ENT JC086: Upper Airway Obstruction And Tracheostomy Flashcards
Upper airway obstruction in Neonate / Infant
1. **Laryngomalacia
2. **Vocal cord palsy
3. **Subglottic stenosis
4. Congenital tumour, cyst
5. **Subglottic haemangioma
6. Vascular + Lymphatic malformation
7. Tracheal anomaly
8. **Craniofacial abnormalities (syndromal causes)
9. **Choanal atresia
Clinical presentation:
1. **Stridor
2. Stertor (i.e. Snoring)
3. **Choking
4. Frequent aspiration
5. Voice change: Hoarseness, **Weak cry, No cry
6. Respiratory distress: ↑ RR, **Insucking (suprasternal, intercostal, subcostal region), Accessory muscles, ↓ Air entry
- Important sign for ***upper airway obstruction
- High-pitched, harsh sound
- ∵ Turbulent airflow through partially obstructed airway —> noisy breathing
- Inspiratory: Supraglottic, Vocal cord
- Expiratory: Trachea, Bronchi
- Biphasic (Inspiratory + Expiratory): Subglottis, Trachea
History taking of paediatric airway obstruction
Unstable patients: Immediate resuscitation + Intubation
Stable: History taking
History taking:
1. Perinatal history
2. Birth history
3. **Age of onset
4. Aggravating factors (e.g. worse during feeding)
5. Voice, Cry
6. **Choking on feeding
7. History of intubation (post-intubation traumatic subglottic stenosis)
P/E of paediatric airway obstruction
- Quality of stridor
- RR
- Signs of respiratory distress
- **Intercostal, Suprasternal, Subcostal insucking
- **Nasal flaring - Agitation
- Fatigue
- ↓ Consciousness (late sign)
- Fever
- ***Cyanosis (or cyanotic spell)
- Position of child (e.g. acute epiglottitis, retropharyngeal abscess)
- ***Craniofacial anomaly
- Neck swelling
- Cutaneous haemangioma
- Auscultation
Investigations of paediatric airway obstruction
- ***AP + Lateral neck X-ray
- Endoscopy
- **Flexible laryngoscopy (NA/LA)
- **Rigid laryngoscopy (GA)
- Ventilating bronchoscopy (GA)
- Microlaryngoscopy + CO2 laser - CT virtual bronchoscopy
- MRI / MR angiography (look at great vessels in mediastinum)
Flexible laryngoscopy vs Rigid laryngoscopy vs Ventilating bronchoscopy
Flexible laryngoscopy:
- ***Dynamic assessment of larynx
—> Vocal cord mobility, Coordination of larynx, Laryngomalacia (cause prolapse of supraglottis)
- done awake / under LA
Rigid laryngoscopy / Laryngotracheobronchoscopy (LTB):
- More detailed examination of larynx, vocal cord, ***trachea
- done under GA
- for more severe stridor
—> severe stridor
—> biphasic stridor
—> desaturation / cyanotic spell
—> failed extraction for 3 times
—> frequent aspiration / choking
—> failure to thrive
—> XR suggestive of subglottic / tracheal obstruction
—> clinical suspicion e.g. previous intubation, cutaneous haemangioma
Ventilating bronchoscopy:
- for severe distress patient requiring anaesthetic agent during airway examination
- **bypass obstruction for difficult intubation
- **removal of foreign body in trachea
- Laryngomalacia
- 軟喉症
- Inward prolapse of arytenoids —> obstruction of larynx
- 70-80% Stridor in infant
- M:F = 2:1
- presents within first ***2 weeks of life
Clinical features:
- Inspiratory stridor
- **Normal cry
- **No cyanosis
- Worsen on supine position, improves in prone, sitting, hyperextension of neck
- Feeding difficulties (e.g. choking)
Natural course:
- **Self-limiting
- **Resolution by 12-18 months
- ***Failure to thrive
- Cor pulmonale
- Chest deformity
- ***CO2 Supraglottoplasty / Laser aryepiglottoplasty
- Vallecula and Laryngeal cyst
- Stridor in neonate
- Presented with respiratory distress
- GA for excision
- Subglottic stenosis
- Full term infant: Subglottic diameter <4 mm
- Preterm: Subglottic diameter <3.5 mm
- Membranous vs Cartilaginous
- **Congenital (abnormal cricoid ring) vs **Acquired (post-intubation)
