before an overhaul?
120 days
Who is responsible for the performance of all divisions In the Supply Department?
Supply Officer
What are the Four Functions of Supply?
- Records and Returns
- Storage
- Sales Outlets
- Service Activities
In no case will personal assigned to or having access to sales outlets or bulk storeroom be assigned the duties of what?
Records keeper (Maintaining office Records)
This is known as the operation of a sales outlet or bulk storeroom by more than one person?
multiple accountability or multiple accountable space operators
This is known when the same person may be placed in charge of sales/service outlet and the bulk storeroom.
Multiple Responsibility Operators
What is defined as the obligation to render an accounting of property and funds, including returns? The obligation is imposed upon an officer who is charged by law, lawful order, or regulation with the responsibility for keeping accurate records of public funds or property.
This obligation is placed upon an individual by law, lawful order, regulation or customs of the service to exercise custody, care protection, and keeping of property, records, or funds entrusted to their possession or under their supervision.
Subordinates who fail to carry out assigned responsibilities properly may be punished under what articles of the UCMJ?
Article 92,108, & 132
Who will designate the CCA in writing?
Sales Officer
In what file will the letter of assignments be maintained in?
WF-3 (Correspondence File)
The Supply Officer and Sales Officer are directly responsible to what personal for exercising fitting and proper supervisory and advisory controls over all ship’s store functions?
The Customer Service Manager takes care of what following?
- Refunds
- Conduct Price Overrides
- (No Letter of Assignment is Required)
An Inventory Board of no less than how many officers will be made if an accountable person is UA, DIES, or Mentally Incapacitated?
- Three
When Dealing with Public Funds who will decide whether the safe will be forced open by whatever means are available or remain sealed and the contents not inventoried until a qualified locksmith is available.
What is the primary mission of the supply system?
a. To provide responsive support to the operating forces
b. Achieve optimum economy
The supply system is an integration of what 2 systems?
a. Defense Logistics Agency Supply (DLA)
b. Navy System
What organization is responsible for the management and control of common items used by all military branches?
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Where is the DLA Headquarters located?
Fort Belvoir, VA
How many Defense Supply Centers are there?
Where are the 5 Defense Supply Centers Located?
a. Philadelphia, PA (Food, Clothing, and Medical supplies)
b. Philadelphia, PA (Industrial)
c. Belvoir, VA (Petroleum based chemicals)
d. Columbus, OH (Electrical equipment)
e. Richmond, VA (Aviation equipment)
Who is responsible for providing quality Standard Navy Clothing stock to ships stores?
Defense Supply Center (Philadelphia PA)
Who controls the whole sale distribution for each of the 4 Military services?
Defense Distribution Center (DDC)
All stocks, both operational and reserve, under the control of the DDC are owned by the center and financed by whom?
Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF)
What is a storage point for DLA material?
Distribution Depot (DD)
Who is responsible for planning and determining the material support needs of the operating forces?
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
Who is responsible for providing material support to the Navy and Marine Corps?
Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP)
What is the top level in the Navy’s supply system?
NAVSUP (Navy Supply)
Where is NAVSUP located?
Mechanicsburg, PA
What two supporting establishments provide technical guidance and administrative assistance?
b. Fleet Assist Teams
What is the purpose of NAVSUP?
To provide management policies and technical guidance for navel material to activities of the Navy and Marine Corps.
What document should be used in conjunction with the ship’s record files to determine the requirements for replenishment materials?
The COSAL (Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List)
What two types of activities make up the Navy’s distribution system?
a. Activities in which the primary mission is supply
b. Activities that are components of systems command other than NAVSUP or Naval operational activities
The major activity whose primary mission is direct, waterfront supply is known as what?
What organizational element has the primary responsibility for the management of assigned groups or classes of supply items?
Navy Inventory Managers
Who is responsible for primary inventory control of Navy-owned material and is the primary claimancy activity under NAVSUP?
Naval Inventory Control Point (NAVICP)
Where is the NAVICP located?
Philadelphia and Mechanicsburg, PA
Where can you find a current list of cognizance symbols and their responsible inventory managers?
What department determines material requirements and manages inventories of assigned material?
