Clinical Flashcards
Therapy Elements in Motivational Interviewing
Person-Centered (Rogers), Transtheoretical Model (Prochaska & DiClemente), self-efficacy (Bandura), cognitive dissonance (Festinger).
Stages and phases of Helm’s White Racial Identity Model
First Phase: Contact, Disintegration, and Reintegration.
Second Phase: Pseudo-independence, Immersion/emersion and Autonomy.
Assessment structure when identifying personality disorders
Use self report measures first then follow with semi structured interview.
Schizophrenia Prevalence Rates
For First Degree Relative who shares 50% genes:
6% biological parent
9% biological siblings
13% child (offspring)
17% dizygotic twin.
48% monozygotic twins who share
100% of their genes.
What is the age requirement for onset as well as the duration of symptoms for the DX of ADHD?
Onset of symptoms before 12 years of age that last for at least 6 months.
What is “Detouring” in Structure Family Therapy?
When two family members avoid their conflict by focusing on a third member.
What is “Stable Coalition” in Structure Family Therapy?
Dysfunctional alliances between at least two members against another member.
What is “Triangulation” in Structure Family Therapy?
When a child becomes involved in parent’s conflictual interventions by taking sides, distracting parents, and carrying messages in order to minimize conflict between parents.
What are exception questions used for in SFT?
To help clients identify times when their problems did not exist or were less intense.
What is a scaling question in SFT?
Where you use measurements to help the patient evaluate their progress. “On a scale of 1-10…and why?”
What are the 5 stages of Cross and Vandiver’s Black racial identity development model and describe key elements of each stage?
Pre-encounter: low salience for race, distrust and negative stereotypes of AA.
Encounter: First encounter and awareness of racial injustice.
Immersion-emersion: Acceptance of being AA, trying out “black” and figuring it out.
Internalization: Dissonance between the old and new self is resolved.
Internalization-commitment: a person might adapt a more nuanced definition of Blackness and reject simplistic either-or definitions.
What is Ketamine used for?
Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD)
What were the outcome of the metanalysis conducted by Smith, glass, Miller on the efficacy of psychotherapy?
Their metanalysis produced a mean effect size of .85, which meant that the average patient who receives psychotherapy was better often 80% of patients who did not receive psychotherapy.
List the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal after sensation or reduction of heavy and prolonged use.
For the diagnosis you need to of the following symptoms:
autonomic hyperactivity and tremor
transit hallucinations or illusions
psychomotor agitations
generalized tonic clonic seizures
Name the three stages of Howard’s phase model, and what each stage includes.
Remoralization- first few session of therapy. Increased sense of hope.
Community Health prevention three step process
Primary- Educating public on potential disease
Secondary- Identifying infected population and offering screening and interventions to reduce spread
Tertiary- Reducing the severity of the disease
Requirements for brief psychotic disorder, diagnosis
Aires the presence of one or more symptoms with at least one symptom being delusions, hallucinations or disorganized speech for at least one day, but less than one month.
What are the required presents of symptoms to diagnose ADHD?
Characteristic symptoms should be:
- present in at least two settings, such as home, and at school
- onset before 12 years old
- duration of at least six months.
Explain the six stages of change in Prochaska and Di Clemente’s transtheoretical model
What is the difference in diagnosing ADHD in adults vs. children?
Children must have at least six symptoms of intention, and/or six symptoms of hyperactivity and pulse and impulsivity
For ages 17 and older must have at least five symptoms of an inattention and/or five symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity.
What was the CRAFT program designed for?
Individuals who refuse to seek treatment for their substance use problems. When using the intervention, the therapist works with concerned significant others (CSOs) who are family members or close friends of the individual who has the substance use problem.
What are the three types of behavioral interventions used to treat paraphilia disorders?
-Orgasmic reconditioning
-covert sensitization
-aversion treatment
List key aspects of the multisystems model.
- Boyd-Franklin’s developed for AA families
- Consists of 2 main Axes
- Axis I: components of treatment (joining, assessing, restructuring)
- Axis II: levels where treatment can be applied (individual, family, nonblood kin, friends, community).
In family therapies, Minuchin distinguished between overly rigid and overly permeable boundaries. What terms were used for both types?
Disengagement for overly rigid boundaries and enmeshment for overly permeable boundaries.
Name the different types of paradox techniques:
Position – the therapist exaggerates the client concern to help the client rationality
Prescribing– Involves instructing to engage in problematic behavior
Restraining- encouraging them to change too quickly
Ordeal- unpleasant task a family member is asked to perform if he does the undesirable Bx.
Difference between bipolar I and bipolar II diagnosis
Bipolar I requires at least one manic episode that lasts at least one week. Bipolar II requires at least one major depressive episode or a loss of interest or pleasure plus other symptoms.
What is the difference between conversion disorder and somatic symptom disorder?
