Research/Statistics Flashcards
A study that includes 1+ IV’s and 2+ DV’s that are each measured on an interval irrespective of ratio scale.
Chi-Square Test
Used for measuring nominal data (a type of qualitative data which groups variables into categories), and when a study has two or more variables.
Difference between a simple-sample Chi-square test and a multiple-sample?
Simple-sample: Study is descriptive study and has only ONE variable to measure.
Multiple-sample: Study is also descriptive and has TWO OR MORE variables to measure.
What does the “Spearman” measure?
It’s a rank-order correlation coefficient that determines rank-ordered data.
What does the “Pearson” do?
It’s a correlation coefficient (r) that is the most common way to measure a linear correlation.
When looking at a graph, it will be the number between -1 and 1 that measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. Its data will make a straight diagonal path on the chart.
What is the function of a Mediator Variable?
It acts as the intervening variable between two other variables.
What is the function of a moderating variable?
It’s an extra quality that acts upon the relationship of two variables and changes the direction and strength.
Considering the Item Difficulty Index when increasing the difficulty level of a statistic test, what factors should be considered?
You are looking for the (p) value of each item and you are looking at numbers closest to 0. If an item is closest to 1, it indicates an easier testing time. You want to re-evaluate the items that are getting a score closest to 0 because these items may affect test validity.
What are the 2 main characteristics that distinguishes true experimental research from quasi-experimental?
The researcher can manipulate the IV and randomly assign subjects to different groups.
What’s the difference between a Type I and Type II error?
Type I- aka “false positive”; where the investigator rejects a null hypothesis that is actually true.
Type II - aka “false negative”; the investigator fails to reject a null hypothesis that is actually false.
What is a null hypothesis?
A type of statistical hypothesis that proposes that nothing significant is going on in the research. (HO)
What is the function of the spearman correlation coefficient?
Another name for it is spearman rank order correlation, efficient. It’s used to correlate scores by two variables reported.
What is stepwise multiple regression used for?
A type of multiple regression is used to identify with the fewest number of predictors needed to make an accurate prediction. 
What is the Latin square used for?
It’s a type of counterbalanced design that ensures that the different levels of the IV are assigned to the groups of subjects so that each level appears an equal number of times in each ordinal position.
What is a Factorial Analysis used for?
It is used to explore the underlined dimensions that explain the relationship between multiple variables.
How do you conduct a Solomon for Group design?
Two groups are treated as they would be in a classic experiment with the pretest, experimental group, intervention, and a post test. The other two groups do not receive the pretest, one receives the intervention and then All groups are then given the post test.
What happens to a Type 1 error and a Type 2 error when alpha is increased?
There is an increase in the probability of making a Type 1 error, and a decrease in the probability of making a Type 2 error.
What is the purpose of the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)?
Is used to remove the effects of an extraneous variable from scores on the DV, so that it’s easier to detect the effects of the IV on the DV. The extraneous variable is the “covariate.”
What do Orthogonal and Oblique factors mean?
Orthogonal means the factors are uncorrelated. Oblique factors mean they are correlated
What is the rule regarding the relationship between a test’s reliability coefficient and it’s criterion related validity coefficient?
A test’s criteria related validity coefficient can be no greater than the square root of its reliability coefficient
What is the rule with measuring a test standard error of measurement?
The error of measurement will always fall between zero and standard deviation score.
What quality does a research study have if it’s considered to have a good external identity?
Research is considered to have good external validity when it can be generalized to other people, settings and conditions.
A-B-A-B design indicates what and what do the letters stand for?
The same treatment is applied twice. “A” stands for no treatment or baseline phase and the other letters stand for the treatment phase. If it were A-B-A-C design, this indicates the two different treatments are each applied once.
Mean, median and mode.
Associated with skewed distributions
mean=few scores in the tail
median=middle of the tail
mode= most scores in the tail
Has to do with where it lies in the distribution tail.
When is the eta used?
When two variables are measured on an interval or ratio scale, and the relationship between the variables is nonlinear.
When is the Spearman’s Rho used?
When do you want to know the relationship between two variables. It measures the strength and direction of association between two variables.
What is a Type II error?
A researcher retains a false null hypothesis.
What is a Type I error?
When a researcher rejects a true null hypothesis.
The Solomon four-group design is used for what?
To control for pretest sensitization that threatens a test’s internal validity.
What is the difference between the single-blind and double-blind technique? What is the blind technique used for?
Single-Blind: subject do not know which groups they are in.
Double-blind: subject and experimenter do not know which groups subjects are in.
Advantage to the double blind technique is that it reduces experimenter bias.
What are four ways to increase statistical power?
- Increase the sample size (alpha)
- Increase the effect size (level of
significance) - Use parametric testing.
- Greater population homogeneity
When is a point biserial correlation coefficient used?
When one variable is a true dichotomy (e.g. college graduate or none graduate) and the other variable is continuous like Yearly income in dollars
What is the biggest threat to a studies internal validity if the subjects chosen For the study are chosen because of extreme pretest scores?
Statistical regression
What do you use a MANOVA?
What your study includes to more dependent variables that are measured on an interval or ratio scale.
What do you use an ANCOVA? (AKA a regression analysis)
When you would to control the effects of an extraneous variable by statistically removing its effects on the dependent variable.
What do you use a factorial design?
What your study includes at least one between-subjects variable and one within-subjects variable.
What characteristics do all single subject designs share?
The dependent variable is measured multiple times during each phase.
When range of variable scores are restricted, can this overestimate or underestimate the correlation coefficient (aka relationship score)
What is the function of a moderator variable?
It affects the direction and or strength of the relationship between two variables.
A type of qualitative research used for cultural research that includes joining a cultural group and participating in its usual activities.
Canonical correlation
A multivariate technique used when two or more predictors will be used to estimate two or more outcomes (aka “criteria”).
Example when health related predictors such as exercise diet and stress are used to predict health related outcomes like physical fitness, emotional adjustment, and quality of life. You would use a canonical correlation to predict the outcome of each predictor had on each outcome.
Difference between simple regression, and Multiple regression
Simple- How much does one type of data measure against a predictor line?
Multiple- How much does different types of data measure against a predictor line?
When is split plot ANOVA used?
When you have at least one between subjects variable and one within subjects variable.
Five ways to control for extraneous variables
- Standardized procedures
- Counterbalancing
- Randomization
- Single blind techniques
- Double blind techniques
When is it appropriate to use the Pearson r?
When each score being measured is using a ratio scale.
Remember “r” for ratio.
What is the prediction of the central limit theorem?
As you increase your sample size, you’re going to have a frequency plot that looks very close to a normal distribution.
What is the two characteristics that distinguishes true experimental research from quasi experimental research?
True experimental research can manipulate the independent variable and randomly assign subjects to different groups.
What is Purposive Sampling?
A type of non-random sampling. Where investigators use their own judgment to choose participants that have characteristics that are relevant to the purpose of the study.