Respiratory 3 Flashcards
Why does gas exchange occur?
- exchange of gases between alveoli, blood, and tissues occurs due to differences in the partial pressures of gasses
- atmospheric pressure (barometric pressure)= 760mmHg at sea level
What is Dalton’s law of partial pressures?
- in a mixture of gasses, each gas will contribute to the total pressure of the system in direct proportion to its percentage in the mixed gas
- [percentage] x [%gas]= partial pressure of gas (Pgas)
- direction of diffusion is determined by partial pressure of the gas (gas moves from high to low pressure)
- ex: atomospheric 160mmHg, alveolar 105mmHg, arterial blood 100mmHg, tissue 40mmHg so that gas will move from atmosphere to the tissues

Describe the partial pressure gradients as air enters the alveoli, and as air goes back into the atmosphere
- as atmospheric air enters the alveoli, partial pressure of oxygen decreases due to increase in water vapour and carbon dioxide and partial pressure of carbon dioxide increases from addition from blood
- as air moves from the alveoli to the atmosphere, partial pressure of oxygen increases and partial pressure of carbon dioxide decreases due to mixing of air with dead space

Describe gas exchange through the alveolus
- blood returing from tissue (“venous” blood flowing through pulmonary artery): oxygen level is low, CO2 level is high
- as blood moves past alveolus it will pick up some oxygen and will offload CO2
- partial pressure of O2 will increase and CO2 will decrease
- blood is now “arterial” travelling through pulmonary vein
- CO2 concentrations within the blood affect pH so they are kept at a very limited concentration window

How does pulmonary edema affect gas exchange?
- diffusion barrier
- plasma leaks into airway and creates a thick fluid layer so now oxygen and carbon dioxide have to diffuse across this fluid layer
- oxygen doesn’t dissolve well in water so the blood can only pick up so much oxygen
- still able to get rid of CO2 because it dissolves well in water

What is a ventilation/perfusion mismatch?
- sometimes there are regions of the lung where there is an imbalance between how well it is ventilated and how well it is perfused with blood
- described as an abnormal V/Q ratio
- V: ventilation
- Q: how much blood is flowing by alveolus
- Normal V/Q ratio: good ventialtion of alveoli and lots of blood to support gas exchange
- High V/Q ratio: good ventilation but poor blood flow, naturally happens at apex of lung and pulmonary embolism
- Low V/Q ratio: not enough ventilation of a well perfused area, happens in asthma, lung cancer, base of lung

How is ventilation/perfusion mismatch corrected for?
- pulmonary arterioles that supply alveoli have oxygen sensors to sense oxygen partial pressure in alveolus
- if arterioles sense there is a lot of oxygen present, they will relax
- if they sense low oxygen, they will constrict
What occurs to the pulmonary aterioles when oxygen concentration is high?
- if blood flow is low, pulmonary arteriole smooth muscle cells have oxygen sensors which sense the high oxygen and they relax
- allows blood to flow by alveolus and pick up the oxygen and get rid of CO2
What occurs to the pulmonary aterioles when oxygen concentration is low?
- pulmonary arterioles sense low oxygen and constrict
- this shunts blood away from that alveolus and send to others that are better perfused
- helps to restore ventilation and perfusion
- hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
- only tissue where vessels constrict in response to low oxygen (all other tissues would dilate with low oxygen)

How do your pulmonary arterioles respond when you go to a higher elevation and in COPD?
- atmospheric pressure is lower
- partial pressure of oxygen drops
- pulmonary arterioles sense the decrease in partial pressure of oxygen in alveolus so they will all start to constrict
- there are no well ventilated alveoli because it is an atmospheric issue
- might develop pulmonary hypertension
- in COPD or chronic bronchitis, inflammation of bronchi themselves limits the ability to ventilate the entire lung
- pulmonary hypertension leads to congestion of blood on right side, right ventricular dilation, and heart failure
How is CO2 carried in the blood?
- 7% dissolved
- 70% as HCO3-
- 22% bound to hemoglobin
- concentration is highest at tissue and venous blood
- lowest at lungs

How does CO2 move from tissue to blood?
- some is dissolved in plasma and moves across endothelium
- some will react slowly to form HCO3-
- the rest will react quicky in the erythrocyte to also form HCO3- via carbonic anhydrase
- some will stick to the hemoglobin molecule and ride with it (called carbamino hemoglobin)

How does CO2 move from the blood to the alveoli?
- CO2 will dissociate from high pressure in the blood to low pressure in alveolus
- bicarb slowly reverts back into water and CO2
- occurs quicker in the erythrocyte due to carbonic anhydrase
- carbamino hemoglobin will let go to move from high to low concentration

