Male Reproductive System Flashcards
What structures are present within a lobule testis?
1-4 seminiferous tubules, loose CT (fibroblasts), nerves, vessels, interstitial cells of Leydig
What are the three CT layers of the testis?
Tunica vaginalis, tunica albuginea, tunica vasculosa
Trace the path in which sperm travel beginning with the seminiferous tubules
Seminiferous tubules > tubuli recti > rete testes > ductuli efferentes > epididymus > vas deferens > ampulla > ejaculatory duct > urethra > penis
After being created in the (x), sperm pass into the (y) which is lined by a(n) (z) epithelium
Seminiferous tubules (x), tubuli recti (y), simple cuboidal (z)
Ductuli efferentes give a(n) (x) appearance while rete testis can give a(n) (y) appearance
Hills and valleys (x), slit/Alfred Hitchcock ‘Psycho’ (y)
What is/are the function(s) of the Sertoli cell?
Protection/nutrition of developing spermatozoa, formation of blood-testes barrier, phagocytose excess cytoplasm discarded by developing spermatids, contain FSH receptors, synthesize ABP, secrete inhibin
Which pathways/mechanisms are enveloped by the term spermatogenesis?
Spermatocytogenesis, meiosis, spermiogenesis
When presented with (x), Sertoli cells synthesize (y) which binds (z), concentrating it to permit sperm maturation
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH, x), androgen-binding protein (ABP, y), testosterone (z)
Trace the path of spermatogenesis cell staging starting with spermatogonia
Type A spermatogonia > Type B spermatogonia > primary spermatocytes > secondary spermatocytes > spermatids > spermatozoa
List and differentiate the types of spermatogonia
Pale type A (divide to make more pale type A or type B), dark type A (reserve to make more pale type A), type B (give rise to primary spermatocytes)
What structures are present within spermatids?
Pair of centrioles, mitochondria, free ribosomes, SER, Golgi
What phenomenon can be described as a wave-like sequence of spermatozoa phase maturation and how does this relate to the development timeline?
Cycle of seminiferous epithelium, one cycle takes 16 days x 4 cycles = 64 days for maturation
What temperature must be maintained for proper spermatogenesis to occur and what structures aid in this temperature maintenance?
35C, pampiniform plexus of veins/testicular artery, sweat evaporation, cremaster muscle
The cells lining tubuli recti are (x) in shape and possess (y) on their luminal surface
Simple cuboidal (x), a single flagellum (y)
The (x) epithelium of the epididymis possesses both (y) and (z) cells
Pseudostratified (x), basal (y), principle (z)
In the epididymis, basal cells serve to (x) while principle cells (y)
Remain as precursor cells (x), absorb fluid/keep spermatozoa ‘in check’ (y)
Epididymal principle cells secrete (x) which likely inhibits (y)
Glycerophosphocholine (x), capacitation (y)
T/F: The ejaculatory duct lacks a muscular wall
Seminal vesicles possess (x) epithelium which has both (y) and (z) cells
Pseudostratified columnar (x), low columnar (y), cuboidal (z)
The secretory product of seminal vesicles is a yellow, (x) fluid that is rich in (y) and consists of about (z)% of human ejaculate
Viscous (x), fructose (y), 70% (z)
When induced by (x), the prostate release a whitish, thin fluid containing (y), citric acid, lipids and (z)
DHT (x), proteolytic enzymes (y), acid phosphatase (z)
The portion of the skin that covers the glans penis (an extension of the (x)), is termed (y) and is lined by (z) epithelium
Corpus spongiosum (x), prepuce (y), SSNK (z)
Which arteries are utilized during the male erection?
Helicine arteries
Which organelles are prominent in Leydig cells?
Mitochondria, Golgi, SER
Once stimulated by (x), which arises from the (y), Leydig cells produce (z)
LH (x), anterior pituitary (y), testosterone (z)
Spermatozoa are produced in (x) which are lined by what type of epithelium?
Seminiferous tubules (x), complex, stratified epithelium
LH acts on (x) cells, while FSH produces its effects on (y) cells
Leydig cells (x), Sertoli cells (y)
Which cells in spermatogenesis are considered stem cells?
Pale type A spermatogonia (dark type A act as reserve)
Cell divisions: Type B spermatogonia undergo (x), primary spermatocytes undergo (y) to become secondary spermatocytes which under complete the (z) to become spermatids
Mitosis (x), Meiosis I (y), second meiotic division (z)
Sperm daughter cells remain connected to each other during development, forming a (x)
What are the four phases of spermiogenesis?
Golgi, cap, acrosome, maturation
(x) enzymes facilitate the dissociation of the cells of the (y) and digestion of the (z)
Acrosomal (x), corona radiata (y), zona pellucida (z)
(x) cells of ductuli efferentes possess (y) and function to (z)
Cuboidal (x), microvilli and lysosomes (y), concentrate semen/reabsorp fluid (z)
(x) cells of ductuli efferentes possess (y) and function to (z)
Columnar (x), cilia (y), transport nonmotile spermatozoa toward the epididymis
The (x) is the dilated portion of the ductus deferens; its epithelium is (y) and greatly (z)
Ampulla (x), thickened (y), folded (z)
Both the lamina propria and adventita of the male seminal vesicles are made of what tissue?
Fibroelastic CT
(x) consist of glycoproteins, are sometimes observed in prostate gland lumens and increase in liklihood with (y)
Prostatic concretions (x), age (y)
The skin that covers the penis lacks (x), has few (y) and contains smooth muscle in the (z) layer
Hair follicles (x), sweat glands (y), hypodermis (z)
What pathology occurs when the testis fails to descend?
