Respiratory Flashcards
pulm vascular resistance
the force the right ventricle must overcome to maintain pulm flow
measure of right vent aterload
normal 120-150 dynes
preop for diaphragmatic hernia
avoid bag mask vent gastric decompresion semi folwers position intubation and persmissive hypercapnea pos nitric
conditions that increase PVR
hypoxemia, acidosis, hypothermia, hypoglycemia
helps maintain FRC
prevents pulm edema
consists of protein so plays role in defense
reduced by hypoxia and acidosis
oral airways are measured by
corner of the mouth to theangle of the jaw
they should extend from the lips to the pharanynx
they should only be used when no gag is present
epiglotis is children
longer and more floppy
extends over layrnx 45 degree angle
more anterior making intubation harder
narrowest part of infants airway is
carotid ring
which blades are preffered in young children
straight blades to pick up floppy epiglotis
what blades are preffered in older children
curved blades
s/s of pneumothorax
hypoxia, tachycardia, hypotension and increased PIP on the vent–chest tube nee to be placed
Residual volume
volume remaining in lungs after forced expiration
Total lung capacity
volume of gas in lungs at maximum inspiration
vital capacity
maximum volume expired with expiration
Functional residual capacity
volume remaining after normal expiration
Symptoms of ARDS
mediators are released that increase capillary permability
increase in PVR
pulm htn is worsened
blood is shunted away from non ventilated areas