Grading of Subglottic stenosis: **Laryngotracheobronchoscopy (i.e. Rigid bronchoscopy)
- Size the airway with ET tube (largest tube with air leak at 25 cmH2O)
- **Cotton-Myers classification:
—> Grade 1: <50% obstruction
—> Grade 2: 50-70%
—> Grade 3: 71-99%
—> Grade 4: 100%
1. **CO2 laser
2. Balloon dilatation
3. **Laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) (definitive: for abnormal cricoid ring)
- Bilateral vocal cord palsy
- Stridor shortly **after birth
- **Weak cry / no cry
- Choking
- Idiopathic
- Need to rule out ***CNS pathology e.g. Arnold-Chiari malformation (abnormal herniation of cerebellum)
- Post-cardiac, lung, thyroid surgery (Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage)
1. Treat underlying cause
2. Conservative
3. **Bilateral: 50% tracheostomy
4. **Congenital palsy majority recover at 2-5 yo
5. Definitive surgery after adolescence: Lateralisation / Arytenoidectomy
Unilateral vocal cord palsy
- Post-cardiac, Post-thyroid surgery
- Majority have good compensation by other cord
- **Speech therapy
- **Medialisation of vocal cord
- Injection laryngoplasty
- Subglottic haemangioma
- Mass (Haemangioma) below vocal cord
- Symptomatic by ***3 months
- Inspiratory (Supraglottic, Vocal cord) to Biphasic stridor (Subglottis, Trachea)
- ***Recurrent croup
- 50% cutaneous haemangioma
1. **Systemic steroid (to shrink haemangioma)
2. CO2 laser (for obstruction)
3. **Propranolol (to shrink haemangioma)
4. Tracheostomy (for circumferential haemangioma)
5. α2 interferon
- Laryngeal cleft
Congenital midline defect of posterior larynx, trachea, anterior wall of esophagus due to ***Incomplete formation of tracheoesophageal septum
- **Benjamin-Inglis classification:
- Type 1-4
- Endoscopic repair of laryngeal cleft
- Congenital disorder of trachea
- Tracheomalacia
- Vascular compression of trachea (by great vessels)
- Tracheal stenosis (e.g. post-intubation): Balloon dilatation vs Tracheoplasty
- Congenital head and neck tumours
E.g. Teratoma
- Lymphatic malformation
- ***Cystic hygroma
- 60% at birth
- 75% in head and neck region (others e.g. axilla)
- Surgical excision
- Injection ***OK432 (attenuated strain of Streptococcus pyogenes) —> shrink cystic hygroma
- Vascular anomaly
- Vascular ring (e.g. Double aortic arch)
- Aberrant subclavian artery
- Aberrant pulmonary artery
- Extrinsic compression of trachea
- Craniofacial abnormalities
- Pierre Robin syndrome
- Treacher Collin syndrome
- ***Apert syndrome
- Crouzon syndrome
1. **Hypoplastic mandible —> Mandibular distraction
2. **Hypoplastic maxilla
3. **Retrognathia (small receding chin)
4. **Choanal atresia
- 1:8000 live birth
- F:M = 2:1
- **Failure of breakdown of buccopharyngeal membrane —> obstruction at back of nasopharynx
- Unilateral:Bilateral = 3:2
- Bilateral: ENT emergency —> ∵ Neonates are **obligate nasal breather
- Treatment: Transnasal opening of atresia
Causes of Upper airway obstruction in Toddlers / OIder Children
1. **Croup
2. **Epiglottitis
3. Retropharyngeal abscess
1. Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (benign tumors (papilloma) form along the aerodigestive tract)
2. Obstructive sleep apnea
3. ***Foreign body ingestion
- Croup
aka Laryngotracheobronchitis
- **Subglottic
- 6 months - 3 yo (peak at 2 yo)
- Recurrent croup need to rule out underlying **subglottic stenosis
Causative agents:
1. **Parainfluenza virus
2. **Influenza virus type A
3. ***RSV
4. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Clinical features:
- Preceded by URTI
- Hoarseness
- ***Barking cough
- Biphasic stridor
- X-ray (***Steeple sign)
1. Close observation
2. 5-10% will need admission
3. **Systemic steroid
4. **Nebulised adrenaline
5. Intubation
- Acute epiglottitis
**ENT + Paediatric emergency
- **Supraglottic
