Respiration in Plants 1 Flashcards
what type of process is respiration
1.Cellular respiration is an Amphibolic process.
*Reason : The carbon skeleton (Intermediates of respiration) produced during
respiration is used as precursors for biosynthesis of other molecules in the cell.
2.Exergonic process
*Reason : The braking of C–C bonds of complex compounds through oxidation
within cells, leading to release of considerable amount of energy.
3.Downhill process.(partially)
what is the RQ of
(i) succulents/xerophytes
(ii) anaerobes
(iii) organic acids
(i) 0 (b/c they dont release carbon dixoide, they strore it as an intermediate)
(ii) infinity, oxygen absorbed is 0
(iii) more than 1
types of respiration on the basis of respiratory subtrate
*When carbohydrate or
fats are oxidized inside
the cell.
*Carbohydrates & Fats are
floating inclusion of cell.
When proteins are oxidized
inside the cell.
*This occur in starved cell.
*Protein is the component of
protoplasm thus it is called
Protoplasmic Respiration.
difference b/w aerobic and anaerobic respiration
- complete oxidation of food to give inorganic products
- 36/38 ATP is formed from each glucose molecule
- NADH is oxidised to NAD+ vigorously
- oxygen rmoves hydrogen from system and act as final hydrogen acceptor
- incomplete oxidation of food to either to lactic acid/ethanol
- there are 2 ATP produce or each molecule of glucose
-NADPH to NAD+ slowly
- Oxygen is absent. Hydrogen acceptor in the
system is acetaldehyde (during Alcohol
Fermentation) or Pyruvate (during Lactic
acid fermentation).
what are the control steps of glycolysis
In glycolysis first, third and last step are irreversible, these are control points of
glycolysis, where process can be controlled, if required.
what is the pacemaker of glycokysis
Step third is the most important control point of glycolysis, this step is regulated
by an allosteric enzyme phophofructokinase. This enzyme is allosterically
activated by AMP and allosterically inhibited by ATP. This enzyme is called
pacemaker enzyme of glycolysis.
i)how many atp are synthesised by the glycolysis of 1 glucose molecule
ii) what is the net atp producsed from 1 molecule of glucose
i) 4
what is link reaction
Link Reaction / Gateway Step / Transition Reaction/ Oxidative Decarboxylation
Pyruvic Acid ——-NAD>NADH (co2 removed)/ Pyruvic Dehydrogenase—> Acetyl CoA(2C) –CoA removed–> Acetyl (2C)
Acetyl enters kreb cycle
what enzyme is required for gateway step? what are the cofactors required
*Acetyl Co-A is formed in the matrix
by enzyme pyruvate
dehydrogenase complex.
*This reaction require five
2.LA (Lipoic Acid)
3.TPP (Thiamine pyrrophosphate)
describe kreb cycle
*The acetyl CoA then enters a cyclic pathway, tricarboxylic acid cycle, more commonly
called as Krebs’ cycle after the scientist Hans Krebs who first elucidated it.
*Occurs in mitochondrial matrix of eukaryotic cells and cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells.
*One turn of Kreb’s cycle involve four dehydrogenation, two decarboxylation & one
substrate level phosphorylation.
*All enzymes are located inside mitochondrial matrix except Succinate Dehydrogenase
(Marker enzyme), which is located in inner membrane of mitochondria.
what are the 5 complexes of ETS
Complex 1( NADH Dehydrogenase COMPLEX)- FMN, Fe-S
Complex II( Succinic dehydrogenase complex) - FAD,Fe-S
Complex III( cytochrome C oxidase)- Cyt B, Fe-S, Cyt C₁
Complex IV( Cytochrome c reductase) - Cu(a), cyt. a- cyt.a₃, Cu(b)
Complex V( ATP Synthase) -F0 ( integral) and F1( peripheral)
what happens in ETS
All the reduced hydrogen acceptors like NADH + H+ and FADH2 move to the
ETS where they release their hydrogen and get reoxidised to NAD+ & FAD+, so
that they can again enter into the respiration process.
2.ETS is the chain of some hydrogen and electron carriers present in the inner
mitochondrial membrane.
3.The significance of ETS is to remove hydrogens from reduced hydrogen
acceptors NADH + H+ & FADH2. During this process hydrogen acceptors get
reoxidised and ATP are produced.
what are some substances that can be synthesised using respiratory products
1.Acetyl CoA → Synthesis of fatty acid
& GA (Gibberellic acid)
2.Succinyl Co A → Synthesis of
chlorophyll, Cytochromes,
3.OAA & α Ketoglutaric Acid →
Synthesis of Amino acids
4.OAA → Synthesis of Alkaloids
what are the named of F0-F1 particles
F0-F1 particles/ fernandez moran particles/ oxysomes/ elementary particles/ ATP synthase
How many SLP are there
2 from glycolysis
1 from kreb cycle
what is net atp produced in aerobic respiration and anerobic rspiration
aerobic respiration- 38/36 atp
anaerobic repiration- 2 atp
what is respiratory balance sheet
2 NADH2+ 2 ATP—> 4/6 ATP+ 2 ATP—-> 6/8 ATP
1+3 NADH2+ 1 GTP+ 1 FADH2—-> 12 ATP+ 1 ATP+ 2 ATP—>15 ATP
why is there 36/38 atp
because of the shuttle system that is responsible for the transport of nadh2 of glycolysis from cytoplasm to mitrochondria.
If the NADH2 is transported by malate shuttle, NADH2 is kept same and undergoes ixidative phosphorylation to give 6 ATP.
If the NADH2 takes glycerate shuttle, then after going to mitpchondria it is converted into FADH2 which will give only 4 ATP. leading to loss of 2 ATP.
So malate shuttle is more efficient.
how many oxygen is needed for the ets of
(i) 1 nadh2
(ii) 1 fadh2
(i) 1 atom of oxygen
(ii) 1 atom of oxygen