Excessive worry and concern are not part of the diagnosis with conversion disorder, while they are the main part of the diagnosis with somatic symptom disorder.
Diagnostic Criteria for Tourette’s disorder
Multi-motor tics, one-plus vocal tics that had onset prior to 18 years of age and have lasted more than one year. 
What are the steps of stress inoculation training
The three steps are:
- Form a therapeutic alliance and psychoeducation (on effects of stress)
- skill acquisition and rehearsal -assimilation training and follow through. (Done in the military often with HM3’s)
What are the two commonly used behavioral interventions for PE?
The squeeze and start/stop technique
What is collaborative empiricism?
It’s described by Aaron Beck in CBT as the work that the therapist and client do together to identify treatment, Test, clients, beliefs, and arrive a plan to resolve the clients problems.
What is the difference between the use of ECT and rTMS as treatments for major depressive disorder?
Both are evidence-based treatments for MDD, but ECT has been found to have a higher response and remission rates and is considered superior for patients with psychotic depression.
Abramson, Matelski, and Alloy’s model of depression proposes that hopelessness is the result of what?
Stable and global attributions of negative life events.
What are the three principles of Self- Control Therapy, what is the models’s objective and which childhood disorder is often used to treat
Self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and self-reinforcement help to ultimately help the child achieve self-regulation for children ADHD.
Atkinson, Morton, and Sue’s racial cultural identity development model stages
C onformity- neutral or negative attitudes towards members of their own minority group positive attitude towards majority group.
D issonance- Question attitudes towards members of their own minority group due to exposure of new information. Prefers therapist from majority group, but once the therapist be familiar with the culture.
R esistance- positive attitudes towards minority group negative attitude towards majority group.
I ntrospection- Questions their personal judgment and biased towards other groups. Would be willing to meet with the therapist of majority group, but therapist from minority group.
I ntegrative awareness- are aware of positive aspects of all cultures. They prefer a therapist with similar worldviews.
Crosses black racial identity development
PreEncounter absorbed Bettie, beliefs and values of the dominant white culture example of “white is right”
Encounter For fight event to acknowledge the impact of racism and one’s life
Immersion/emersion Desire to surround himself with visible symbols of one’s racial identity, and an active avoidance of symbols of whiteness
Internalization secure in one’s own sense of racial identity
Internalization commitment Found ways to translate one’s personal sense of blackness into a plan of action sustains overtime.
Helms white racial identity model
C ontact- “colorblind”
D isintegration- Awareness, guilt and shame
R eintegration- “Blame the victim“
P seudo independence- Confront racism by using people of color to do so
I mmersion/emersion- genuine attempts made to embrace whiteness and the anti-racist.
Autonomy - A positive connection between personal white racial identity and the active pursuit of social justice.
Internal racism
Acceptance of negative messages about one’s own race or ethnic group accompanying by self evaluation behaviors, and a preference for beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of members of the dominant culture.
List the four economic evaluation methods researchers use to compare to interventions and the purpose of each method.
cost-consequences analysis -
cost-utility analysis -
cost-benefit analysis - is the money spent worth it?
cost-effectiveness analysis -
List the 5 steps and Mike and Bob’s self instructional training and who was this model originally developed for?
Self instructional training was originally developed to help impulsive children develop greater self-control when completing tasks. The five steps are in order:
- Cognitive modeling
- Overt external guidance
- Overt self guidance
- Faded over self guidance
- Covert self-instruction
Therapy model that combines Banduras self-efficacy theory, Rogers person- centered therapy, and the transtheoretical model:
Motivational interviewing
What is the difference between a healthy, cultural paranoia and a functional paranoia?
Functional paranoia is an unhealthy psychological condition that involves suspicion and distrust as a result of a psychological condition.
Cultural paranoia involves suspicion and distrust as a result of experiences with racism.
Name the differences between:
Administration-centered case consultation.
Client-centered- help the clinician work on a particular client
Consulted-centered- Help the clinician develop his/her skills and knowledge
Program-centered- works with a colleague to develop a tx. Program
Administration-centered- Works with a team of administrators to help them with certain aspects of their program that focuses on tx.
Refusing to believe distressing aspects of reality.
Involves making disturbing feelings and thoughts, less threatening by treating them to another person.
Involves shifting an unacceptable impulse from an Unacceptable target to more acceptable one.
Reaction formation
Involves defending against an unacceptable impulse by expressing its opposite. (I’m Chris Hansen… or the dad in American Beauty.)
detouring coalition
when the pair hold a third party responsible for their difficulties with one another, whereby decreasing the pair’s relational stress
The process of analysis in psychoanalysis described by Greenson.
Working through
What is fixed role therapy and what therapy model is it associated with?
Fixed roll therapy is associated with Kelly’s personal construct therapy and involves having clients adopt roles that will let them “tryout” personal constructs that differ from their own.