In prostatic carcinoma which enzyme concentrations may be elevated?
Acid phosphatase
The epithelium of seminiferous tubules is surrounded by what cells?
Myoid cells
Describe the shape/structure/extent of a Sertoli cell
Columnar, complex in shape, extend from basal lamina to lumen
Which organelles are prominent in Sertoli cells?
Mitochondria, Golgi, SER, lysosomes (some RER)
What term refers to division the spermatogonia to divide and provide a continuous supply of developing sperm?
What term describes two successive divisions of diploid chromosomal material resulting in haploid spermatids?
What term describes the cytodifferentiation and transformation of spermatids to form spermatozoa?
T/F: Sertoli cells do not secrete any fluids to aid in transporting spermatozoa to genital ducts
What is the function of inhibin?
Inhibit FSH secretion from the anterior pituitary
Approximately how long does spermatogenesis take to complete?
64 days
The first meiotic division in sperm takes place in (x) cells and can last up to (y) days
Primary spermatocytes (x), 22 days (y)
Leptotene, zygotene, pachytene and diplotene are all included in the (x) stage of meiosis I
The (x) phase of spermiogenesis is characterized by the formation of proacrosomal granules in the golgi complex
Golgi phase
The (x) phase of spermatogenesis is characterized by the expansion of the acrosomal vesicle over the nucleus, forming the acrosomal cap
Cap phase
(x) possess hydrolytic enzymes such as acid phosphatase, neuraminidase, hyaluronidase, protease and phosphatase
The (x) phase of spermatogensis is characterized by nuclear condensation/flattening, mitochondria aggregation and spermatid elongation
Acrosome phase
Which cytoskeletal element is thought to aid in spermatid elongation?
The (x) phase of spermatogenesis is characterized by excess cytoplasm being discarded and phagocytosed by Sertoli cells
Maturation phase
T/F: ABP can bind both testosterone and estrogen
Describe the epithelium of ductuli efferentes
Alternating clusters of nonciliated cuboidal and ciliated columnar cells, function to reabsorp fluid from semen
What term describes the process whereby sperm become capable of fertilizing an ovum?
Capacitation begins in the (x) and is not completed until (y)
Epididymis (x), sperm reach the oviduct (y)
Describe the epithelium of the vas deferens
Pseudostratified with stereocilia, three layers of smooth muscle
The seminal vesicle glands are extensively (x), even moreso than the (y)
Folded (x), gall bladder (y)
Seminal vesicle columnar cells have many (x) granules, contain a large golgi, many mitochondria and an abundant (y)
Yellow lipochrome pigment (x), RER (y)
Glands of the prostate are arranged into (x) concentric layers around the (y) and are surrounded by a (z) capsule possessing smooth muscle
Three (x), urethra (y), fibroelastic (z)
(x) epithelium lines prostate glandular tissue; which organelles are abundant in these cells?
Simple or pseudostratified colunar epithelium (x), RER, golgi, lysosomes, secretory granules
Paired (x) and the single (y) make up the main erectile components of the penis
Corpora cavernosua (x), corpus spongiosum (y)
The (x) are mucus secreting glands that are also present throughout the length of the penile urethra
Glands of Littre
When stained with H&E, what observations are made in Leydig cells?
Empty spaces where lipid-based molecules were stored
Which two general cells are present within seminiferous tubules?
Spermatogenic cells, Sertoli cells
T/F: Sertoli cells display large nucleoluses
Sertoli cells form occluding junctions with adjoining cells to form what structure?
Blood-testes barrier
T/F: Spermatogonia are haploid
Why are dark type A spermatogonia so termed?
Dark nuclei
T/F: Primary spermatocytes are diploid
T/F: Secondary spermatocytes are diploid
What events occur during spermiogenesis?
Acrosome, tail development, nuclear condensation, cytoplasm shedding
Centrioles migrate away from the nucleus, form the flagellar axoneme then return to the nucleus to form what part of a spermatozoa?
Tail piece
T/F: Estrogen, when bound to ABP, can inhibit spermatogenesis
(x) are short straight tubules which convey spermatozoa from the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis
Tubuli recti
T/F: Cells lining the rete testis are different than those lining the tubuli recti
This structure is surrounded by vessel rich CT, subdivided into a head/body/tail and is lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium
T/F: Epididymal principle cells possess stereocilia
List the accessory glands which serve to produce most of the seminal fluid
Seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands
The (x) ducts join the (y) just prior to entering the prostate gland
Seminal vesicle (x), vas deferens (y)
T/F: Deep to the lamina propria of seminal vesicles lie an inner circular and outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle
T/F: Only the gall bladder, but not the seminal vesicle, possessed pseudo lumens
The (x) surrounds the urethra as it exists the bladder and consists of 30-50 tubuloalveolar glands which empty their contents into (y)
Prostate (x), prostatic urethra (y)
Glands of the prostate are divided into what layers?
Central, transitional and peripheral
Secretion of the prostate gland is under the influence of what hormone?
The thick fibrous CT sheath covering the three erectile bodies of the penis is termed what?
Tunica albuginea
Which erectile body surrounds the spongy urethra?
Corpora spongiosum
T/F: The corpora spongiosum trabeculae contain more elastic fibers and only a few smooth muscle cells
During erotic stimulation, the (x) nervous system signals the shutting of (y) shunts resulting in blood engorged (z)
PSNS (x), arteriovenous (y), erectile tissue (z)