Restorative Dentistry. Flashcards
Definition of Caries.
A localized desoltion of the tooth surface, brought about by metabolic activity in a microbial deposit on the tooth surface.
Primary Caries.
Tooth decay on a tooth that has not been affected previously.
Secondary Caries.
Tooth decay on a tooth that has been affected and treated before.
Rampant Caries.
Rapid tooth decay that has affected multiple teeth at a speed.
Aetiology of caries.
- Social-economic status
- Knowledge.
- Fluoride.
- Saliva
- Immune System.
- Plaque
- Tooth
- Diet.
Bacteria which cause caries formation.
Strep. Mutans and lactobacilli.
Sites of caries formation.
Pits & fissures, susceptible areas, gingival margin, exposed root surface.
How can caries be managed?
Use of fluoride, oral hygiene, change in diet, getting dental treatment.
Blacks Classification of Caries (BCC) - Class 1
Occlusal surface of posterior teeth, palatal surfaces of anterior teeth and retrograde restorations.
BCC- Class 2
Interproximal areas of posterior teeth.
BCC- Class 3
Interproximal areas of anterior teeth, not including the incisal edge.
BCC- Cass 4
Interproximal areas of anterior teeth including the incisal edge.
BCC- Class 5
Cavities in the gingival margin or the cervical third of a tooth.
Dental Plaque.
A firmly adherent biofilm which is a mass of living, dying and dead bacteria and their products in a mucopolyssacharide matrix.