Respiratory Conditions Flashcards
What conditions cause fibrosis of the upper lobe?
C - coal worker pnuemoconiosis
H - hypersensitivity pneumonitis
A - Ank Spond
R- Radiation
T - tuberculosis
S - sarcoidosis
Common causes of Respiratory Alkalosis
- hyperventiliation
- PE
- Salicylate overdose
- Stroke, subarachnoid, encephalitis
Moderate Asthma attack criteria
PEFR 50-75% best or predicted
Speech normal
RR < 25 / min
Pulse < 110 bpm
Severe Asthma attack criteria
PEFR 33 - 50% best or predicted
Can’t complete sentences
RR > 25/min
Pulse > 110 bpm
Life- threatening asthma attack criteria
PEFR < 33% best or predicted
Oxygen sats < 92%
‘Normal’ pC02 (4.6-6.0 kPa)
Silent chest, cyanosis or feeble respiratory effort
Bradycardia, dysrhythmia or hypotension
Exhaustion, confusion or coma
What is the criteria for high risk pneumothorax?
- bilateral pneumothorax
- hemodynamically unstable (tension)
- severe hypoxia
- haemothorax
- > = 50 yo and smoker
- underlying lung disease
What two things do you need to assess when a patient presents with pneumothroax?
- symptomatic or not
- high risk or not
What is conservative management of pneumothorax?
primary - outpatient follow up every 2-3 days
secondary - monitor inpatient
What are the paraneoplastic features of small cell lung cancer?
Ectopic Cushing syndrome
Lambert- eaton syndrome
What is lambert eaton syndrome?
antibodies against the calcium channels in the presynaptic membrane
causes less acetylcholine
How does Lambert - Eaton syndrome present?
weakness that getters better with movement
What are the paraneoplastic features of squamous cell lung cancer?
PTHrP ( hypercalcaemia)
ectopic TSH
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
What are the paraneoplastic features of adenocarcinoma?
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
Causes of upper zone lung fibrosis
Coal workers pneumoconiosis
Hypersensitive pneumonitis
Ank spond
Silicosis/ sarcoidosis
Causes of lower zone lung fibrosis
Connective tissue disorders
Whats the investigation of choice for a PE + renal impairment?
V/Q scan as the contrast on CTPA is nephrotoxic
What is first line treatment for Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in CF?
oral glucocorticosteroids
What is second line treatment for Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in CF?
What are the clinical features of Allergic Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis?
What are the investigations for Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis?
flitting CXR changes
positive radioallergosorbent (RAST) test to Aspergillus
positive IgG precipitins (not as positive as in aspergilloma)
raised IgE
What type of bacteria causes cavitating lesions in the upper zones?
mainlys in diabetics and alcoholics