Respiratory JC020: A Cyanotic, Dyspneic Elderly Man With Ankle Edema: Respiratory Failure, Cor Pulmonale Flashcards
- 70yo chronic smoker
- long history of cough, exertional dyspnea
- seen intermittently by GP
- prescribed inhaler medications once but did not continue to use
- admitted for ↑ dyspnea for 2 days with ↑ cough + purulent sputum
- bilateral leg swelling for 1 day
- Cyanotic
- Tachypneic
- Bilateral pitting ankle edema
- Inspiratory retraction of intercostal muscles + use of SCM muscle
- Hyperinflated chest with diffuse expiratory rhonchi
- SaO2 on supplemental O2 at 1L/min through nasal cannula: 94%
- Cardiomegaly
- ↑ Lung markers esp. lower zone
- No frank consolidation
- Hyperinflation of chest
- Right axis deviation
- Large right atrium, P Pulmonale
- RV hypertrophy
ABG (on supplemental O2):
- pH 7.1 (7.35-7.45) —> Respiratory acidosis
- pO2 6.5 (10-13) —> Hypoxaemia
- pCO2 8.1 (4.5-6) —> CO2 retention / Hypercapnia
- Base Excess +8 (+/- 2) —> Renal compensation
- HCO3 32 (24-28) —> Renal compensation
Clinical diagnosis:
- COPD: chronic bronchitis + pulmonary emphysema
- Acute exacerbation of COPD
- Acute on chronic type 2 respiratory failure (Inadequate alveolar ventilation): Respiratory acidosis + Hypoxaemia + Hypercapnia + Renal compensation (but inadequate)
- Cor pulmonale (RH failure)
- Precipitated by respiratory infection
Definition of Respiratory failure
Failure of lungs to meet metabolic demands of the body
- Tissue oxygenation
- CO2 homeostasis
Respiratory failure defined in terms of ***gas tension of blood leaving the lungs i.e. Arterial blood gases
Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema
- ***Destruction of alveoli (e.g. smoking) with loss of capillary bed + loss of elastic support of airways
- ***Inflammation of airway wall —> collapse of distal poorly supported airways
- **Glandular hyperplasia in airway epithelium with **excess secretion + mucus plugging
- ***↑ Airway smooth muscle contraction (esp. during acute exacerbation)
End result: Airflow obstruction
Critical narrowing occurs at terminal bronchial level (quite distally) (early closure of airway during expiration due to loss of radial traction / elasticity)
—> Air-trapping in already enlarged non-elastic alveolar sacs (distal to narrowed site)
Lung function test in COPD
- Obstructive airway disease pattern
- Only partial reversibility (with BD) (Asthma: very good reversibility)
Obstructive: ↓ FEV1/FVC ratio
Air trapping: ↑ RV (air trapping)
Hyperinflation: ↑ TLC
Destroyed capillary bed: ↓ DLCO
***Pathophysiology of Respiratory failure in COPD
**V/Q mismatch
- destruction of alveoli with **loss of capillary bed —> deranged Q
- airflow obstruction: ***non-uniform distribution of inspired air + air-trapping —> deranged V - ***Shunting (alveoli perfused but no ventilation to supply perfused area: V/Q = 0)
- pneumonia / CHF
1+2: Early stage manifestation: Contribute to ***Type 1 respiratory failure (齋gaseous exchange 有問題)
**Alveolar hypoventilation (esp. during acute exacerbation)
- **Respiratory muscle fatigue
—> ↑ work of breathing (∵ ↑ airway resistance + hyperinflation (stretch diaphragm, not in optimal tension)) (mechanical disadvantage)
—> inadequate supply of fuel to respiratory muscles (∵ hypoxaemia, poor nutrition, catabolism)
**Blunted central drive: severe hypoxaemia + hypercapnia (usually should stimulate breathing)
3: Late stage manifestation: Contribute to **Type 2 respiratory failure (連ventilation都有問題)
Arterial blood gases in COPD
Hypoxaemia +/- Hypercapnia
Acute on Chronic respiratory failure:
- **Respiratory acidosis (∵ CO2 retention) with **inadequate metabolic compensation
Oxygen saturation
OxyHb / (OxyHb + reduced Hb)
—> % of OxyHb
Oxygen saturation curve: Sigmoid shape —> flattened as pO2 ↑ —> takes a lot of O2 to further ↑ SaO2 —> ∴ usually takes 90% as target
Amount of O2 delivered to body / DO2 (ml/min)
CaO2 (O2 content of arterial blood) x CO
= (**O2 combined with Hb + **O2 dissolved in plasma) x CO
= [(O2 binding capacity of Hb x SaO2) + O2 dissolved in plasma)] x CO
= [(1.34 x Hb x SaO2) / 100 + (pO2 x 0.0027)] x CO
Cor pulmonale
RH hypertrophy due to respiratory disease
- Acute (e.g. massive PE) / Chronic (usually)
- ***Pulmonary hypertension
