Research Review Flashcards
EBP process?
- Formulate a question based on a clinical problem
- Identify the relevant evidence
- Evaluate the evidence
- Implement useful findings
- Evaluate the outcomes
Writing and evidence-based question: 5 types of questions
• Efficacy of an intervention (P-I-C-O)
• Usefulness of an assessment
• Description of a condition
• Prediction of an outcome
• Lived experience of a client
Common Research Designs/Methods
Efficacy of an Intervention
Usefulness of an Assessment
Description of a Condition
Prediction of an Outcome
Lived Experience of a Client
Efficacy of an Intervention involves
•Randomized controlled trial
•Nonrandomized controlled trials
•Pretest/posttest without a control group
•Single subject design
Usefulness of an Assessment involves
• Psychometric methods
• Reliability studies
• Validity studies
• Sensitivity and specificity studies
Description of a Condition involves
• Incidence and prevalence studies
• Group comparisons (of existing groups)
• Surveys and interviews
Prediction of an Outcome involves methods such as
•Correlational and regression studies
•Cohort studies
Lived Experience of a Client methods can involve
•Qualitative studies
Types of Research
Examines cause and effect relationships (sometimes referred to as efficacy, intervention, difference, or group comparison studies)
•RCT (True experiment Level II)
•Nonrandomized controlled trial (Quasiexperimental Level III)
•Pretest/posttest (Pre-experiment Level IV)
Experimental research
Cannot determine causal relationships
Can answer descriptive, relationship, and qualitative questions
Common approaches to collect and analyze data include surveys, interviews, observation of behavior, standardized measures, and existing data from medical records
Observational in nature
Non-experimental research
group comparison or incidence/prevalence design
Relationship question
correlational or predictive design
Uses statistics
Describes outcomes in terms of numbers
Deductive reasoning; begins with hypothesis and works down to determine if evidence supports the hypothesis
Centered on testing a hypothesis
Quantitative research
Hypothesis is either
Directional or non directional
researcher has an assumption or belief in a particular outcome
exploratory, no prior notion about the study results but assumes a difference or relationship exists
Non directional
Answers questions about meaning and experience
Uses inductive reasoning; moves from the specific to the general
Provides a more personal and in-depth perspective of the person or situation being studied
Data collected may include photographs, diagrams, etc.
Encompasses several different designs: ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, and participatory action research
Qualitative research
Tests theory and/or hypothesis; focus is on confirmation
Outside/objective pov
Deductive reasoning
Data collection is quantifiable, typically standardized measures w/many participants
Data analysis is descriptive and inferential statistics
Evaluation rigor of research involves Reliability and validity; Data accurate? Consistent?
Evaluating rigor of research is based on trustworthiness
Data analysis involves Identification of themes using text or pictures
Data collection is done through Interviews and observations of a few individuals in their natural environments
Insider and subjective pov
Builds theory and/or explores phenomenon; focus is on discovery
data are collected at a single point in time; uses nonexperimental methods; can be observational in nature; descriptive and correlational studies frequently use
Cross-sectional research
requires that data be collected over at least two time points and typically covers an extended time period (several years or decades); intended to examine the effects of time (ex. – development, aging, or recovery) on some phenomenon (ex. – cognition, independent living, or language); many longitudinal studies examine naturalistic changes making them observational
Longitudinal research
Used to investigate fundamental questions that are directed at better understanding individual concepts
Basic research
Has direct application to health care practices
Applied research
Both basic and applied together; findings form the laboratory are used to generate clinical research
Translational research
Researcher has to decide on whether to accept or reject the research hypothesis based on the p value obtained from the statistical analysis.
Hypothesis Testing
If p is less than or equal to 0.05, the hypothesis is
If p value is greater that 0.05, the hypothesis is
when the hypothesis is accepted, yet the hypothesis is FALSE
False positive
Type 1 error
when the hypothesis is rejected, yet the hypothesis is TRUE; sometimes sample size is too small
False negative
Type 2 error
Characteristics of people, activities, situations, or environments that are identified and/or measured in a study and have more than one value
these are manipulated or compared in a study; with more than one independent variable is included in a study, the study is described as a factorial design
these are observed and are intended to measure the result of the manipulation (also know as the outcome or outcome variable)
those variables that remain constant; the more control in place, the more confidence that the independent variable caused the change in the dependent variable
Control variables
variables that can influence the outcome of a study; they are tracked and then later examined to determine its influence
Extraneous variables
type of extraneous variable that not only affects the dependent variable, but is also related to the dependent variable
confounding variable
Describe the data in a study
Provide an analysis of data that helps describe, show, or summarize it in a meaningful way that patterns might emerge from it
Include frequencies, frequency distribution, measure of central tendency
Descriptive statistics
actual number or count along with a percentage
how often something occurs within a given interval
on line graphs, histograms, etc.
Frequency distribution
Mean, meadian, mode
Measure of central tendency
M, x̄ (X Bar)
Mean of a sample
M (sd)
Mean and standard deviation of a sample
S, sd, σ
Standard deviation of a sample
Sample variance/variance of a sample
Number of participants in a study or a number of participants in a group
data points are distributed in a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve; two halves are mirror images
Normal distribution
lack of symmetry in the spread of scores, such that the curve is longer than the others
Skewed distribution
Positively Skewed Distribution skews which way?
To the right
Negatively Skewed Distribution skews which way?
To the left