what are parasitic adaptation s of platyhelminthes
Locomotory organs are absent in these animals but adhesive organs like suckers, hook
etc are present in parasitic form.
On the body wall of parasitic animals a thick cuticle is present i.e. called as Tegument.
Thick cuticle tegument protects the parasite from the digestive enzymes of the host. It is
secreted by epidermis.
Digestive tract is incomplete (without Anus) or completely absent (Tapeworm). Food is either
ingested by mouth or some of them absorb nutrients from the host directly through their body
explain the following in platyhelminthes:
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(v) nervous system
(vi) sensory orgns
(vii) fertilisation
(i) extracellular/incomplete/(mouth and anus both are absent in tapeworm)
(ii) GBS/ anaerobic
(iii) GBS
(iv) Flame cells/ solenocytes used for osmoregulation/excretion
(v)nerve ring + nerve cord( double,ventral,solid)
(vi) chemoreceptor
(vii) sexual maybe cross or self
what are examples of platyhelminthes
Taenia (Tapeworm) → Digenic (Primary host- Human, Secondary host- Pig)
*Fasciola (Liver fluke) → Digenic (Primary host- Sheep, Secondary host- Snail)
*Dugesia (Planaria)- High regeneration capacity
*Schistosoma (Blood fluke)
differentiate between male and female aschelminthes
Reproductive system is well developed and sexes are separate
(Dioecious) i.e. male and female are distinct.
*Sexual dimorphism is clear.
Female Ascaris Male Ascaris
*More in length *Shorter in length
*Straight posterior end *Curved posterior end
*Cloaca absent *Cloaca present
*Penial spicule absent *Penial spicule present( for copulation)
what does ascehlminthes/nemathelminthes body has
Body wall consist of – Cuticle, epidermis (Syncytial) and Muscle layer (only Longitudinal).
explain the following in aschelminthes:
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(v) nervous system
(vi) sensory orgns
(vii) fertilisation
(i) extracellular/ tube within tube/ protostomiates
(ii) GBS
(ii) Absent
(iv) Ammonotelic/ H shaped renette cells
(v) nerve ring+ nerve cord
(vi) no
(vii) sexual fertilisation/ internal
examples of aschelminthes or nemathelminthes
Ascaris- Intestinal roundworm (in small intestine)
*Ancylostoma- Hookworm (in small intestine)
*Enterobius- Pin worm or seat worm (in large intestine)
*Wuchereria (Filarial worm)- Viviparous, causes Elephantiasis(reside in lymph nodes)
explain body parts of annelids
Body wall – made up of three layers
3.Muscle layers- Longitudinal and circular which help in locomotion
3 types of nephridia in annelids
Nephridia is of 3 types → Pharyngeal Nephridia, Integumentary
Nephridia and Septal Nephridia.
2.Botryoidal Tissue → Connective tissue modified in Leeches.
3.Chloragogen Cells → Analogous to vertebrate liver present in
heart in annelids
Circulatory system is closed . Some blood vessels enlarge to act as pumping
heart. (Heart appear first time in annelids).
*Blood is red in colour but haemoglobin is dissolved in plasma, RBC absent.
what is used by annelids for locomotion
Chitinous setae, they also possess longitudinal and circular muscles which help in
locomotion. Aquatic annelids like possess lateral appendages, parapodia, which help in swimming.
explain the following in annelids:
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(v) nervous system
(vi) sensory orgns
(vii) fertilisation
(i) extrcaellular/ protosomitate/ tube within tube
(ii) cutaneous respiration/ acwuqticc-gills
(iii) closed type( open in leech)
(iv) ammonotelic/nephridia
(v) nerve ring+ chord
Indirect- Nereis (Larva → Trocophore larva)
Direct- Earthworm
examples of annelids
Nereis (sand worm), Pheretima (earthworm), Hirudo (Leech), Hirudinaria (Blood
sucking leech), Aphrodite (sea mouse).
