resp 6 Flashcards
what is diffusion?
-random movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to low concentration
what is going to affect the random movement of gas molecules between the alveoli and capillaries?
- concentration gradient
- surface area
- barrier permeability
-solubility of gas - diffusion distance
what affects diffusion in a healthy individual?
-under normal conditions surface area, diffusion distance and barrier permeability are constant
-concentration gradient is variable and is the main determinant of diffusion
what is the graph of pathologies that cause hypoxia?
what is the spiderweb of alveolar gas exchange?
why do respiratory gases have to be soluble?
-the alveoli are lined with liquid, the small interstitial space between alveoli and capillaries contains liquid and the blood itself is liquid, therefore respiratory gases must be soluble in liquids
the movement of gas molecules from air to liquid is directly proportional to three factors: (gas solubility)
- pressure gradient of the gas
- solubility of gas in liquid
- temperature-relatively constant
what is the graph of oxygen and carbon dioxide solubility?
what is pulmonary edema?
-usually have hypoxia but not hypercapnia
what is mass flow and mass balance? ficks law?
-oxygen transport in circulation and oxygen consumption by tissues illustrate the general principles of mass flow (movement of X per minute) and mass balance (any substance in the body must remain constant)
what is the example question slide of O2 consumption?
what does our body need to transport oxygen?
oxygen binding obeys the law of ________
what is respiratory gas equilibrium?
what is the graph of equilibrium and partial pressure gradient?
what is the graph of continuing until reaching equilibrium?
what is the necessity of hemoglobin?