Respiratory measurements Flashcards
What is lung compliance?
Stretchiness of the lung - association between compliance and pressure
How does lung compliance vary within the lungs and at exhalation and inhalation?
The base of the lungs are more stretchy than the apex
Inhalation: increase in compliance
Exhalation: elastic recoil
What is high and low compliance associated with?
High compliance: low pressure, lung stretchier
Low compliance: high pressure, lung is stiffer
What do we need for efficient ventilation? (2)
High lung compliance
Low alveolar surface tension due to surfactant
What do tests for lung function need to include?
Mechanical condition of the lungs (pulmonary fibrosis)
Resistance of the airways (asthma)
Diffusion across the alveolar membrane (pulmonary fibrosis)
What piece of apparatus can be used for lung volume and what does it measure? (4)
Bell spirometer
- Tidal volume
- Inspiratory reserved volume
- Expiratory reserved volume
- Vital capacity
What are the 3 things a spirometer can’t measure?
Total lung capacity
Residual volume
Functional residual capacity
What is the definition of tidal volume?
Volume of air entering and leaving the lung with each normal breath
What is the definition of inspiratory reserved volume?
Extra volume of air inspired above the normal tidal volume with full force
What is the definition of expiratory reserved volume?
Extra volume of air expired by forceful expiration at the end of the normal tidal expiration
What is the definition of vital capacity?
Maximum amount of air expelled from the lungs after first filling the lungs to a maxim then expiring to a maximum (TV+IRV+ERV)
What is FEV1.0 and its relationship with FVC?
Volume expired in the first second
Ratio- FEV1.0 : FVC
What causes lung volume to decrease? (4)
How do we measure functional residual capacity and what is its equation?
Spirometer with helium dilation or nitrogen washout - closed system
V1 x (C1-C2)/C2 = V2 (FRC)
How does the nitrogen washout lung function test work? (4)
- Patient inspires 100% O2
- Expires into the spirometer system
- Procedure repeated until N2 in lungs is replaced with O2
- FRC calculated from exhaled N2 and estimated alveolar N2
What is a restrictive deficit? (4)
- Lung expansion is compromised - alterations in lung parenchyma, disease of the pleura or chest wall
- Lungs don’t full to capacity
- Pulmonary fibrosis and scoliosis
- FVC reduced, FEV1 normal FEV1/FVC increased/normal
What is an obstructive deficit? (4)
- Airways obstructed, narrowed, still fill capacity
- Resistance is increased on expiration
- Asthma, COPD
- FVC normal, FEV1 reduced. Low FEV1/FVC
What is the graphical effect of restrictive and obstructive deficits? (3)
- Normal: Standard curve
- Obstructive: more linear curve, reaches plateau slower
- Restrictive: small curve which tails straight, doesn’t reach plateau
What is a flow-volume loop?
Determines how much of the lung is filled and what air is left in the lungs
What is a peak flow meter?
Small device to blow into and gives a reading
How can gas transfer be measured? (3)
- patient inhales a single breath of diluted CO then holds breath for 10secs
- The diffusion capacity is calculated from the lung volume and the % of CO in the alveoli at the beginning and the end of the 10s hold
- Clinical relevance - fibrosis of the lungs where gas diffusion is compromised