Endocrine JC035: I Am Overweight, Doctor: Obesity, Hyperlipidaemia Flashcards
- Multifactorial chronic disorder characterised by an excess of adipose tissue
- Prevalence increasing worldwide
- 2014: slightly more obese men in China (43 million) than USA (41 million)
- China: moved from 60th place (41th place for women) in 1975 to 2nd rank in 2014 for men with severe obesity
- Similar trend for women (46 million)
- HK men mean BMI: 24.3
- HK women mean BMI: 24.0
Measurements to quantify obesity
- Weight
- does not provide any indication of distribution of fat
- adipose tissue in **truncal distribution around + in **abdomen has a particularly strong relationship with adverse metabolic and vascular effects of obesity - WHR
- Men >=0.9, Women >=0.85
- assess distribution of fat (central obesity (SpC FM)) - Waist circumference (WC)
- assess distribution of fat
- increasingly used as measure of central obesity
- ethnic differences recognised
—> Chinese: Men >=90 cm, Women >=80 cm
—> Caucasians: Men >=94 cm, Women >=80 cm - ***Skin-fold thickness
- Estimates of total body fat (by ***bioimpedence, cytometry)
WHO expert consultation 2004
- Caucasian-based BMI cut off values are not directly applicable to other ethic groups
- BMI of Asian populations:
—> <18.5: Underweight
—> **18.5-23: Normal, Acceptable risk
—> **23-27.5: Increased risk (of developing comorbidities associated with obesity)
—> >27.5: High risk
(23-25: Overweight
25-30: Obese class 1
>=30: Obese class 2)
18.5-25: Normal
25-30: Overweight
30-35: Obese class 1
35-40: Obese class 2
>=40: Obese class 3
HK population health survey 2014/15
15-84 yo BMI:
- 30% obese, 20% overweight
- BMI: 36% obese, 21% overweight
- WC: 28% central obesity
- BMI: 24% obese, 19% overweight
- WC: 37% central obesity
Analysed by household income:
- % of people overweight / obese ↓ with ↑ household income (∵ more health conscious)
Prevalence of central obesity generally ↑ with age
Etiology of obesity
- Multiple influences: **Genetic + **Environmental + ***Behavioural
- Mismatch between energy intake vs expenditure
- Only very few cases of obesity solely due to single-gene defect (i.e. Monogenic cause of obesity very rare)
- Genetic influences: generally ***Polygenic
- Adoption studies, Complex segregation analysis: Heritability ~33%
- Environmental factors
- food intake, content of fat in diet
- sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise
- inverse relationship between socio-economic status and prevalence of obesity
Health costs of obesity
- Associated with many co-morbid conditions
- Risk of morbidity + mortality ↑ with ↑ body weight
—> e.g. risk of CHD doubled if BMI >25 and 4x if BMI >=29
—> DM, HT - As weight reduction can alleviate obesity-associated co-morbidities
—> Goal of obesity treatment should be ***Reduction of co-morbidity rather than for cosmetic reasons
Diseases and Morbidity attributable to obesity
- HT
- Stroke - Metabolic
- Type 2 DM
- Dyslipidaemia
- Insulin resistance
- ***PCOS - ***GI
- Hiatus hernia
- Gallstones
- Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis - Respiratory
- Breathlessness
- ***OSA
- Hypoventilation syndrome (Pickwickian syndrome) - Neurological
- Nerve entrapment
- Sciatica - Breast
- Breast cancer
- Gynaecomastia - ***Genitourinary
- Stress incontinence
- Reduced fertility (PCOS)
- Pregnancy complications - O/T
- OA of weight-bearing joints - Psychological
- Poor self-esteem
- Depression
Conditions associated with obesity
- Hypothyroidism
- Cushing’s syndrome
- Hypothalamic tumours
- GH deficiency (associated with ↑ in abdominal, visceral fat)
- Hypogonadism in male (associated with ↑ in abdominal, visceral fat)
Common medications causing weight gain
- ***Antidepressants
- TCAs (Nortriptyline, Amitriptyline, Doxepin)
- Paroxetine, Citalopram, Escitalopram, Imipramine, Mirtazapine - ***Antipsychotics
- Thioridazine, Olanzapine, Risperidone, Clozapine, Quetiapine - DM medications
- Insulin
- ***Sulfonylurea, Meglitinide, TZD - ***Glucocorticoids
- Prednisone - Anticonvulsants
- Valproate, Carbamazepine
Control of body weight, energy homeostasis
Peripheral signals from Adipose tissue, GI tract, Pancreas
1. Adipose tissue: **Leptin
2. GI tract: **Ghrelin, GLP-1, OXM, PYY, CCK
3. Pancreas: ***Insulin
—> via Blood (Leptin, Insulin, Ghrelin), Vagus nerve
—> CNS (Brain systems) receive + integrate peripheral + other CNS signals
—> regulate appetite
—> regulate body weight, maintain energy homeostasis
Leptin, Insulin, Ghrelin:
- integrated directly into ***Hypothalamus
- centre for regulation of energy balance
- integrates neural, hormonal, nutrient messages from the body —> send signals to higher centres —> feeling of hunger / satiety
- control energy expenditure via **ANS + **Pituitary hormones
- large number of hypothalamic neurotransmitter affect both food intake + thermogenesis
Neurotransmitter (X hormone) affecting energy balance
X rmb
↑ food intake:
- Neuropeptide Y
- Melanin-concentrating hormone
- Galanin
- Orexin A + B
- Opioids
- GH-releasing hormone
↓ food intake:
- **Serotonin / 5HT —> now used as therapy
- **Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) —> now used as therapy
- Dopamine
- Cholecystokinin (CCK)
- Corticotrophin-releasing factor
- Neurotensin
- Bombesin
- Peptide **hormone (x neurotransmitter) synthesised by **adipocyte
- act in Hypothalamus to ***suppress food intake + ↑ energy expenditure
- mutation in Leptin gene —> ob/ob mice (obese)
- mutation in Leptin receptor gene —> db/db mice (obese), fa/fa rat
- mutation in Leptin / Leptin receptor as a cause of obesity are ***extremely rare in humans
- Leptin level ↑ in parallel with fat mass
- Leptin serum concentration ↑ in obese subjects
—> Human obesity is not a state of Leptin deficiency / Extreme Leptin insensitivity
—> Partial resistance to Leptin?