- 2-6 yo (peak at 3-4 yo)
Causative agents:
1. ***Hib
2. β-haemolytic Streptococcus
3. Pneumococcus
4. Staphylococcus
Clinical features:
- Rapidly worsening sore throat
- High fever
- **Inspiratory stridor
- **Drooling
- ***Unable to speak / Muffled “hot potato” voice
- Tripod sign
- X-ray (***Thumb sign) (ONLY do x-ray when stable)
1. Keep calm
2. NO attempt for throat exam, blood taking, IV access
3. Diagnosis by **history
4. Bring patient to **OT
5. Inform senior paediatrician, ENT, anaesthetist
6. Gaseous induction followed by **intubation to secure airway
7. Blood culture + Set up IV line
8. **3rd gen Cephalosporin
Epiglottitis vs Croup
Acute epiglottitis (**Supraglottic):
- **Haemophilus influenzae type B
- 2-4 years
- toxic and unwell
- abrupt onset
- high fever
- minimal/absent cough
- **unable to speak
- **drooling saliva
Croup (**Subglottic):
- 3 month - 3 years
- well looking
- **viral prodrome
- moderate fever
- **barking cough
- hoarse voice
- ***able to swallow
- Retropharyngeal abscess
- Commonest deep neck infection in <4 yo
- caused by Infected retropharyngeal LN (∵ retropharyngeal LN disappear in adult —> parapharyngeal abscess)
Clinical features:
- **Mimic croup
- History of URTI
- Toxic, fever
- Head hyperextended, stiff neck
- **Inspiratory stridor
- Dysphagia, drooling
- X-ray (↑ Retropharyngeal space)
- Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP)
Mean age of presentation: 2 yo
Causative agents:
- **HPV 6, 11
- Mother infected with **genital warts —> transmitted during delivery
Clinical features:
- Papilloma can occur from **lips to **lungs
1. Laryngeal debrider
2. ***CO2 laser
- Foreign body
- common between 1-3 yo
Accurate history:
- Witness
- Choking episodes, coughing spells, aspiration
Clinical features:
- Variable S/S
- **Stridor + **Wheeze
- Auscultation: Unilateral ***decrease air entry, Wheezing
- CXR: **Hypoinflation of inspiration, **Hyperinflation on expiration (air-trapping) (but 25-50% normal CXR)
Causes of Upper airway obstruction in Adults
- Tumour
- Nasal cavity to Larynx
- Thyroid - Infection
- Peritonsilar abscess (Quinsy)
- Ludwig’s angina
- Submandibular abscess
- Parapharyngeal abscess - Bilateral vocal cord palsy
- Tumour
- Post-op - Trauma
- Foreign body
- Anaphylaxis
History taking of Upper airway obstruction in Adults
記: Nose, Pharynx, Throat
1. Nasal symptoms
2. Dyspnea
3. Dysphagia
4. Blood in saliva
5. Sore throat
6. Hoarseness
7. Neck swelling, pain
8. Smoking, drinking
9. Fever
P/E + Investigations of Upper airway obstruction in Adults
1. Vital signs
2. Fever
3. Head and Neck exam
4. Oral cavity
5. Thyroid
6. Neck LN
1. X-ray neck
2. CXR
3. **Urgent CT neck with contrast (if suspect deep neck infection)
4. **Laryngoscopy (look for airways obstruction + vocal cord movement)
Peritonsillar abscess
- Quinsy
- Collection of pus between **tonsillar capsule + **superior constrictor
- usually unilateral
Clinical features:
- **Sore throat
- **Trismus
- Dysphagia
- Odynophagia
- Airway obstruction
- ***Peritonsillar swelling
- Deviation of uvula to other side
1. Incision + Drainage
2. Antibiotics
Ludwig’s angina
Infection of Floor of mouth, Submental, Submandibular space
Clinical features:
- Septic
- **“Hot-potato” voice
- Dysphagia
- Tender swelling at Submental area
- **Superior, posterior displacement of tongue (Board-like swelling)
- ***Trismus
- Airway obstruction
Parapharyngeal abscess
Deep neck infection
Clinical features:
- Neck swelling
- Airway obstruction
- Stridor
- Tonsillitis
- ***Dental origin
1. ***Transcervical drainage
2. Tracheostomy if severe obstruction
Acute epiglottitis in Adults
Clinical features:
- Sore throat
- Rapid onset
- Dysphagia
- Painful over central neck
1. Close airway monitoring