List techniques that are associated with Milan systemic family therapy.
- Circular questions
- Hypothesizing
- Neutrality
- Rituals
- Paradoxical prescription
- Positive connotation
- Invariant prescription
List four family therapy models that are specifically focused to treat children with behavioral problems and their families.
- Parent-Child interaction therapy (PCIT) for young children with conduct disorder and children at risk for physical or emotional abuse.
- Functional family therapy is for older children, adolescence with externalizing behavior, disorders or substance problems, high risk of delinquency.
- Family focused therapy is our family interventions for bipolar disorder.
- Problem-solving skills training is for older children and adolescence with disruptive behavior problems.
Arbitrary inference
Cognitive distortion identified by Beck. Occurs when a person draws a conclusion without having evidence to support it.
In Gordon’s model of prevention what are the three types and describe them.
Universal are preventions available to all members of the population.
selected are preventions aimed at members of a subgroup who are at above average risk for a condition or problem.
indicated Our preventions aimed at specific individuals from a population population who are not only at risk for a condition or problem, but also have minimal detectable signs or symptoms of the condition.
Theme Interference
A loss of objectivity that occurs when a therapist’s reactions to a particular type of client are affected by his or her previous experience with that type of client.
According to the trans theoretical model, what three factors affect a person’s motivation to change?
Decision balance, self efficacy, and temptation.
What is the difference between effectiveness research and efficacy research?
Efficacy research is conducted in controlled setting =
High internal validity
Low external validity (because testing conditions are less controlled.)
Effectiveness research is conducted in real settings =
Low internal validity (because of less experimenter control)
High external validity
According to reality therapy, what is the explanation of psychopathology?
The patient adopting failure identity.
What is another word for “unstable coalition” in Munichin’s structural family therapy?
Sue and Sue discuss what type of economical communication phenomenon in their culture in clinical practice research?
High and low context communication
What is the change mechanism most research supported and mindfulness based interventions?
Decreasing cognitive and emotional reactivity
Treatment fidelity
Refers to the degree to which a treatment is delivered as intended and how much research can demonstrate positive clinical outcomes.
Which side effect is most likely to occur after the use of the atypical antipsychotic drug, clozapine?
homosexual identity development stages in Troiden’s model.
Identity confusion
Identity assumption
List the four dimensions of African-American identity in the multi dimensional model of racial identity.
And Henry Murray’s theory needs what are the four types of needs that he identified?
Achievement, autonomy, affiliation, and dominance
And Rogers personality theory, what does the idea of conditions of a worth contribute to?
Incongruence. The concept of incongruence has to do with accepting someone for expressing themselves in a way that’s comfortable for you but not authentic for them.
What therapy model uses the “Unique outcome” and what is it?
Houston narrative therapy and our exceptions to the families dominant story and our times when a problem didn’t occur when the family had control over it.
What is a reality therapist’s explanation for why people have psychological problems?
Psychological symptoms are the results of choices a person makes in an attempt to satisfy ones innate needs.
What are the components of Functional Family Therapy?
For dimensions of racial identity, distinguished by sellers and colleagues.
Remember “Sellers Racial RISC”
Racial salience
racial centrality
racial regard
racial ideology
The trans diagnostic adaptation of emotion focused therapy was developed as a treatment for what?
Depression, anxiety, and related disorders
Chronic painful emotions of loneliness/sadness, shame, and fear/terror.
Multi dimensional model of racial identity (aka “MMRI”)
Sellers, Smith, Shelton, Rowley, and Chavous
Doesn’t see identity development stages, but rather develop across time and situations.
Racial salience - The extent to which a person‘s race is relevant to self-concept in a particular time or situation.
Racial centrality - The extent to which someone defines how important the race is across multiple situations.
Racial regard - The extent which someone feels positively or negative towards African-Americans or being African-American.
Racial ideology - beliefs and opinion about the way African-Americans should live and interact with society.
What does the term “cultural distance” refer to?
How well the culture of an immigrants home country matches the culture of the host country
The primary methods for assessing the fidelity of community-based interventions are what?
Self reports from practitioners and participants and observations of intervention sessions.
3 Lenses through which people perceive gender according to Sandra Bem’s research:
Biological essentialism- gender is biological and unalterable.
Gender polarization- exaggeration of gender differences.
Androcentrism- Tendency to view male experiences as the norm and female experiences as deviation from the norm.
Theme Interference
When a consultee’s biases and unfounded beliefs interfere with his/her ability to be objective when working with certain types of clients.
Client-centered case consultation
Helping a therapist to work effectively with a client
Consultee-centered case consultation
To help consultees learn skills and knowledge, confidence and objectivity to work with a certain population.
Program-centered administrative consultation
Helping program administrators with problems they are having with a program
Consultee-centered administrative consultation
Improving the professional function of program administrators