A new perspective on Adipose tissue
- Adipose tissue is not inert tissue
- A major endocrine + secretory organ
- Release a wide range of protein factors + signals —> ***Adipokines (in addition to fatty acids / other lipid moieties) —> Regulate appetite + energy homeostasis
- Adiponectin
- TNFα
- IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10
- Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 etc.
Why is sustained weight loss difficult?
- Long-term signals energy stores + Short-term fluctuations in food intake —> released from Adipose tissue + Gut endocrine system to CNS
—> integrated in Hypothalamus + Brainstem
—> CNS release neuropeptide
—> changes in appetite, behaviour, energy expenditure to maintain a stable weight - Physiological adaptations
—> ↑ in appetite-stimulating hormones (e.g. **Ghrelin) + ↓ in appetite-suppressing hormones
—> **defend against weight loss / negative energy balance
Management of obesity
1. Weight reduction
2. Maintenance of weight loss
3. Modification of concurrent risk factors for mortality and morbidity e.g. smoking, DM, HT, HL
4. Be realistic —> treatment directed towards health rather than cosmetic goals (1-2 lb per week (web, SpC FM))
5. Weight loss of ***5-10% of total body weight already associated with health benefit
Suggested CVS benefits of 10kg weight loss
- > 20% ↓ in total mortality
- ↓ 10 mmHg of SBP
- ↓ 20 mmHg of DBP
- ↓ 50% in fasting glucose in DM
- ↓ 10% in total cholesterol
—> ↓ 15% LDL
—> ↓ 30% TG
—> ↑ 8% HDL
Strategies for weight reduction
- Lifestyle modification
- diet
- exercise - Drug therapy
- BMI **>30
- BMI **27-29 if have comorbidities - Surgery
- BMI **>=40
- BMI **>=35 if have comorbidities
Diet therapy
- Cornerstone of any treatment programme for obesity
- Low Calorie Diet (LCD): ***>=800 kcal/day, typically 800-1500
- Very LCD: <800 kcal/day
- Weight loss of around **0.5 kg/week is optimal —> **600 kcal/day deficit —> faster rate of weight loss lose not only fat but also lean body mass
- Very LCD leads to faster rate in weight reduction in first 2-3 months but ***NOT superiorly in maintenance weight loss after 1 year —> ONLY used under medical supervision
- Long-term weight loss in most trials (FU 2-7 years) show weight loss ***2-6 kg
- Effective in promoting significant weight loss (max 4-7%)
- ***Low carb diets: somewhat more effective in short terms (3-6 months)
- ***All diets appear equivalent over long term (>=1 year)
Physical activity
- Dietary modification + Adequate physical activity —> repeatedly shown to be important for initial weight loss + long-term weight maintenance
- Gradual ↑ physical activity until energy expenditure of ***1000-1500 kcal/week
Benefits of Lifestyle modifications:
e.g. DM
- significant weight loss (compared with medication)
- ↓ type 2 DM incidence by 58% (compared to Metformin 31%)
Problem with Lifestyle modification
Difficult to maintain long-term compliance
- **Behavioural treatment
- **Relapse-prevention treatment
- Problem-solving therapy
- **Social support
- Telephone contact
- **Structured meal + meal replacement
- ***Home-based exercise
Drug treatment
- Only appropriate in individuals who are at **medical risk from their level of obesity + have **not responded to more traditional / conservative treatment
- Consider in:
—> BMI **>30
—> BMI **27-29 if have comorbidities - Treatment should be discontinued if patient does not get medical benefit
1. **GI lipase inhibitor (Orlistat)
2. **Phentermine / Topiramate (Qsymia)
3. **Bupropion / Naltrexone (Contrave)
4. **Liraglutide (Saxenda)
5. Rimonabant (endocannabinoid receptor antagonist, withdrawn)
6. Sibutramine (serotonergic agent, withdrawn)
7. Lorcaserin (selective serotonin 2C receptor agonist, withdrawn)
- Currently available agents have limited efficacy
- complex + redundant physiological pathways that defend body against negative energy balance —> make it impossible to treat human obesity effectively with any single pharmacological approach
Comparative efficacy of weight loss medications
- average 5-7% weight reduction
- Phentermine/Topiramate > Liraglutide ~ Bupropion/Naltrexone > Orlistat
- ***none available in HA, all self-financed items
