Cell unit 3 Flashcards
what are other names for ribosomes
Palade’s particles
*Universal cell organelle
*Smallest cell organelle
*Organelle within organelle
*Protein factory of cell
give the components of
i) 50s
i) 5s+23s
(ii) 16s
iii) 5s+5.8s+28s
what joins the 2 subunits of ribosomes
Magnesium ion is essential for the
binding the ribosome sub units. Mg+2
form ionic bond with phosphate groups
of r- RNA of two subunits.
They join only during protein synthesis, but other times they are free in the cytoplasm
differentitate microfilaments and microtubules and intermediate filaments
*Consists of Actin protein
*Solid, linear rod like
*Mechanical support
*Maintenance of cell shape
*Cell motility (as in
*Muscle contraction
*Consists of Tubulin protein
*Hollow, cylindrical tube like
*Mechanical support
*Maintenance of cell shape
*Cell motility as in cilia or flagella
*Chromosomal movement
Intermediate filament
*Solid, linear rod like
*Mechanical support
*Maintenance of cell shape
*Formation of nuclear
differentiate cilia and flagellum
-> more numeroud
->oar like movement( to and fro)
-> help in movement, attachment feeding and sensation
-> large
-> lesser in number
-> whip like movement, undulating
-> only locomoiton
centrioles are self duplicating strcutures
what are peroxisomes/uricosomes
These are found in both plant and animal cells. Peroxisomes contain catalase enzyme
which is concerned with peroxide (H2O2) metabolism. Catalase degrade the H2O2 into
water and oxygen.
In plants, peroxisomes are found in cells of green tissues and concerned with
photorespiration (glycolate pathway).
Peroxisomes are also involved in beta-oxidation of fatty acids.
what are glyoxysomes
Glyoxysomes occurs only in plants especially in fatty seeds (castor seed, ground nut seed etc.).
Glyoxysomes are considered as a highly specialised peroxisomes. Glyoxylate cycle takes
place in glyoxysomes. This cycle convert fats into carbohydrats.
found in endosperm of germinating cells
what were the basic dyes used to dye nuclei
give examples of:
(i) multinucleate
(ii) dinucleate
(i) phycomycets fungus
(ii) paramoecium
(iii) mature rbc, sieve tube cells
other names of nucleoplasm
Nucleoplasm / Nuclear matrix / Karyolymph/Karyoplasm.
what is nuclear lamina
The inner side of inner nuclear membrane is lined by nuclear lamina. This structure is
formed by filaments of lamin protein.
what are types of chromatin
Euchromatin :- This is lightly stained and diffused part of chromatin. Which is
transcriptionally or genetically more active.
Heterochromatin :- This is dark stained, thick and condensed part of
chromatin. Heterochromatin is genetically less active or inactive chromatin.
where is nucleolus connected to chromatin
Nucleolus usually attached to chromatin or chromosomes at specific site called
Nucleolar organiser region/NOR.
Nucleolus is called Ribosome factory of cell.
what is a genome
‘A complete set n o
chromosomes inherited as a unit from one parent is known as genome.
the centromere is sub-terminal in one chromosome? which shape it is?
what is arm ratio? who has max?
The ratio of length of the long arm(q) to the short arm(p) of a chromosome is called arm
ratio. Arm ratio is maximum in acrocentric chromosome.
where is secondary constriction found
Secondary constriction is also known as NOR (Nucleolar organizer region).
what is telomere
Chromosomes have polarity and polar ends of chromosomes are known as
Telomere prevents fusion or sticking of one chromosome to other chromosome.
Telomeres are rich in Guanine base.
shape of
(i) metacentric
(ii) submetacentric
(iv) telocentric
(i) V
ii) L
iii) J
iv) I (i)
Space b/w parallel nuclear membranes
what dye is used to dye mitochondria
fast green