Muscle Performance and Strength - Lecture 3 Flashcards
muscle performance
interaction b/w the physiologic, neurologic, psychologic, biomechanical systems
dzs to these systems can affect muscle performance
3 components of muscle performance
when do we use therapeutic intervention to improve muscle performance
impairments to power, strength or endurance
impairments must be related to –> muscle performance
fxnal limitation or disability
promote health, wellness and fitness
pain with active motion
ability of contractile tissue to produce tension
a resultant force based on the demands placed on a single muscle
fxnal strength
ability of NM system to produce, reduce, or control forces during fxnal activities
fxnal strength is seen as
smooth and coordinated
insufficient muscular strength can lead to
major fxnal losses of even the simplest ADLs
strength training is a
integral component of rehab and conditioning programs for individuals of all ages
strength training definition
systemic procedure of a muscle or muscle group lifting, lowering, or controlling heavy loads (resistance) for a low number of reps in a short period of time
strength training results in
neural adaptations
increase in muscle fiber size = increased muscle strength = increase in the maximal force producing capacity of a muscle
muscle power
aspect of muscle performance that is related to strength and speed of movement
rate of performing work
how can muscle power be expressed
over a brief period of time or repeated bursts over less time
why do we do power training
many activities in our lives are composed of movements that are explosive and involve speed and strength
what is an important priority in a rehab program
re-establishing muscle power
what is some degree of muscle strength necessary for
developing muscle power
muscle strength is a precursor to muscle power
how can power be increased
increasing the work of a muscle must perform during a specified period of time
reducing the amount of time required to produce a given force
the greater the muscle power…
the greater the intensity of the exercise
shorter the period of time taken to generate the force
endurance training
characterized by having the ability to contract and lift of a lighter load for many reps
sustain a muscle contraction for an extended period of time
endurance training is…
low intensity muscle contractions
large number of reps
prolonged period of time
endurance training can have a more positive impact on
improving fxn
compared to strength training for some pts
endurance training minimizes
adverse forces on joints
endurance training produces less
irritation to soft tissue
endurance training is more comfortable than
heavy resistance exercise
3 key principles of resistance training
overload principle
SAID principle
Reversibility principle
overload principle is for
improvements to occur in muscle performance
a load that exceeds the current metabolic capacity needs to be applied
muscles need to be –> overload principle
challenged to perform at a level greater than that to which is accustomed
what happens if demands remain static –> overload principle
muscle performance will only be maintained
overload principle –> strength training
incrementally and progressive increases
overload principle –> endurance training
number of reps
safety and precaution –> overload principle
underlying pathology
age of the pt
stage of tissue healing
overall abilities and goals of the pt
SAID principle
framework for specificity
must be built
specificity of training
adaptive effects of training are highly specific to the training methods placed on them
exercises should be… –> specificity of training
as similar to (mimic) the anticipated fxn
transfer of training
carryover of training effects from one variation to another
transfer of training is often referred to as
transfer training
reversibility principle
adaptive changes tot he body’s system are transient unless training continues or are incorporated regularly into daily activities