2. IV **Augmentin / Cefotaxime (3rd gen)
3. +/- **Intubation / Tracheostomy
- CA layrnx
- CA supraglottis
- CA glottis
- CA subglottis - CA hypopharynx
- CA thyroid
Laryngeal trauma
Blunt trauma causing fracture of thyroid cartilage + swollen larynx
1. Immediate secure of airway
2. Tracheostomy
Bilateral vocal cord palsy
Clinical features:
- Inspiratory stridor
1. Tumour
2. CVA
3. Iatrogenic (e.g. Thyroidectomy)
- Emergency tracheostomy
1. **Upper airway obstruction (e.g. failed intubation)
2. **Assisted ventilation (e.g. respiratory failure)
3. Prolonged intubation
4. ***Bronchial toilet (e.g. to clear sputum from severe pneumonia)
- GA / LA if failed intubation
- Dissection down to trachea
- Incision between ***2nd / 3rd tracheal ring
- Insertion of tracheostomy tube
1. Bleeding
2. Misplaced tube, false tract
3. ***Surgical emphysema (gas within SC / neck region)
4. Pneumothorax
5. Obstructed tube
6. Dislodged tube
1. **Granuloma
- skin / suprastomal (inside trachea)
2. **Stenosis
- subglottis / suprastomal / stomal / cuff / tip
3. ***Tracheo-innominate fistula
4. Tracheoesophageal fistula
5. Suprastomal (airway) collapse (∵ destroyed cartilage)
6. Chest infection
Prevention of complications:
1. CXR (to rule out pneumothorax)
2. Check tube tip position, 1-2 cm above carina for infants (∵ short trachea, check whether tip is impinging on carina)
Care of Tracheostomy
- Immediate post-op: CXR
- Emergency preparation (e.g. dislodged tube) - secure tapes
- Frequency suction to prevent blockage
- Cleaning of tube with daily dressing
- Position of tube
- Change of tube (first change 5-7 days)
- Feeding
- Speech
- Home care
- long-term plan
- tubes
- equipment
Tracheostomy tube selection
Different models and sizes
- Appropriate size for age (paediatrics) + body build (adult size 7-8 portex)
- Paediatric: Shiley, Tracoe, Portex - Plastic vs Metal (old, seldom used)
- Cuffed tube (for those on ventilators, prevent air leak) vs Non-cuffed (mainly for children)
- Short term use, need regular change of tubes every week - Non-fenestrated vs Fenestrated (for speech)
- Fenestrated: promote translaryngeal airflow, help phonation, risk of granuloma formation around fenestrated area - Long-term tube
- with outer + inner tube (only need to clean inner tube which is easily pulled out) - Speaking valve
- one-way valve allows free air flow into lungs
- valves closed on exhalation
- directing expired air up larynx + out through mouth and nose
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS)
Neonates / Children:
- Adenotonsillar hypertrophy
- ***Nocturnal SaO2 monitoring (screening for young children, uncooperative for PSG)
—> Positive oximetry (i.e. at risk of OSA):
—> >=3 desaturation clusters (desaturation equal to ↓ in SaO2 >=4%, 1 cluster equal to >=5 desaturation episodes in 10-30 mins)
—> >=3 SaO2 <90%
- Tonsillectomy / Adenoidectomy
Night time:
- Snoring
- Witnessed apnea
- Restlessness
- Unusual position: prone, sitting, extended neck
- Laboured breathing
- Excessive sweating
- Secondary nocturnal enuresis
- Parasomnias (sleep walking)
- Irritability, behavioural problem: social withdrawal, hyperactivity, aggressiveness
- Poor concentration / attention
- Failure to thrive
- Upper airway obstruction / Mouth breathing
- Morning headache
- Obesity
- Snoring
- Daytime sleepiness
- Hypertension
- HT, DM, Stroke risk ↑
- ***Polysomnography (gold standard: AHI >5 in adults, >1 in children)
- Sleep endoscopy
- Multilevel obstruction
- Epworth sleepiness scale
- Weight reduction
- Optimise nasal condition
- ***CPAP (gold standard)
- UPPP (Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty), Palatal surgery
- Genioglossus advancement
- Radiofrequency palatoplasty + turbinectomy