Respiratory Flashcards
In what form is the majority of carbon dioxide in the blood carried?
bicarbonate ions
REM sleep behaviour disorder has which gender predominance?
Massive male predominance
To what drug does REM sleep behaviour disorder respond?
Vital capacity is the sum of…
TV + inspiratory reserve vol + expiratory reserve vol
What 2 mutations are present in majority of cases of inherited PAH?
mutations in receptors of the transforming growth factor-beta family (BMPR2) and activin like kinase type 1 (ALK1)
A-a gradient equation
(150 - pCO2/0.8) - PaO2
HLA allele in Narcolepsy
HLA DQB1*0602
Reduced levels of … are seen in the … of people with narcolepsy
Hypocretin (wakefulness assoc. neurotransmitter), CSF
Acid Base disturbance of salicylate poisoning
primary respiratory alkalosis from salicylate induced hyperventilation; metabolic acidosis due to salicylate interference w. intermediary metabolism -> overproduction of organic acids
Lung volume changes in pregnancy
RV and ERV gradually reduce; FRC decreases and IC increases by same amount so TLC stable
At which lung volume is PVR lowest?
FRC, because inward elastic forces of lung are in equilibrium with outward elastic forces of chest wall
Feature of a lung nodule that is highly predictive of malignancy
High Houndsfield density (>20 HU)
Major side effect of Nintedanib
Diarrhoea- in >60%
Does Pirfenidone improve dyspnoea scores?
Gas trapping increases what spirometry measurement?
RV and FRC
Normal A-a gradient
(Age/4) + 4; typically <15mmHg
Causes of a raised KCO
obesity, asthma, haemorrhage, polycythaemia, L to R shunt
O2 dissociation curve shift to the right
acidosis, rise in DPG, rise in temp
What causes a large decrease in VC with lying down?
diaphragmatic palsy
Slow VC > FVC suggests
dynamic airway collapse
3 congenital causes of bronchiectasis
Marfan’s, ciliary dysfunction, alpha-1 AT
Condition with highest sputum mucin concentration
Primary ciliary dyskinesia
SE of hypertonic saline
when to initiate hypertonic saline in bronchiectasis?
> 3 exac/yr
Abs for. mdr-Pseud
beta-lactam + aminoglycoside
drugs w/o evidence in bronchiectasis?
PO steroid, tiotropium
Rx duration for M abscessus
12 months
CF GI Manifestations:
DIOS, fibrosing colonopathy
CF most common mutation
CF F508deletion mechanism
Defective trafficking and opening
CF F508deletion rx
Homozygotes with: Ivacaftor + tezacaftor + exelacaftor
Hetero: Iva and teza alone
Ivacaftor MOA
potentiator, opens channel (good for G551D)
tezacaftor + exelacaftor + lumacaftor MOA
tezacaftor + exelacaftor effect
Increase FEV1 by: 5-15%
Diagnose CF by one of 4:
mec ileus, heelprick immunoreactive trypsinogen, sweat test >60mmol, gene test
CF Transplant indications
FEV1 <35%
PaO2 <60
Infections: Resistance or increasing exac QoL
In asthma, what is a Positive methacholine challenge?
drop >20% FEV1
In asthma, what is a Positive mannitol challenge?
drop >15%
Gold standard for exercise-induced asthma
Eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation >10% fall
In asthma, what does FENo: >50ppb mean?
likely steroid responsive; not if <25ppb
Mepoliziumab MOA
Benralizumab MOA
Omalizumab MOA
Anti-IgE, but not effective if IgE >1300 (too much to bind)
ABPA clinical findings
Asthma, bronchiectasis, fleeting infiltrates
ABPA lab
IgE >1000, Eo >0.5, Aspergillus IgG precipitans
Steroids and itraconazole
COPD x3 indications for Abx
Fever, sputum vol increase, change in sputum colour
BODE predicts:
respiratory death in COPD
BODE is made up of
BMI; FEV1; dyspnoea scale; 6MWT distance;
LTOT indications
Pa O2 <55 or PaO2 55-59 with pulmon HTN or polycythaemia
ICS candidates in COPD
FEV1 <50%, 2 or more moderate exac/year, eosinophilia, asthma concurrent
Who not to give ICS in COPD
repeated pneumonia, low eos, myobacterial infection
DECAF score for worse outcomes in exacs of COPD
Dyspnoea scale; eosinopaenia; consolidation on CXR; acidaemia pH <7.30,; afib
SpO2 measurement in CO poisoning
Pulse oximeter will be normal, PaO2 will be normal
O2 sats vs gas measurement in MetHb
Pulse Ox will read low, PaO2 will be normal
Lemiere’s disease is due to which organism…
ARDS key ventilation targets
TV 6-8ml/kg; peak plateau pressure <30cmH2o
When to consider ECMO in ARDS
When PF <80
PF is PaO2/FiO2
Level of MIP/SNIP that predicts T2RF in MDN
Normal MIP/MEP F or M
F: 90
M: 140
Apnoea definition
cessation of airflow >10s
Definition of hypopnoea
> 30% reduction in airflow for >10s with EEG arousal OR sats drop 4%
Respiratory disturbance Index (RDI) equation
