Living World-2 Flashcards
what is modern taxonomy involves ?
internal and external structure
ecological information
cytological information
developmental process
neotaxonomy, bio systematics, neo systematics,
types of taxonomy
based on cytological information
based on chemical constituents of plants
what is biodiversity?
number and type of organisms present on earth
1.7-1.8 million orgs found
1.2 animals, 0.5 million plants
most biodiversity in rainforests because ( max sunlight) and second in coral reefs
when did carolus linnaeus publish the rules for nomenclature? in whcih boks?
-species plantarum
1st edition
1st may, 1753
initiation of binomial nomeclature of plants
- systema naturae
10th edition
1st august, 1758
initiation of bionmial nomeculature of animals
why are scientific names derived from greek or latin
coz they are dead languages
what is the suffix for these:
i) division
ii) class
iii) family
i) phyta
ii)opsida, phyceae, ae
iii) aceae
iv) ales
what is the relatioship between similarities and taxonomic catgeor
Lower the taxa, more are the characteristics that the
members within the taxon share.
*Higher the category, greater is the difficulty of determining
the relationship to other taxa at the same level.
what are taxonomical aids describe them
Methods, procedure, tools and techniques are used to help in taxonomic
studies are called taxonomical aids.
*Taxonomical aids are also fundamental and essential for training in
*It is used for classification of an organism.
*Identification of organisms requires intensive laboratory and field
what are herbariums
Herbarium is a store house of collected plant specimens that are dried,
pressed and preserved on sheets. Further, these sheets are arranged according to a universally accepted system of classification. These
specimens, along with their descriptions on herbarium sheets, become a
store house or repository for future use (Figure 1.2). The herbarium sheets
also carry a label providing information about date and place of collection,
English, local and botanical names, family, collector’s name, etc. Herbaria
also serve as quick referral systems in taxonomical studies.
the sheets are of size 16.5 x 11.5 in
what are botanical gardens
These specialised gardens have collections of living plants for reference.
Plant species in these gardens are grown for identification purposes and
each plant is labelled indicating its botanical/scientific name and its family.
The famous botanical gardens are at Kew (England), Indian Botanical
Garden, Howrah (India) and at National Botanical Research Institute,
Lucknow (India).
they have exotic and endemic species
describe biological museums
Biological museums are generally set up in educational institutes such
as schools and colleges. Museums have collections of preserved plant
and animal specimens for study and reference. Specimens are preserved
in the containers or jars in preservative solutions. Plant and animal
specimens may also be preserved as dry specimens. Insects are preserved
in insect boxes after collecting, killing and pinning. Larger animals like
birds and mammals are usually stuffed and preserved. Museums often
have collections of skeletons of animals too.
describe zoos
These are the places where wild animals are kept in protected environments
under human care and which enable us to learn about their food habits
and behaviour. All animals in a zoo are provided, as far as possible, the
conditions similar to their natural habitats. Children love visiting these
parks, commonly called Zoos
what are keys?
Key is another taxonomical aid used for identification of plants and animals
based on the similarities and dissimilarities. The keys are based on the
contrasting characters generally in a pair called couplet. It represents
the choice made between two opposite options. This results in acceptance
of only one and rejection of the other. Each statement in the key is called
a lead. Separate taxonomic keys are required for each taxonomic category
such as family, genus and species for identification purposes. Keys are
generally analytical in nature.
whata re other written material for taxonmical adis
i) Catalogue
-> it is a small boooklet like a dictionary with words in alohabetical order
->it contsin botanical name, name of scientist etc
ii) Flora
i) contains list of plants in that particular area and distrubution and habitat
iii) Manuals
List of pltants for identifying the features of plants living in a particular habitat or area
iv) Monograph
contains all the information about a taxon.
who gave the word species? what does it mean acc to ernst mayer
Term species :- John Ray
A group of individuals which can naturally
interbreed & produce fertile progeny is called biological species.(ernst mayr concept/biological concept of species). it is based only on reproductive isolation.
When a species is determined on the basis of morphological characters
then it is called a taxonomic species.
In morphological character reproductive characters have more weightage than
vegetative characters because reproductive characters are more conserved.
who is ernst mayer
darwin of 20th century
gave biolgoical concept of species