hirudinaria has hirudin ini its saliva which is an anticoagulant.
explain the following in arthropod:
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(v) nervous system
(vi) sensory orgns
(vii) fertilisation
Extracellular & complete/ schizocoeloem/protosomate
(ii) - Crustacean (Aquatic)- Gills → E.g. Prawns
King crab (Limulus) - Book gills
Insect- Tracheal system
Spiders & Scorpion- Book lungs
(iii(=) ExcretionCrustacean- Green or Antennary gland (Ammonotelic)
Insect- Malpighian tubules (Uricotelic)
Spiders & Scorpion- Coxal Gland (Uricotelic)
Circulatory System Open, Heart on dorsal side, Lacks respiratory pigments
Blood - is usually colorless and called - Haemolymph
Nervous System & Sense organs Nerve ring & Nerve cord
Compound Eyes- Vision
Ocelli or simple eye-Perceive light
Antenna- Vibrations & Olfaction
Statocyst- Balance
Reproduction Sexual- Unisexual, sexual dimorphism present
Fertilization Internal, but few aquatic organisms have
which vectors spread what disease
Anopheles carries Plasmodium (Malaria)
Culex carries Wuchereria (Elephantiasis)
Aedes carries Dengue & chickengunya virus
molluscs usually have unsepgemented shell. which one has segmentation
connecting link
Circulatory system is open (closed in Cephalopoda). Blood has a copper
containing, blue respiratory pigment Haemocyanin.
explain nervous system
Nervous system consist of three paired ganglia.
*Sense organs
(1)Eye – present over the stalk called ommatophore (Gastropoda)
(2)Statocyst or Lithocyst – For maintaining equilibrium, present in foot
(3)Osphradia – Chemoreceptor / Olfactory as well as for testing chemical and
physical nature of water
explain the following in arthropod:
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(iv) excretion
(vii) fertilisation
(i) complete, exracellular/ rasping organg/ protsomats/ schizoceolmate
(ii) Aquatic- Gills called as Ctenidia, Terrestrial- Lungs
(iv)Organ of Bojanus/ Keber;s organ
Both unisexual & bisexual
FertilizationInternal & External (Oviparous)
Development Indirect (usually) & Direct
what is the function of madreporite
A perforated plate madreporite permits entry of water into
ambulacral system.
what is
(i) autotomy
(ii) evisceration
in echinoderm
AUTOTOMY- Few echinoderms have great power of
regeneration. They break off arms for defense
purpose. This phenomenon is called autotomy.
*EVISCERATION- Few echinoderms in anger or in
frightened state vomit out viscera (internal organs).
This phenomenon is known as Evisceration. E.g.
explain the following in arthropod:
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(v) nervous system
(vi) sensory orgns
(vii) fertilisation
Extracellular & complete, Mouth- lower or
ventral & Anus- upper or dorsal/eneterocoelom/ deuterostomates
RespirationWater vascular system
Excretion (Ammonotelic)Water vascular system
Circulatory system Open
Nervous System & Sense organs Simple (No Brain) and Statocyst
Reproduction Sexual- Unisexual
Fertilization External
Development Indirect
another name of stomochord
A notochord like structure is found in their buccal cavity that
is called ‘‘Buccal diverticulum’’ or ‘‘Stomochord’’ (outgrowth
of gut).
it is a part of alimentary canal
explain the following in arthropod:
(i) digestion
(ii) respiration
(ii) circulation
(iv) excretion
(v) nervous system
(vi) sensory orgns
(vii) fertilisation
Digestion Extracellular & complete/ enterocoelom/ deuterostomate
RespirationGill slits (Pharyngeal gill slits)
Excretion Single glomerulus present in Proboscis.
Circulatory system Open
Nervous System & Sense
Brain is present in the form of nerve ring
Reproduction Unisexual
Fertilization External
Development Indirect