- RV hypertrophy
- RH failure
***Pathogenesis of Cor pulmonale
- Hypoxia
—> Polycythaemia + ↑ Pulmonary vascular resistance
—> Polycythaemia —> ↑ Pulmonary vascular resistance
—> Hypervolaemia
—> ↑ CO
—> ↑ Pulmonary vascular resistance + ↑ CO
—> Pulmonary hypertension
—> ↑ RV workload
—> Cor pulmonale
- Obliteration / Occlusion of blood vessels (in COPD, emphysematous lungs with enlarged air sacs, no intervening normal alveolar wall structure)
—> Pulmonary hypertension
—> ↑ RV workload
—> Cor pulmonale
Diagnosis of Cor pulmonale
- Clinical features of
- Pulmonary hypertension
- RH hypertrophy
- RH failure
(e. g. ***ECG features) - Underlying lung condition
- usually chronic e.g. COPD - RH failure manifest when acute exacerbation of chronic respiratory problem
- e.g. ankle edema
N.B. These patients are also prone to CHF (Left + Right HF)
- e.g. Left heart suffering from IHD
***Investigations of Cor pulmonale
- ***Hypoxaemia +/- Hypercapnia (Respiratory failure)
- ***CXR
- dilated pulmonary trunks at hila
- RV dilation -
- P pulmonale
- **right axis deviation
- RVH - Echocardiogram
- doppler for pulmonary hypertension, RV function (usually not done if clinical manifestations are straight forward)
***Management of Acute (on Chronic) Respiratory failure in COPD
記: CSIAN (Controlled O2, Systemic steroid, Inhaled BD, Antibiotics, NIV) + Diuretics
- Treat airflow obstruction in COPD
- **Inhaled BD (β-agonists, Anti-cholinergics)
- **Systemic steroids (in ***acute exacerbation of COPD, not for long term use in stable COPD) - Identify trigger of exacerbation and treat
- e.g. infection (***Antibiotics), pneumothorax - Supportive measures (for respiratory failure)
- **O2 supplement
- **Ventilatory support (Invasive / Non-invasive) - ***Diuretics
- treat HF - Identify other comorbidities which may complicate condition
- e.g. arrhythmia, IHD
***Chronic management of COPD
- Smoking cessation
- ***Treat airflow obstruction
- BD (prominent role)
- ICS (for airway inflammation, lesser role vs Bronchial asthma) - Pulmonary rehabilitation
- not improve lung function but maximise ADL - ***Influenza, Pneumococcal vaccines
- ***Long term home O2 (LTOT)
- for hypoxaemia (use esp. during sleep / exertion where further desaturation occurs) - Home nocturnal ventilation
- benefit “selected” patients
Pathophysiologic mechanisms of Respiratory failure in clinical context
- Normal ABG tension (breathing atmospheric air at sea level)
- Concept of A-a gradient (A: Alveolar, Inspired O2 tension; a: Arterial O2 tension)
- ***NOT all blood gas abnormalities are respiratory failure (e.g. Congenital cyanotic heart disease)
- ***NOT all respiratory failure are due to lung diseases (e.g. Narcotic overdose depress respiration)
Balance between Load upon and Strength of respiratory system
Determines progression / resolution of ACRF
- Resistive loads (bronchospasm, OSA)
- Lung elastic loads (alveolar edema, atelectasis)
- Chest wall elastic loads (pleural effusion, pneumothorax)
- Minute ventilation loads (sepsis, PE)
- Muscle weakness (electrolyte derangement)
- Impaired neuromuscular transmission (phrenic nerve injury, MG)
- Depressed drive (drug overdose, hypothyroidism)
***Mechanisms of respiratory failure
- V/Q imbalance
- Shunting
- Dead space
- Hypoventilation
- Diffusion impairment
- may have >=1 mechanism involved in an individual with several pathologies
- may have >=1 mechanism involved in 1 disease condition
- V/Q imbalance
Non-uniform Alveoli
—> **Non-uniform Ventilation (e.g. destroyed alveolar wall in COPD) + **Non-uniform Perfusion (e.g. destroyed capillary wall)
—> Poor oxygenation of blood
Affects both O2 uptake, CO2 elimination
—> but ↑ V/Q mismatch affects O2 uptake > CO2 elimination (∵ sigmoid O2 dissociation vs linear CO2 dissociation)
—> Hypoxaemia > CO2 retention
(↓ PaO2, ↑ PaCO2 —> ↑ V —> ↑ CO2 elimination —> ↓ PaCO2 —> ∴ PaCO2 tends to “normalise” / less elevated)
Characteristic abnormality in most conditions affecting lung parenchyma (gas exchange apparatus):
- ***Chronic bronchitis + Emphysema
- ***Asthma
- Pulmonary edema
- Shunting
Mixed venous blood passes through lung **without being oxygenated ∵ some alveoli are **not ventilated (collapsed, fluid-filled etc.)