AHI + RERA (resp effort related arousal)
AHI normal/moderate/severe
Mild5-15, mod 15-30, severe >30
OSA definition
AHI >5 with symptoms; or AHI >15
OHV triad
BMI >30, awake PaCO2 >45, sleep disordered breathing
CPAP adherence definition
> 4 hours/ night
Type 1 Narcolepsy definition
> 3/12 EDS + cataplexy + positive MSLT OR low CSF hypocretin
Type 2 Narcolepsy definition
> 3/12 EDS + positive MSLT + normal hypocretin
Positive MSLT
sleep within 8 mins x2 on test
Rx of excessive daytime sleepiness
Dexamphetamine or modafinil
Rx of cataplexy
Lofgren syndrome
Sarcoidosis: Arthritis + EN + bilateral hilar LN
Key aspect of Lofgren’s for Ix and Rx
No further Ix needed if textbook; Mgmt NSAIDs
Sarcoid stages
1: Hilar/mediastinal LN; 2: LA and parenchymal infiltrates; 3: parenchymal infiltrates; 4: fibrosis
Sarcoid stages mgmt
1: 95% resolve spont; 2: steroids; 3: steroids
Radiographic predictors of malignancy
nodule >3cm, poorly marginated or spiculated, UL location
PET is not good for:
<0.7cm, carcinoid, bronchoalveolar adenoCa
Three key pathways for pulmonary HTN
endothelin, nitric oxide, prostacyclin
Triad for definition of pHTN
mPAP >25, PVR >3, PAW <15
pulmonary HTN positive vasodilator challenge
10-40 reduction mmHg, stable or rise in CO
Adverse reaction to vasodilators that occurs with PVOD
pulmonary oedema
2 main RHC prognostic markers
Cardiac Index, RAP
Group most likely to respond to vasodilators in pHTN
idiopathic pulmonary arterial HTN, anorexigen
Specific medical rx for CTEPH
Gene assoc. w. familial PAH
Contraindications to bronchoscopy
platelets <50, INR <1.5
Mgmt of lung nodule <6mm, solid and low risk
Mgmt of lung nodule <6mm, solid and high risk
optional CT at 12 months
Mgmt of 6-8mm nodule, solid, low or high risk
CT 6-12 months
Mgmt of nodule >8mm, solid
CT at 3 months, PET or tissue sampling
Crazy paving is
GGO, interlobular thickening, intralobular reticulation
PTx mgmt primary, <2cm and Asymptomatic
PTx mgmt if primary >2cm or dyspnoea
PTx mgmt if secondary, <2cm and asymptomatic
aspirate and admit
PTx mgmt if secondary, >2cm or Sx
When to check diff between protein levels in serum and pleural fluid? (SPPG)
If think fluid it transudative but appears exudative
SPPG suggesting exudate
SPPG <31
How to calculate SPPG
serum protein - pleural protein
If SPPG consistent with exudate, check:
check serum:pleural albumin gradient (SPAG)
SPAG consistent with exudate
ADA is produced by
cell mediated immune response
ADA value suggesting TB?
> 40
ADA value suggesting lymphoma or empyema?
> 250
Predominant cell type in TB pleural fluid
Differential diagnosis if pleural fluid >10% eosinophils (4 diagnoses)
Drugs, fungus, parasites, BAPE (benign asbestos pleural effusion)
Characteristic pleural fluid findings for peritoneal dialysis related effusion?
Glucose 2x serum
Low protein
Characteristics pleural fluid findings for urinothorax
Creatinine 5x serum
Pleural fluid findings in duropleural shunt
Beta-2-transferrin level elevated
Characteristic pleural fluid findings in ventriculopleural shunt
Characteristic pleural fluid findings in trapped lung?
Pleural elastase >14.5
Antibiotics for CAP-associated empyema
Benpen+metro OR cef/metro
Then Augmentin OR amox+metro
Total 3-4 weeks
Antibiotics for HAP associated empyema
Classical findings for UIP
Subpleural reticulation, honeycombing, traction bronchiectasis, apical-basal gradient
4 features of NSIP
Ground glass opacities
Subpleural sparing
Apical-basal gradient
Traction bronchiectasis
What is significant fall in FVC or DLCO?
FVC 10%
DLCO 15%
What DLCO cut-off is used to say lung biopsy ++ risky?
Hyaline membranes on lung biopsy suggests:
Acute interstitial pneumonia
Mechanism of pirfenidone and side effects
Reduces production of pro-fibrotic cytokines- TGF-b, IL1b, fibroblast growth factors
AEs - GI, ALT/AST elevation, photosensitive rash
Nintedanib mechanism and S/E
Multi-target TKI (PDGF, VEGF, FGF)
Diarrhoea, CV risk, bleeding
Average FVC loss per year in IPF
PBS criteria for IPF anti-fibrotics?
FEV1 > 50%
DLCO > 30%
Pathogenesis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Type 3 hypersensitivity, mediated by IgG immune complexes
AIP biopsy histology
Hyaline membranes in the alveoli from diffuse alveolar damage
UIP/ IPF histology
Numerous fibroblastic foci
Causes of extra thoracic obstruction
Vocal cord paralysis, extra-thoracic goitre, laryngeal tumour
Causes of intrathoracic obstruction
Tracheomalacia of intrathoracic airways, bronchogenic cysts, tracheal lesions
Cause of fixed airway obstruction
Tracheal stenosis