Respiratory System Flashcards
What structure has been found to increase the spread of infection within alveoli?
Pores of Kohn
What exit route(s) are available to a filled alveolar macrophage?
1) Carried up airway to pharynx > swallowed, 2) migrate to insterstitium, leave via lymphatics
What structure is unique to the nasal cavity with regards to its epithelium?
Multiple cells invaginate, but remain on the epithelial surface creating intraepithelial glands
Compare the microfilament arrangements of olfactory and normal cilia and basal bodies
9(1)+2 > 9(2)+2 (olfactory), 9(2)+2 (normal), 9(3)+0 (basal)
What type of CT is present above/below each C-ring of cartilage in the trachea?
Ciliated cells in respiratory epithelium beat towards the (x) and contain (y)
Pharynx (x), microvilli (y)
What unusual function do mucous ‘brush’ cells of the trachea possess?
Able to divide and replace desquamated cells (unusual for such a differentiated cell)
Once (x) is present within secondary bronchi, (y) can be removed as structural supports
Dual ribbons of smooth muscle (x), cartilage [plates] (y)
Where are Clara cells located and what is their cellular composition?
Bronchioles, abundance of SER
Describe the smooth muscle present in the following structures: terminal bronchioles? respiratory bronchioles? alveolar ducts?
Continous ring (terminal), plates (respiratory), knobs (alveolar duct)
What structures are present in interalveolar septa?
Type I/II pneumocytes, (continuous) capillaries, alveolar macrophages (dust cells), minimal ECM (elastic, reticular fibers)
What are some aliases for a type II pneumocyte?
Granular pneumocyte, septal cell, great pneumocyte
Describe the layers gas must pass through to reach the blood from an alveolar sac
Alveolar sac > surfactant > alveolar epithelium (T1P) > lamina rara externa > lamina densa > lamina rare interna > endothelium > blood
What are the two main divisions of the respiratory system and what are each’s function?
Conducting-warm/moisten/filter air towards alveoli, Respiratory-gaseous exchange
In olfactory epithelium, what structures do Bowman’s glands replace?
Goblet cells
What cell types are present in olfactory epithelium?
Olfactory (nerve), supporting (sustenacular), basal
List the structures which comprise the true vocal cords
Vocalis muscle, vocal ligament (SSNK)
Superior to the true vocal cords lies the (x) which possesses (y)
False vocal cord (x), loose CT + glands + lymphoid aggregations (y)
Cartilage in the trachea is (x) shaped, while in bronchi cartilage is (y)
C (x), plated (y)
What cell types are present in the trachea (respiratory epithelium)?
Ciliated columnar, mucous ‘brush’, goblet, enteroendocrine (APUD), stem (basal)
As the walls of the respiratory bronchiole are broken up by (x), what function can take place?
Alveoli (x), gaseous exchange
Granules within type II pneumocytes are termed (x) and possess (y)
Lamellar bodies/cytosomes (x), surfactant (y)
What are some aliases for an alveolar macrophage?
Dust cell, alveolar phagocyte
Large amounts of (x) tissue allow the lungs to expand during inspiration and (y) recoil during expiration
Elastic (x), passively (y)
Which alveolar cell is responsible for producing surfactant?
Type II pneumocytes
Technically, what is the first portion of the nasal cavity?
What substance do Bowman’s glands secrete?
Describe the microfilaments within an olfactory cell cilium
Proximal third is 9(2)+2, distal 2/3 is 9(1)+2
What structures are present in the lamina propria of olfactory epithelium?
Veins, unmyelinated nerves, Bowman’s glands
In the larynx, what structures possess hyaline cartilage?
Thryoid, cricoid, lower part of arytenoids
In the larynx, what structures possess elastic cartilage?
Epiglottis, corniculate, tips of arytenoids
Which structures secrete mucous in the trachea?
Goblet cells, small mucous granule ‘brush’ cells
What structures begin to appear in the bronchioles?
Clara cells
Adjacent alveoli communicate with each other via (x)
Pores of Kohn
What structures comprise the conduction portion of the respiratory system?
Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles > terminal bronchioles
What structures comprise the respiratory portion of the respiratory system?
Respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, alveolar sacs, alveoli
The keratinized epithelium of nares contains what structures?
Sweat glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands
What structures can be defined as short, thick hairs which filter out large particles from inspired air?
List distinguishing factors of olfactory supporting cells
Apical nuclei, microvilli, prominent terminal web
T/F: Small mucous granule ‘brush’ cells do not possess microvilli
T/F: Tracheal submucosa possesses seromucous glands
T/F: Bronchioles possess cartilage in their walls
What is present for support in the walls of bronchioles?
Smooth muscle
What type of epithelium is present in primary bronchioles?
Simple columnar epithelium with cilia and goblet cells
What type of epithelium is present in terminal and respiratory bronchioles?
Simple cuboidal epithelium with cilia (some) and Clara cells
T/F: Clara cells are only present in bronchioles
What is the most distal part of the conducting portion of the respiratory system?
Terminal bronchiole
What cartoon character do Clara cells resemble?
Casper the ghost
T/F: Terminal bronchioles possess complete smooth muscle rings within their walls
What is the first structure within the respiratory portion of the lung?
Respiratory bronchiole
What structure is continuous with the respiratory bronchiole and consists of closely spaced alveoli?
Alveolar ducts
Which alveolar cell is responsible for reproducing pneumocytes?
Type II pneumocytes
Approximately what percentage of aleveolar space is covered by type I pneumocytes?
What type of capillaries are found in alveoli?
What type of cellular junctions are found between type I pneumocytes?
Tight junctions
The basal laminas of type I pneumocytes and capillary endothelium is said to be (x)