Inventory Control department
Name the 5 divisions in the Inventory Control Department.
a. Requirements Division
b. Receipt Control Division
c. Technical Division
d. Purchase Division
e. Customer Service Division
What department plans and directs the storage, maintenance, issue, and disposal of material?
Material Dept.
Name the 6 divisions in the Material Department.
a. Storage Division
b. Disposal Division
c. Packing and Preservation Division
d. Cold Storage Division
e. Retail Storage Division
f. Freight Terminal Division
What is the purpose of Combat Logistics Forces?
To keep the fleet supplied with fuel, food, general stores, repair parts, and ammunition
What is the definition of RAS?
Replenishment At Sea; Transfer of cargo underway
What type of supplies does a T-AFS (Combat Store Ship) carry?
a. General Stores
b. Electronic and Aviation Repair Parts
c. Food Items
d. Ship’s Repair Parts
e. Ship’s Store Stock
What organization is responsible for the Inventory management of the ships store stock?
What is the purpose of NEXCOM?
Provide technical guidance and administrative assistance to ships store under authority delegated by NAVSUP
NEXCOM headquarters is located where?
Virginia Beach, VA
NEXCOM Ship’s Store Program is known by what code?
Code A
What does DFAS stand for?
Defense Finance & Accounting Service
Purpose of DFAS?
a. Audits Returns,
b. Maintain files/reconcile documents from receipts
c. Reconcile cash reported in returns,
d. Pays dealer’s bills
What is the mission of Fleet Assistance Team?
To provide technical assistance and guidance to forces afloat in order to improve performance of ships store operations
Ranks of Fleet Assistance Teams?
E-7, E-8, & E-9
Name the 5 locations of the Fleet Assistance Teams?
a. Jacksonville, FL
b. Norfolk , VA
c. San Diego, CA
d. Yokosuka, Japan
e. Pearl Harbor, HI
Urgent requests for Fleet Assistance may be made how?
Naval message or Telephone when considered appropriate by SUPPO
Assistance visits will normally be scheduled for how many days?
2-5 days
Request for laundry assistance should be made how many months before an overhaul?
18 months
Emergency request for laundry assistance should be made how many days before an overhaul?
120 days
What kind of information can be provided by Fleet Assistance before a deployment?
b. Q-Cog Items
c. Foreign Merchandise
d. Vendor Control
e. Endurance Loading
What is the mission of the Supply Department?
To support the material and service needs of the ship
Who is responsible to the CO for the performance and administration of all supply functions?
Supply Officer
The basic contracting policy and procedures for shipboard supply officers are contained in what publication?
Who will assign personnel to assist the accountable officer, should they need assistance?
Who makes all assignments to positions of responsibility?
Sales Officer
Personnel having access to the sales outlet or bulk store room will NOT be assigned duties to do what?
Maintain office records (Records keeper)
Personnel in charge of sales outlets and service activities are responsible to whom?
Sales Officer
Definition of Accountability?
The obligation to render an accounting of property and funds, including returns (Sales officer)
Definition of Responsibility?
The obligation placed upon an individual to exercise custody, care protection, and keeping the property, records, or funds entrusted to their possession or under their supervision. (Ships store operator, CCA, etc)
Subordinates who fail to carry out assigned responsibilities properly may be punished under what articles of the UCMJ?
Arts. 92, 108, and 132
Which positions do NOT require letters of assignment?
All positions with the exception of CCA.
Who designates the cash collection agent in writing?
Sales officer
What is contained in the letter?
Duties, Person relieved, Limitations and effective date
What file does the letter of assignment go?
Who is accountable for the operation of the ship’s store?
Ship’s store officer
What is an example of a combined responsibility operation?
The same person is responsible for the sales outlet and a bulk storeroom
Who is responsible to the CO for exercising fitting and proper supervisory and advisory controls over all ship’s stores function?
Supply Officer & Sales Officer
When it is necessary to relieve the AO for any cause, who will take possession of the safe and the official keys of the relieved person and ensure the security of the funds involved?
Supply Officer
Should the AO become incapacitated, the CO will request a relief for the AO from whom?