How is oxygen transported in the blood?
- 1.5% dissolved
- 98.5% bound to hemoglobin
- oxygen is highest in alveoli, slightly less in arterial blood, and lower in tissue

Describe the structure of hemoglobin
- central heme ring within 4 globular proteins (2 alpha and 2 beta)
- iron ion in centre of heme ring that binds reversibly with oxygen
- partial pressure determines if oxygen binds to hemoglobin
- if partial pressure is high, it will favour binding
- heme has high affinity for CO (carboxy hemoglobin)
- fetal form has higher affinity for oxygen than the adult form (has to pull oxygen off of maternal hemoglobin)
- sickle cell anemia: single nucleotide polymorphism within globular part of chain so that in the deoxy form it takes on a strange conformation, crystals poke plasma membrane so they don’t last very long in circulation

Describe oxygen saturation
- hemoglobin molecule has 4 opportunities for oxygen binding
- would never see 0 oxygen bound to hemoglobin in the body because it would mean there is no oxygen present anywhere in the environment
- as you add oxygen molecules, it favours more oxygen molecules binding (cooperativity of binding)

Describe changes in hemoglobin saturation with respiratory failure
-with respiratory failure, partial pressure of oxygen can drop as low as 60mmHg without seeing much change in hemoglobin saturation

What does the steep slope of the O2-Hb dissociation curve indicate?
- at the tissues, partial pressure of oxygen drops from 97% in the lungs to approximately 40% in the tissues
- at rest, 25% of oxygen is released from hemoglobin to the tissues
- this means that when you need to exert more energy that is more than what you would at rest, you have 75% of oxygen bound on hemoglobin ready to be released
- steep part of curve allows you to have a small change in the partial pressure of oxygen and a large change hemoglobin saturation

What conditions need to be met to shift the O2-hemoglobin curve to the right?
- under certain conditions, hemoglobin will favour getting rid of oxygen to give it to a tissue
- highly metabolically active tissue generates CO2, has higher temperature, and lower pH
- these shift the curve to the right which means that if these conditions are met, you can increase the amount of oxygen that is taken off of hemoglobin

What are the functions of the ventral and dorsal respiratory groups?
- dorsal respiratory group sends bursts of neural activity to the muscles of inspiration during normal quiet breathing (diaphragm, external intercostals)
- inspiratory area is active for 2 seconds sending signal then inactive for 3 seconds to allow the lung that was just stretched to recoil
- innervates muscles of inspiration through the phrenic nerve (C3,4,5) and the internal intercostals
- the ventral respiratory group sends outputs to accessory muscles during forced breathing

What is the function of the pontine respiratory group?
-intensity and frequency of the ventral and dorsal groups are influenced by inputs from the pontine group
How do higher brain centres influence control of breathing?
- voluntary control over breathing
- striated skeletal muscle controlled by somatic motor neurons
What is the Hering-Breur reflex?
- prevents over inflation of lungs
- stretch receptors outside airways in elastic tissue of alveoli detect stretch as to not over stretch the lung and damage the alveoli
What is the carina?
- highest density of irritant receptors at the bifurcation of the trachea
- triggers cough reflex if particulate matter gets down there
- cough: brief inspiration held in with epiglottis, generate pressure with muscles of expiration then let it out under high velocity
How do proprioceptors in muscles affect control of breathing?
- increased breathing when activity increases
- receptors in muscles and joints
How do chemoreceptors influence control of breathing?
- chemoreceptors located in aortic arch and carotid bodies (at bifurcation of internal and external carotids)
- measuring levels of CO2 in the blood
- most important drive for respiration
- oxygen is also a stimulus for breathing but only if they get really low
- slight changes in blood pressure will also cause you to alter your breathing frequency
How does temperature affect control of breathing?
- temperature from hypothalamic centres feeds into respiratory group
- breathing increases with fever
- jumping into a cold lake breathing decreases (apnea)
How do emotion, pain, and stretching the anal sphincter affect control of breathing?
- if you are crying or angry, etc. breathing rate increases
- sharp pain will create apnea whereas dull chronic pain creates increase in breathing rate
- stretching anal sphincter helps with chronic hiccups
What are central chemoreceptors?
- located in brainstem
- measuring pH of CSF
- blood brain barrier doesn’t allow HCO3- and H+ through
- CO2 can get through the BBB
- central chemoreceptors measure pH through CO2 diffusion into the chemoreceptor and conversion into H+

How do chemoreceptors respond to ensure adequate pH and oxygen levels?
-ventilating more allows more oxygen into the blood to correct pH, increased CO2 and decreased O2 levels