Haematology JC042: High White Cell Count: Acute And Chronic Leukaemia, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Immunogenetics Flashcards
Clinical approach for patients with high WBC
Look at:
1. ***Absolute WBC count
- mild / gross
- WBC ***Differential count
- manual count if in doubt - ***Other cell lines —> reflect BM function
- Hb
- Plt - Reactive / Underlying primary BM disease e.g. Leukaemia?
Leukaemia classification
- Acute myeloid leukaemia
- Chronic myeloid leukaemia
- Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
- Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Risk factors for Leukaemia (Davidson)
- Ionising radiation
- ***RT
- X-ray of fetus in pregnancy
- Atomic bomb - Cytotoxic drugs
- ***Chemothearpy (esp. Alkylating agents)
- Industrial exposure to Benzene - ***Genetic
- ***Immunodeficiency state (e.g. Hypogammaglobulinaemia)
- Retroviruses
Acute leukaemia
- neither is a single disease (>20 subtypes for AML, >10 subtypes for ALL —> B / T cell lineage)
—> differentiated by **Morphology, **IHC (e.g. MPO stain)
—> diagnosed by ***Flow cytometry (detecting Ag on blasts)
- Morphology: PB smear, BM aspiration, Trephine biopsy
- Cytochemistry: Staining (Myeloperoxidase, Sudan Black B)
- Immunophenotype: IHC, Flow cytometry
- Cytogenetics: Karyotype, FISH
- Molecular genetics: PCR
Clinical features of Acute leukaemia
Bone marrow failure
—> caused by **Maturation arrest
—> accumulation of leukaemic blasts
—> **Anaemia, **Thrombocytopenia, **WBC: High / Normal / Low
Extramedullary features:
1. Hepatomegaly
2. Splenomegaly
3. Lymphadenopathy
4. Extra-nodal site involvement: CNS, Testicular (both more common in ALL)
Workup for suspected Acute leukaemia
1. CBP + D/C
2. **PT / APTT (including D-dimer + Fibrinogen)
3. Biochemistry (RFT, Electrolytes, LDH, Urate) (impending **TLS)
4. BM examination + Cytogenetics +/- Gene panel
5. CXR (mediastinal mass)
1. ECG, Echocardiogram (***before anthracyclines)
2. Hepatitis serology, HIV, G6PD
3. Central venous catheter insertion (for chemotherapy infusion)
(4. Lung function
5. HLA typing for HSCT)
1. Supportive
2. Specific
Haematological emergencies in Acute leukaemia (must monitor):
1. **Neutropenic sepsis / Septic shock
- Septic workup + Empirical **broad spectrum bactericidal antibiotics (early)
- Resuscitation if needed (BP, vitals)
Tumour lysis syndrome (記: LDH, Urate, K, PO4)
—> monitor RFT, Electrolytes, LDH, Urate: ↑ LDH, ↑ Urate, ↑ K, ↑ PO4
—> may develop renal failure / arrhythmia rapidly
- **Hydration (IV fluid)
- Urate lowering agents (*Allopurinol, Febuxostat, Rasburicase) -
Leukostasis (CNS symptoms: altered mental status / ***Respiratory compromise)
- Urgent leukapheresis / chemotherapy for cytoreduction - RBC + Platelet transfusion
- Antifungal prophylaxis (for prolonged severe neutropenia)
- Proper nursing care
- reverse isolation, face mask, hand hygiene, low bacteria diet
- limit no. of visitors
Specific treatment: Chemotherapy of AML as an example
- Chemotherapy
- **Induction (1 session) —> **Daunorubicin + **Cytarabine
- **Consolidation (when in remission) (3 sessions) —> Cytarabine
Other therapy:
2. **Targeted therapy (e.g. Midostaurin for FLT3 ITD mutated cases)
3. **Ab-drug conjugate (ADC) (e.g. Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotarg): Anti-CD33)
4. ***Hypo-methylating agents + BCL2 inhibitor (Azacitidine, Decitabine, Venetoclax)
High risk (Adverse risk) diseases, classified by:
- Cytogenetics
- Gene mutation profile
- Relapsed after chemotherapy
—> ***Allogeneic HSCT
(ELN-2017 risk stratification:
- classify patients with AML into
1. Favourable
2. Intermediate
3. Adverse)
Treatment for Acute Promyelocytic leukaemia
Subtype of AML but not treated the same
Underlying gene abnormalities:
- **t(15;17)(q22;q21)
—> **PML-RARA (oncogenic fusion protein)
—> blocks RAR-mediated differentiation of Promyelocytes
—> accumulation of abnormal Promyelocytes
Clinical features:
1. **Pancytopenia
2. **Prominent Bleeding symptoms
3. ***DIC
Thrombin generation
—> Fibrin generation (Widespread IV coagulation) + **Secondary fibrinolysis
—> Consumption of clotting factors, natural anticoagulants, platelets (*結血, 溶血都無曬)
Lab results:
- Prolong PT + APTT + TT + ↓ Fibrinogen (∵ consumed)
