I/O Flashcards
Comparable Worth
has been applied, primarily to the gender gap in wages.
Used to establish pay equity across different jobs that requires similar abilities, but have traditionally been performed by men or by women.
What are the 4 requirements of Total Quality Management (TQM)
- Data-driven decision making
- Continuous Improvement
- Customer satisfaction
- Total Employee involvement
Techniques implemented in TQM
- Quality Circles- small group meetings to discuss quality, productivity and solutions
- Benchmarking- Measuring product against competition
- Six sigma- Practices used to analyze defects, problem solve and project management.
What is the Taylor-Russell tables used for?
To obtain an estimate of a predictor’s incremental validity for various combinations of:
- criterion-related validity coefficients
- base rates
- selection ratios
What is the purpose of realistic job preview?
To reduce employee dissatisfaction and turnover.
Dawis and Lofquist’s theory of work adjustment
Divided into satisfaction and satisactoriness.
SATISFACTION refers to the EMPLOYEE’s satisfaction with the job and its ability to match employees needs and reinforcers provided by the job.
SATISFACTORINESS refers to the EMPLOYER’s satisfaction with the employee and how well the employee’s skills match the skill requirement of the job.
According to Janis, what elements should group leaders include in a meeting to reduce the risk of group think?
- Encourage members to express opinions
- Appointment a member to play devil’s advocate
- Remain neutral in the beginning of a discussion
- Bring in outside opinions
What’s the difference between job analysis and job evaluation?
JOB ANALYSIS is asking what the job is all about and includes KSAO’s and a PAQ in order to evaluate employee confidence.
JOB EVALUATION is asking what the job is worth. ($$$)
What are the two types of subjective measures?
Relative rating scales and absolute rating scales.
What is the difference between RELATIVE rating scales and ABSOLUTE rating scales?
RELATIVE RATING SCALES compare workers to each other, such as paired comparisons and forced distribution methods.
ABSOLUTE RATING SCALES evaluate employees ONLY and do not compare employees with each other by using critical incident techniques, graphic rating scale, and behavioral anchored rating scale (BARS.)
What’s the purpose of a utility analysis?
Utility analysis is used to obtain information on the monetary value (ROI) of a selection test, training program, or other employment practice.
What did the 1950s study in Ohio State determine about the distinctions of leaders behavior?
To leader behavior styles were identified:
- HIGH IN INITIATING STRUCTURE were task oriented and focus on performance goals
- HIGH IN CONSIDERATION were people oriented leaders and focused on fostering trust and respect of subordinates.
What was the focus of Taylor’s Scientific Management Model
The models focus was about maximizing, organizational efficiency and productivity. The time-and-motion studies were used when developing this model.
Two main type of integrity tests to use for selection decision making
Overt and personality based.
What is the ideal bureaucracy described by Weber?
An ideal bureaucracy is characterized by:
1. A division of labor.
2. Hierarchy of authority.
3. Clear rules and procedures.
4. Impersonal relationships based on position
5. Selection of promotion decisions, based on an applicants or employees technical confidence.
Describe McGregor‘s theory Y
Describe Feidler’s contingency theory
The effectiveness of a leader in achieving high group performance depends on the leader’s motivational system and the degree to which the leader controls and influences the situation
High LPC & Low LPC
“The fiddler played the high note and the low note.”
Describe Katz and Kahn’s open system theory (OST)
Looks at the relationships between the organizations and the environment in which they are involved. This focus reflects on organizations’ ability to adapt to changes in environmental conditions.
What is the halo error?
The halo error occurs when how an employee is rated on one dimension of job performance affects how the employee is rated on all other dimensions.
What does Donald Super’s life-career rainbow depict?
Life stages and major life rolls
Define the leader-member exchange theory
- effective leadership and subordinate outcomes are determine by the interactions between the leader and the subordinate
- subordinates are treated as in-group or out-group members based on whether or not the leader perceives them as being confident, trustworthy, and willing to assume responsibility.
What is the gist of Hertzberg’s two factor theory?
It factors in hygiene factors, which are about pay benefits and work conditions, and motivator factors, which are about opportunities for autonomy responsibility in advancement. Motivating factors do not cause the satisfaction when they’re inadequate, but contribute to satisfaction motivation when they’re adequate.
Equity Theory of motivation
Has to do with employees perception of fairness.
Input/output ratios are similar.
Motivation increases when one perceives fairness is high and decreases when one perceives fairness is low.
Goal-setting theory
Goals that are clear, specific, and challenging, are more, motivating than vague goals or easy goals.
Situational leadership theory
Pace close attention to the changing needs of the team, task, and organization.
D1 employees have low confidence and high commitment
D2 low to some confidence, low commitment,
D3, moderate high confidence, variable commitment
D4 high confidence, high commitment
S1 employees need directing. They are a high directive and low supportive behaviors.
S2 need coaching
They are high directive and high supportive behavior from their employer
S3 need supporting
low directive show, high supportive behaviors
S4 need delegating
They need low direction and low support.
In the full scope evaluation model what are the differences between the four types of training program evaluation
Formative gathers information that can be used to improve the program conducted before or mid programs implementation.
summative conducted near at the end of a program and are intended to show if the program has achieved its intended outcomes.
confirmative a.k.a. “impact evaluations“ analyze data to show the ultimate , often broader range, and longer lasting effects of a program.
meta-evaluation a.k.a. “process, evaluations“ seek to understand what’s actually going on in a program and if intended service recipients are receiving the service they need.
Tiedeman’s career decision-making model
Views vocation identity development as an ongoing decision-making process that’s linked to Erikson’s stages of ego identity development.
What are the components of a company’s needs analysis?
Needs analysis is used to identify training needs. It often includes:
- organizationanalysis
- task analysis
- person analysis
- demographic analysis
What is downsizing survivor syndrome?
It is a sense of unfairness and reduction of trust caused by the organizations violation of the psychological contract between employer and employee.
Psychological contract means the unwritten expectations that employees and employers have about the responsibilities and obligations to each other.
In regards to leadership style, what conclusions have been drawn about the effects of consideration and initiating structure on job outcomes?
High level of consideration is more important for satisfaction
high level of initiation structure is more important for performance
How is the paired compares in technique perform what is its disadvantage?
Technique requires the rater to compare each employee to all other employees on each detention of job performance.
*Disadvantage** is that it can be very time consuming to use when there are many employees to rate.
Goal-setting theory
When supervisees participate in setting their own performance goals, the goals tend to be more difficult than the goals the supervisor would have set alone.