Restrictive Lung Disease PP 1-29 Flashcards
Accumulation of air in the pleural space
Occurs in tall, thin men 20 to 40 years
Primary pneumothorax
No underlying disease factors
Cigarette smoking increases risk
Primary pneumothorax
Result of complications from preexisting pulmonary disease
Secondary pneumothorax
Associated with menstruation
Associated with endometriosis
Catamenial pneumothorax
Primarily in right hemothorax
Catamenial pneumothorax
Traumatic origin
Results from penetrating or nonpenetrating injury
Tension pneumothorax
May also be from iatrogenic causes
Medical emergency
Tension pneumothorax
Due to
Rupture of small subpleural blebs in apices
Air enters pleural space, lung collapses, and rib cage springs out
Primary pneumothorax
Due to
Results of complications from an underlying lung problem
May be due to rupture of cyst or bleb
Secondary pneumothorax
*Results form buildup of air under pressure in pleural space
*Air enters pleural space during inspiration but cannot escape during expiration
this describes typical pathogenesis of ______
tension pneumothorax
*Lung on ipsilateral (same) side collapses and forces mediastinum toward contralateral (opposite) side
*Decreases venous return and cardiac output
this describes typical pathogenesis of ________
tension pneumothorax
We associate pneumothorax with an __________chest wall wound
open sucking
Air enters during inspiration but cannot escape during expiration leads to shift of mediastinum
open sucking chest wall wound in pneumothorax
Small pneumothoraces less than ___% a manifestation of pneumothorax
Decreased or absent breath sounds on affected side
symptoms of _______
Sudden chest pain on affected side
symptoms of ________
_____ and large ______ pneumothorax are emergency situations in Pneumothorax
tension; spontaneous
Severe tachycardia
Tracheal shift to contralateral (opposite) side
result from _________ and ________
Tension and large spontaneous pneumothorax
Neck vein distention
Subcutaneous emphysema
result from __________ and ________
Tension and large spontaneous pneumothorax
Decreased PaO2, acute respiratory alkalosis
diagnoses ________
When diagnosing _______, you will see
Expiratory films show better demarcation of ____-line than inspiratory
Depression of hemidiaphragm on side of pneumothorax
on chest x ray
pneumothorax; pleural
Management depends on severity of problem and cause of air leak
Patient may or may not be hospitalized
Treat symptomatically and monitor closely
when the lung collapses ________ during ________
Lung collapse <15% to 25%; pneumothorax