- Inhibit GI lipase —> ↓ absorption of dietary fat —> promote weight loss
- ↓ dietary fat by 30% with a dose of 120mg TDS —> ↓ weight by ~3kg
- ↓ progression to DM
- systemic absorption negligible
- potential for systemic adverse effects is small
- GI upset
- ***Steatorrhoea
- Faecal urgency
- Oily spotting
- ↓ Absorption of fat soluble vitamins
Phentermine / Topiramate (Qsymia)
- **Anorexigenic agent
- act via **enhancement of NE release + possibly via ***blockade of NE reuptake as well
- ***Neurostabiliser for treatment of seizure disorder + migraine prophylaxis
- Exact MOA for weight loss unknown
- Amount of weight loss achieved with combination therapy > either agent alone
- **Teratogenicity
- Slight ↑ HR
- **Psychiatric + Cognitive adverse effects
- Metabolic acidosis
Bupropion / Naltrexone (Contrave)
- **Inhibitor of neuronal reuptake of Dopamine + NE
- antidepressant to treat **depression + ***smoking cessation
- **Opioid antagonist
- treat **alcohol + ***opioid dependence
- ↓ appetite + cravings for food
- N+V
- constipation
- headache
- dizziness
- insomnia
- dry mouth
- diarrhoea
- Mood changes
- Suicidal thoughts / actions
Liraglutide (Saxenda)
- GLP-1 agonist used in type 2 DM (1.8 mg / day)
- Higher dose formulation (3mg / day) developed specifically for treatment of obesity
- SC injection
1. ↑ Glucose-stimulated Insulin secretion + ↓ Glucagon secretion
2. Delays gastric emptying
3. ***↑ Satiety by central effects on hypothalamus
- mainly GI
Patients considered eligible for surgery if
- BMI >=40
- BMI >=35 with comorbidity (e.g. DM, respiratory insufficiency)
- ↓ size of reservoir / intake
- ↓ efficacy of absorption
Bariatric surgery:
1. ***Gastric restrictive surgery (↓ size of reservoir / intake)
- Adjustable gastric banding
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
- Vertical sleeve gastrectomy
- ***Jejunoileal bypass, Biliopancreatic bypass (↓ efficacy of absorption)
- Biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch
- Not commonly performed
- Malabsorption, diarrhoea, oxalate kidney stones, cirrhosis
- Gastric bypass (GB): more effective in weight loss but more complications
- Adjustable gastric banding (AGB): lower mortality + complication rates, but higher reoperation rate + less substantial weight loss than GB
- Sleeve gastrectomy: more effective in weight loss than AGB, ~ to GB
- 5% adverse intraoperative events
- late complications:
—> AGB: **band slippage, leakage, erosion
—> GB: **anastomotic strictures, marginal ulcers, bowel obstructions
—> All: Macro/Micronutrient deficiency e.g. Fe, Ca, Vit B12, Vit D
Efficacy of BMI change:
- Overall: significant weight reduction, reduce mortality on long-term FU
- Mean 20 years weight reduction: Roux-en-Y GB 25%, AGB 15%
- an effective mean to achieve lasting weight loss + improving metabolic disease + reducing CVS risk
- pre-op multidisciplinary assessment needed to select appropriate candidates
- choice of surgical modality should consider **individual goals + **existing comorbidities + ***experience of centre
- long-term FU + monitoring mandatory to support safe outcome
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
- Formation of small gastric pouch (proximal portion of gastric body)
- Roux-en-Y anastomosis to allow gastric, pancreatic, biliary, duodenal secretions to enter distal intestine
Vertical sleeve gastrectomy / Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
- Greater curvature of stomach excised by staples —> create a new 150ml banana-shaped gastric pouch
- Restrict amount of food that can be eaten ***without any bypass of intestines / problems of malabsorption
Laparoscopic Adjustable gastric banding
- Small inflatable belt placed around upper portions of stomach —> restrict amount of food consumed + provides a constant feeling of being “full”
- SC injection port —> inject fluid to adjust size of band
- Least invasive form of bariatric surgery
Bioenterics intragastric balloon
- Non-surgical procedure
- Placed inside stomach by endoscope —> act as a bezoar partially to fill stomach —> induce early satiety
- Non-permanent + Reversible —> remove after 6-9 months
- A kind of behaviour therapy (aim to change eating habit + dietary pattern)