Resistive Exercise Programs Flashcards
Na+ levels Outside cell
Na+ Levels Inside cell
K+ levels outside cell
K+ levels inside cell
Ca++ Outside cell
Ca++ Inside Cell
Cl- Outside cell
Cl- Inside Cell
Largest Muscle Groups (to smallest)
- Hips, Low Back
- Legs: quads, hams, calves
- Torso: back, shoulder, chest
- Arms: triceps, biceps, forearm
- Abdominals
- Neck
6 Exercise Guidelines
- ex’s should be specific
- reps through full ROM
- eccentric ex’s included
- no jerky movements
- large to small muscle groups
- warm up and cool down
- Stretch
- Calisthetics
- Actual Activity
(increase circulation, ROM, elasticity)
Hams to Quads Ratio
- 60* per sec
- 60-69%
(70-79% for athletes or ACL)
Force Decay Rate
- the downward slope of torque curve
- normal is convex or straight
- Ability to generate tension @ end ROM
Bad side to good side ratio should be:
about 90%
3 Guidelines for interpreting isokinematic data
- determine if good side is actually good
- determine difference between good and bad sides (90%)
- determine imbalances between opposing muscles
Plyometrics and age
-don’t do before growth plates are closed
Oxford or Zinovieff
- Regressive Resistance Program (using 10 RM)
- Set 1: 10 reps at 100% 10 RM
- Set 2: 10 reps at 75% 10 RM
- Set 3: 10 reps at 50% 10 RM
Cool down
- get blood back to heart without pooling
- especially important for cardiac patients
Overload Principle
Strength, endurance & hypertrophy of Mm will only increase when Mm performs at it’s max strength and endurance capacity for a given time
Specificity of Training
-ex’s program must be designed specifically to meet your demands & expectations & pt’s needs
Mean Peak Torque
- average of 4 reps
- more functional if peak torques decrease as reps increase
-rapid stretch of muscle (eccentric), rapidly followed by shortening of same muscle (concentric)
Stimulus that results in increased strength
progressive resistive exercise
regressive resistive exercise
ROM & Peak Torque
where in the ROM is the peak torque
Total work
area under torque curve
Recommendations for plyometrics
- proper technique
- min strength requirements
- min speed requirements
- min balance requirements
-Daily Adjustable PRE
Set 1–1/2 10 RM–10x
Set 2–3/4 10 RM–6x
Set 3–Full 10 RM–Max
Set 4–Adjusted–Max
Adjust set 4 weight based on # done in set 3
Plyomerics Program Design
- warm up & stretch
- Controlled intensity
- 1-3 times/week
- 1:5 to 1:10 ex’s to rest ratio
Plyometric Equipment
- Bench
- Balls
DeLorme & Watkins Dynamic Ex’s Program
PRE using 10 RM
- Set 1–10 reps at 50% 10 RM
- Set 2 10 reps at 75% 10 RM
- Set 3 10 reps at 100% 10 RM
Peak Torque
best 1 effort
Plyometrics & Weight
- contraindicated if over 220lb (high intensity)
- no jumps >18 inches
Time measurements of Isokinematics exs
- Many
- ex. how long to reach peak force
Quad Norms
at 60* per Second:
Male: 100% body weight
Female: 80% body weight
as speed increases, peak torque decreases
Reciprocal innervation time
- time between opposing movements
- time to switch from extension to flexion
____ to increase force component of power
-heavy loading (85-100% 1 RM)
Isotonic Equipment
- hand grip dynamometer
- back lift dynamometer
- cable tensiometer
Isokinetic Equipment
- biodex
- orthotron
- cybex
- kincon
Static Equipment
- bar bells
- cuff weights
- N-K table
Variable Resistance Equipment
- universal (lever)
- nautilus (cam)
exercise prescription for children
- proper technique
- no jerky movements
- no heavy loading
- multi joint movements
1-3 sets of 6-15 reps
8-10 diff ex’s
Torque Acceleration Energy
- assess explosiveness of a contraction
- amount of work done in 1st 1/8 sec
Goal of Plyometrics
-to train the nervous system to react quickly to increase muscle power
Exercise Prescription for Elderly
- proper technique
- proper breathing
- through pain free ROM
- Machines are safer
- Single/multi-joint ex’s
60-80% 1 RM
10-15 reps
To Increase Strength:
a. load
b. reps
c. sets
d. rest
e. frequency
a. load: 60-70% 1RM
b. reps: 8-12
c. sets: 1-4
d. rest: 2-3 min
e. frequency: 2-3 days/week
Low Reps, High Load=
increase strength
To Increase Mm Endurance:
a. load
b. reps
c. sets
d. rest
e. frequency
a. load: 15-40% 1RM
b. reps: 15-30
c. sets: 1-4
d. rest: 2-3 min
e. frequency: 2-3 days/week
High Reps, Low Load=
increase Mm endurance
To Increase Power
a. load
b. reps
c. sets
d. rest
e. frequency
a. load: 20-50% 1 RM
b. reps: 8-12
c. sets: 1-4
d. rest: 2-3 min
e. frequency: 2-3 days/week