Research15 Flashcards
How is epidemiology defined by the text?
As the “study of the distribution and determinants of states of health and illness in human populations.”
What statistical means are used to describe various health and illness phenomena?
Ratios, proportions, and rates
What does a ratios express?
The relationship between two numbers by dividing the numerator by the denominator; ratio= a/b
What does a proportion represent?
A fraction in which the numerator is a subset of the denominator; proportion = a/ (a+b); converted to percentages
What is a rate?
A proportion expressed over a particular unit of time; used to express the change in a health variable in the population at risk over a certain period
How do epidemiologist use ratios, percentages, and rates?
To express prevalence and incidence
What does prevalence express?
Proportion of a population that exhibits a certain condition at a given point in time; prevalence= existing cases/population examined at a given point in time
What is incidence?
The rate of new cases of a condition that develop during a specific period of time; incidence = new cases during time period / population at risk during time period
What is the relationship between incidence and prevalence?
The relationship depends on the nature of the condition being examined. For disease and injury that are of short duration, incidence is often greater than prevalence. For conditions that are of long duration, incidene is often lower than prevalence.
What are the three forms of rates used to compare the sample with the population norms?
Crude rates- rates calculated using the entire population at risk; specific rates- rates for specified subgroups of the population; adjusted rates- used when one wishes to compare rates across populations with different proportions of various subgroups
What is relative risk?
the probability that different populations with different characteristics ill be affected by disease or injury in some way
What are the two ways in which relative risk is calculated?
using risk ratios and odds ratios
How is a risk ratio calculated?
by creating a ratio of the incidence rate for one subgroup and the incidence rate for another subgroup; risk ratio= [a/(a+b)] / [c/(c+d)]
How is an odds ratio calculated?
used to estimate relative risk among subgroups; odds ratio= (a/c)/(b/d)= ad/bc
What are the four key proportions used to compare usefulness of the test being evaluated to a criterion test that is considered the “gold standard”?
sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value