- V/Q = 0
- extreme form of V/Q mismatch
Hypoxaemia with **Normal / Low pCO2 (∵ stimulation of ventilation by hypoxaemia)
- ↑ FiO2 (supplemental O2) ***not as effective
—> ∵ shunted blood does not come into contact with alveolar gas (O2 supplement)
Normal shunt: Unoxygenated blood in the bronchial, mediastinal, thebesian veins emptying directly into LV
Clinical conditions:
- ***Pulmonary edema
- ***ARDS
- ***Lung collapse / Pneumonia
- Dead space
Lung units that are ventilated but ***not perfused
“Effective” alveolar ventilation ↓
—> ↑ Minute ventilation (RR x TV) to compensate
—> If a cause of hypoxaemia is present e.g. Lung units with V/Q imbalance units
—> manifest as ***hypoxaemia
- Hypoventilation
Minute ventilation / Minute volume = TV x RR
- ↓ in Hypoventilation
Alveolar ventilation
- Volume effectively ***entering alveoli
- Effective gas exchange part of lungs
Insufficient fresh air breathed in
- cannot provide enough O2 to ↑ pulmonary capillary pO2 to normal levels
- cannot allow sufficient CO2 to leave blood stream
- Hypoxaemia + ***Hypercapnia
In clinical scenarios, ↑ pCO2 often reflect an element of hypoventilation
Clinical conditions:
“Normal lungs”
- Depressed CNS (e.g. drug overdose —> both TV, RR ↓)
- Neuromuscular / Skeleton deformity with restriction of chest wall movement (e.g. MG, kyphoscoliosis —> ↓ TV with ↑ RR initially until respiratory muscle fatigue)
—> Hypoventilation despite normal gas exchange
—> ***not sufficient by just giving supplemental O2
—> only allow pCO2 to ↑ (respiratory acidosis)
- Diffusion impairment
- Failure of pulmonary capillary blood to fully equilibrate with alveolar gas
- Rarely a cause of significant hypoxaemia because equilibration time takes only about 1/3 of time blood uses to pass through capillaries
- May contribute to **hypoxaemia in conditions with **very thick diffusion barrier e.g. interstitial lung disease / ***severe loss of diffusion surface e.g. Severe pulmonary emphysema
Clinical conditions:
- ***Interstitial lung disease
- Severe pulmonary ***emphysema
***Type 1 Respiratory failure
Predominant V/Q imbalance:
- ***COPD
- ***Acute asthma
- ***Interstitial lung disease - IPF
Predominantly Shunting:
- ***Pulmonary edema
- ***ARDS
- Major lung collapse
Type 2 Respiratory failure
***Hypoxaemia + Hypercapnia
Elevation of pCO2:
- cannot be detected by pulse oximetry, need high awareness
- **Early feature in respiratory failure due to diseases causing **Hypoventilation e.g. neuromuscular disease, narcotic overdose
- **Late feature in respiratory failure due to diseases with **V/Q imbalance e.g. severe COPD / acute exacerbations (severe V/Q imbalance + respiratory muscle fatigue)
Treat Hypercapnia:
- cannot just give O2 supplements
- ***need to support Ventilation