Respiratory Disease Cattle Flashcards
What age is majority of resp disease seen in cattle?
WHat temperature indicates a problem in cows/calves?
> 39.5*
What is BRD?
Bovine respiratory disease = Calf pneumonia
What problems does BRD cause?
- painful
- expensive and time consuming to treat
- death
- poor growth rate
- welfare problem
Where do majority of pneumonias affect the lung?
Cranial lobes
What may affect immune status of a young calf?
- environment
- colostrum
ENvironmental factors that affect immunity
- housing
- ventilation
- stocking density
- mixing
- sharing air space with other age groups
- changes in weather
How may wet bedding affect resp?
Ammonia irritating to resp passages
What is the criteria for weaning a calf?
eating 1kg concentrates (per day? check) usually 55-60d
WHen are calves mixed after weaning?
Either immediately after (~ days) or a couple of weeks
What calf factors affect immunity?
- colostrum (6L within 12 hours, first 24 hours most important)
- mixing
- transport
- home bred or purchased
- nutrition
- standard of husbandry
What is CMR?
Calf milk replacer
WHat are the 2 forms of BRD?
- Chronic BRD
- Enzootic = Acute pneumonia
What is seen with enzootic pneumonia?
Groups of calves affected - reduced feed intake - dry/moist cough - ^ resp rate > listen for coughing and look at RR of calves before disturbing them (20-40/min calves, 10-30/min adults)
Individual examination findings - what is the most important parameter?
39.5* (temp most important, temp all calves)
- respiration >40/min
- auscultation both lungs and trachea
- ocular nasal discharge
- conjunctivitis
- gently pinch trachea
> full PE only few calves only
What are other terms for acute pneumonia?
Enzootic or viral
Pathogenesis of enzootic pneumonia?
- 1* pathogen (virus, mycoplasma) damages resp tract
- 2* athogen (bacteria) invades and causes more substantial damage
Does PI3 always cause disease?
Not necessarily, usually present in calf lungs
Does BRSV always cause disease? What is BRSV?
- bovine respiratory syncitial virus
- causes very nasty symptoms and death
Does IBRcause serious clinical signs? Where does this infect?
- Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (herpes virus 1)
- Infects URT
- v. severe pneumonia