Research Methodology Flashcards
Wilhelm Wundt
Founded the first psychology lab in Germany in 1897
Wilhelm has an I in it, I looks like 1, so you know that it is the first
Gave subjects various stimuli and asked them to describe what they saw/felt #Introspection
want to understand how brain works Problems with it Introspection- vague and subjective No way to determine if proposed structures exist Sensation vs. Perception (Pain scale)
William James
Principles of psychology (1890)
Interested in what mind does NOT how it does it (Why people thought or acted in certain wayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
Leader of psychology (not first follower)
A room can be clean and messy at the same time
Evolutionary psych
Influenced by Darwin
How does this get used in your life?
What are the practical applications of Jean Paul Marat?
Evolutionary Psychology
Explain psych in terms of evolution
James B Watson
First Behavioralist
Studied how enviro influences actions
social conditioning: changing behavior by changing enviro
Little Albert
Pavlov dog bell experiment
Mean Guy who did surgery on everyone
B.F. Skinner
Big Forehead Skinner
Sigmund Freud
Believed in unconscious factors, such as sex and agression (Dose Austrians doe)
Child experiences shape personality——> ex. Oedipal Complex Electra Complex
Very influential but highly criticized but you can’t really test below-conscious level stufffzzzzzz
learning about unconcscious and childhood by talking to patients
like psychiatrist
How does it make feeeeeeeeel?
Max Wertheimer
How people perceive forms as wholes in this crazy, segmented world of ours
recognized tune, not individual notes
dashed note (Whattt?????
actions and thoughts are driven by unconscious motivations, therefore negative behaviors need to resolved by controlling unconscious factors
Behavioral Psychology
Actions and T(heyyyyyy)houghts based on consequences of action in pasts
classic conditioning- pavlov associations
Operant/Oparent COnditioning- behavior responses followed by favorable responses are strengthened
Humanistic Psychology
Behaviors are driven by consciious thoughts
BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE (saraaaa bareills HU made you king of anything??)
Focuses on people’s abuility to direct their own lives/human potential/actualization
Cognitive Psychology
How people think about and understand thw world around them
Memory/Intelligence/Thought process/Problem solving
Sociocultural Psychology
Actions or thoughts affect by other people (#Mrs.Bennet)
Focus on social norms(#olivemonolpgue)
cross cultural research- contrasting and comparing behaviors from two cultures
PHYSCIAL and biological factors (facotrs) that affect behaviors and mental processes
ex. schiz
True or False: behavioralism and structuralism are still used
Ethical Principles
minimum deception health and safety debrief minimize stress IRB approval informed consent withdraw at any time confidentiality
Stanford Prison Experiment
Guards abused prisoners
example of an ethics dilemma in psych
Little Albert
ethical dilemma in psychology
Conditioned to be fearful of furry things, but never counter conditioned
half of black men had syphilis, half didn’t
didn’t treat them with penicillin because they wanted to see what would happen
many horrible things happened to them
Clinton apologized to the survivors `
Gambler’s fallacy
think that something is “due” to come up just because it hasn’t in a while
Regression to the mean
things will always regress to the mean
True or False: You will have more accuracy with a greater number of trials
Normal Curve
mean = median = mode
it is a SUPER famous graph (think Jennifer Lawrence level)
hypothetical frequency curve that represents a typical population, so it can be used to compare individuals to a population
1 standard deviation– 34.1%
next percentage gap = 13.6%
last gap is 2.15%
68% within one standard deviation of the mean
Standard deviation
best measure of variability
What is the mean of the IQ test/what is the range of when standard deviation below to above?
What is the SAT mean
1958 Obedience to authority put psychological stress weren't informed that they could withdraw Shocking experiment
Positive correlation
r is from 0 to 1
strong positive correlation- r is greater than .8