what are the different types of body plan
Cell-Aggregate Type :- e.g. Sponges
(B) Blind Sac Type :- Animals in which digestive system is incomplete i.e. it has only single
opening to the outside of the body that serves as both mouth and anus.
e.g. Coelenterates to Platyhelminthes
(C) Tube-Within-Tube Type :- Found in those animals having complete digestive tract i.e.
with separate openings : mouth and anus.
e.g. Nemathelminthes to Chordates
which animals have open circulatory system
A - Arthropods
N - Non cephalopod molluscs
T - Tunicata
H - Hemichordata
E - Echinoderms
what are 2 types of coelomates
Schizocoelom originates from the
mesodermal split. Example- Annelida ,
Arthropoda & Mollusca
*Enterocoelom originates from out
pocketing of the embryonic gut
(endoderm). Example- Echinodermata,
Hemichordate & Chordata
what are the two types based on blastopore?
On the basis of fate of blastopore, animals can be divided into two
categories :
1.Protostomiates : Animals in which mouth is formed first (Blastopore →Mouth). E.g. Platyhelminthes to Mollusca.
2.Deuterostomiates : Animals in which anus is formed earlier than mouth
(Blastopore → Anus). E.g. Echinoderms, Hemichordates and
two types of segmentation
*Segmentation of the body takes place by the segmentation of the ectoderm.
*E.g. Tapeworm
*It is phenomenon in which the body is externally and internally divided into
segments with a serial repetition of at least some organs.
Eg: Annelids, arthropods, few chordatae
division of animals
* Parazoa- primitive animals/ cellular level of org
- Sponge
*Eumetazoa - true animals/ tissue,orggan,organ system level of org
explain the structure of porifera
Body wall consists of
(i) Outer Pinacoderm
Composed of Pinacocytes (Flat cell) and porocytes ( oval cells
(ii)Inner Choanoderm
Composed of Collar cell or Choanocytes (Flagellated) (Characteristic of Porifera)
(iii) Between these two layers a gelatinous material Mesenchyme is present. It
contains different types of Amoebocytes.
- scleroblast - secrete spicules made of calcium or silica
- spongioblast - secrete spongin fibres
ethier scleroblast or spongioblast is present to provde stability
explain the following in porifera:
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(i) digestion is holozoic/intracellular
(ii) Gneral body surface
(ii) GBS
(iv) GBS/ through ammonia or ammonotelic
what are types of repro in porifera
(i) Asexual - Sponges reproduces asexually by - Fragmentation & Budding
(a) Exogenous budding – Formed during favourable condition.
(b) Endogenous budding – Gemmules are formed during adverse condition.
(ii) sexual- by formation of gametes
new examples of porifera
Euplectella - Venus flower basket, Bridal gift in japan
Leucosolenia - Smallest sponge
what are cnidoblasts?
cnidoblast stores the posionous fluid in a capsule called as nematocyst oresnet inside the cell. the project the thread like structure into the prey and inject the positonous liquid.
different polyp and medusa
Cylindrical in shape like Hydra, Adamsia etc.
Mostly sessile, but some times motile
May be solitary or colonial
Mouth & tentacles are directed upward
Asexual form
Umbrella shaped like Aurelia or jelly fish
Free swimming
Always solitary
Mouth & tentacles directed downward
Sexual form
- have balancing organ or statocysts
explain the following in coelenterata :
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(v) nervous system
(vi) sensory neurons
(i) extracellular followed by intraceullar/Incomplete digestion tract (Blind sac).
(ii) GBS
(iii) GBS
(iv) GBS- ammonotelic
(v) has apolar neurons
(vi) statocysts present in medusae
what is reproduction in coelenterata
reproduction may be sexual or asexual through budding
describe ctenophora
Body form may be spherical,
cylindrical or pear-shaped.
-. In sunlight their
comb-plate gives the effect of a rainbow. The
animals of this phylum are known as “Sea-
A pair of long solid tentacles are present. In place of cnidoblasts
on the tentacles a special type of cells are present called Lasso-cells (Colloblasts) which
help in catching the prey.
explain the following in coelenterata :
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(v) nervous system
(vi) sensory orgns
(i) extracellular followed by intraceullar/Incomplete digestion tract (Blind sac)/ carnivorous
(ii) GBS
(iii) GBS
(iv) GBS- ammonotelic
(v) has apolar neurons
(vi) statocysts