resp 4 Flashcards
what is the definition of surface tension?
-it is a measure of the force acting to pull a liquid’s molecules together at an air-water interface
what is the other determinant of compliance besides tissue?
-an equally important determinant of compliance and a major determinant of the lungs elastic recoil is surface tension at the air water interface of the airways
what is Laplace’s equation?
who proved that lung compliance and elastase was not only due to tissue?
-Von Neergaard in 1929
what is the graph of how surface tension creates pressure to the alveoli wall?
what is surfactant?
-a detergent-like molecule secreted by Type II alveolar cells
-90% phospholipids and 10% proteins
-hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions
-reduces the surface tension to 25 dynes/cm or less
what are the functions of surfactant?
- increases compliance
- ensures alveoli of all size inflate
what is the graph of slowly and rapidly expanding alveolus
what is infant respiratory distress syndrome?
-in premature infants: developmental insufficiency of surfactant production and immaturity of the lungs
-prevalence decreases with gestational age (50%:26-28 weeks)(25%: 30-31 weeks) affects 1% of new born infants
what are the treatments and prevention of infant respiratory distress syndrome?
-prevention: glucocorticoid injection
-artificial surfactant
-continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
what is airway resistance based on? where is resistance in healthy individuals?
-Poiseuille’s equation
-in healthy individuals 90% of airway resistance occurs in trachea and bronchi and is constant (smallest total cross-sectional area)
what is the table of factors that affect airway resistance?
what is bronchoconstriction/dilation?
-commonly paracrine control, CO2 being the major one
-high levels=dilation
-low levels=constriction
what is released during allergic reactions?
-histamine released from mast cells bronchoconstricts
what is the parasympathetic control of resistance in airways?
-parasympathetic nerves innervate bronchiole smooth muscle and activate PLC-IP3 pathway via M3 muscarinic receptor (constriction)
what is the sympathetic control of resistance in airways?
-circulating epinephrine binding B2 adrenergic receptors (dilation)
what is the graph of asthma? what are the treatments?
infrequent attacks:
-B2-adrenergic agonist
-oppose bronchoconstriction
more frequent attacks:
-weekly inhaled corticosteroid
how are the CVS and the respiratory system similar in efficiency of breathing?
-in CVS efficiency of heart is measured by cardiac output (HRxSV)
-in respiratory system effectiveness of ventilation is determined by total pulmonary ventilation: the volume of air moved into and out of the lungs each minute (minute ventilation)
how do you calculate total pulmonary ventilation? why is this not a good indicator of the fresh air that reaches the alveoli?
what is the graph of how much air makes it to alveoli?
what are the tables of the efficiency of breathing?