- ↑ Fibrin degradation products (***D-dimer) from Secondary fibrinolysis
- ↓ Platelet (Thrombocytopenia)
1. Bleeding complications
- Supportive transfusion
- Fibrinogen replacement
**ATRA, **Arsenic trioxide
- binds PML-RARA —> degradation of PML-RARA
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)
formerly known as Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) (骨髓移植)
- Replace the diseased involved BM with a normal health BM
2 types of HSCT:
1. Autologous (ASCT)
- high dose chemotherapy + ***autologous stem cell rescue (patient’s own pre-collected stem cells to reconstitute BM)
- Allogeneic (Allo)
- stem cells from another individual
- ***Syngeneic: stem cells from identical twin (HLA-identical)
Rationale of ***Autologous transplantation
- Allow **high dose (supra-lethal) chemotherapy necessary for disease **eradication
- Autologous stem cells “rescue” patient from high dose therapy
1. Myeloma
2. Lymphoma
(X Leukaemia: ∵ already have BM involvement —> can only use Allogeneic HSCT)
Allogeneic BMT
- Self vs Non-self —> recognised via TCR + HLA-system (MHC molecules)
HLA system:
- encoded by MHC gene on chromosome 6 short arm
- HLA antigens expressed on cell surface —> involved in recognition of self (tolerate) vs non-self (eliminate)
—> **Class 1 MHC (A, B, C): All nucleated cells
—> **Class 2 MHC (DP, DQ, DR): Immune cells
- ***Co-dominant expression of maternal + paternal epitopes (alleles) of ALL leukocytes
—> siblings: 25% identical HLA, 50% haploidentical, 25% incompatible
HLA matching:
- crucial in HSCT to avoid graft rejection / graft versus host disease (GVHD)
***Full HLA matching:
- 6/6: A, B, DR-B1 (in siblings transplant)
- 8/8: A, B, C, DR-B1 (in unrelated transplant)
- 10/10: A, B, C, DR-B1, DQ-B1 (in unrelated transplant)
Haplo-identical donor transplantation:
- broaden donor pool
- father, mother (must be), 50% siblings
ABO incompatibility in HSCT
***ABO incompatibility is NOT excluded in HSCT (vs solid organ transplant)
Major ABO incompatibility:
- recipients having pre-formed Ab against donor RBC Ag
- HSCT: ***RBC removed from donor graft
Minor ABO incompatibility:
- donors having pre-formed Ab against recipient RBC Ag
- HSCT: ***plasma (containing donor Ab) removed from donor graft
Indications for HSCT
- ***Acute leukaemia (most common, AML + ALL: >60%) (high risk at first remission / at relapse)
- ***MDS (high risk)
- ***CML (T315I mutation (resistant to most TKI), accelerated phase / blastic crisis)
- ***Transformed MPN (leukaemic transformation, fibrotic phase of MPN)
- Aplastic anaemia
- Lymphoma (mainly Autologous HSCT)
- Myeloma (mainly Autologous HSCT)
Paediatric indication for HSCT (Immunodeficiency / Haemoglobinopathy):
1. **Thalassaemia major
2. **Sickle cell anaemia
3. Fanconi anaemia
4. Blackfan-Diamond
5. **SCID
6. **Wiskott-Aldrich
7. ***Inborn errors of metabolism
8. Other solid tumours
9. Neuroblastoma
10. Ewing sarcoma
Different types of Allo-HSCT donors, Different types of HSC donor grafts
- HLA matched family donors
- HLA matched unrelated donors
- HLA mismatched family donors (i.e. Haploidentical)
3 main types of grafts:
1. BM
2. **PBSC (peripheral blood stem cell) (*main type ∵ ease + ↓ morbidity for donor)
3. Cord blood cells (seldom used in adults due to dosage problems)
How to get HSC grafts from donor?
Both are referred to HSCT
1. BM
- directly get cells from BM (i.e. BMT)
- medications to mobilise stem cells in BM into circulation —> collect using apheresis machine (i.e. PBSCT)
- HSC mobilisation by growth factors (G-CSF)
—> promote myeloid cell proliferation + cut off adhesion ties between stem cells and BM stroma
Comparing BM vs PBSC source for HSCT:
- ***single collection already have enough cells
- no need for growth factor injection
- no need for double lumen catheter for collection (apheresis)
- **require GA, performed in OT
- **higher rates of morbidity in donors (e.g. wound pain, infection (rare))
- ***slower count recovery in recipients
- **not require GA, can be performed out-patient
- **lower rates of morbidity in donors
- ***faster count recovery in recipients
- collection may take **several days
- donor may require **double lumen catheter for collection
- citrate toxicity risk (anti-coagulant during apheresis)