Resistive Exercise - Class 4 Flashcards
open chain
distal segment is free to move
in open chain there is
unrestricted movement of a peripheral segment of the body
there is –> open chain
independent joint motion
where does motion occur –> OC
distal to joint axis
greater… –> OC
distraction and rotary forces
how is OC almost always done
NWB positions
less…–> OC
proprioceptive input
what is required with OC
external stabilization required
closed chain
peripheral segment has to meet external resistance
what moves over what –> CC
proximal segment moves over the fixed, distal segment
there is good –> CC
stabilization for joint congruency
what does CC used
fxnal posture and muscle contractions
there is –> CC
great proprioception secondary to closed surface input
compressive forces result –> CC
decreased shearing force
what does OC allow for
specific muscles to be trained
what does OC increase
shear force through joints
closed chain is
reproduction of fxnal tasks
what is the increase in stabilization d/t –> CC
co-contraction and increased proprioception
what chain should we start with
open chain
then progress towards closed chain