Research articles Flashcards
A randomized controlled trial of the effects of nursing care based on Watson’s Theory of Human Caring on distress, self-efficacy and adjustment in infertile women
- Quantitative research*:
1. Researchers studied the effects of nursing care based on the Theory of Human Caring (Jean Watson) on distress caused by infertility, perceived self-efficacy and adjustment levels.
2. Those who received the intervention had improved scores in all three categories; there was no change in the control group.
Infertility article - research design
Randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Infertility article - data collection
- Sociodemographic data form.
- Pretest and posttest measures.
- The Infertility Distress Scale; the Turkish-Infertility Self Efficacy Scale Short Form; the Turkish-Fertility Adjustment Scale.
Infertility article - data analysis
- Dependent 𝑡-test - compared scores from one group with scores from another group.
- Chi-square tests.
- Intention-to-treat analyses.
Infertility article - sample
105 Turkish women, with 52 in the intervention group and 53 in the control group.
Infertility article - statistics used for the demographic characteristics
Descriptive statistics, specifically percentages.
The inner door: Toward an understanding of suicidal patients
Qualitative research - ethnography.
Suicide (ethnography) article - research approach
Two years of participant observation in a psychiatric medical care center in Taiwan. Interviews were also used. Purpose was to understand how nurses resolve their suicide care dilemmas. The “inner door” was a conceptualization of how nurses either embraced or distanced themselves from suicidal patients.
Bullying in the nursing profession
Qualitative research - grounded theory.
3-year study that explored nursing students’ self-esteem and how their experiences of preregistration education influenced its development.
Bullying (grounded theory) article - research approach
Unstructured qualitative interviews at the beginning and end of the 3-year program; a grounded theory approach was used for data collection and analysis. Approach was chosen because grounded theory focuses on description and the generation of theory; focuses on the concerns of those involved rather than the concerns of the researcher.
Bullying (grounded theory) article - basic findings
Bullying was found to be a commonplace occurrence that negatively impacted students’ self-esteem. Nurses had power over students as well as over patients. Students internalized this behavior and became bullies themselves.
Nurses’ Participation in the Euthanasia Programs of Nazi Germany
Qualitative research - historical.
Finding the New Normal: Accepting Changes After Combat-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Qualitative research - grounded theory.
Explored family reintegration experiences, as described by married dyads, following a combat-related mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI).
mTBI article - research approach
Face-to-face, semistructured interviews were used; a grounded theory approach was applied.
mTBI article - basic findings
Overarching theme was finding the “new normal” related to changes and mismatched expectations associated with the mTBI.
Surviving Ebola: Understanding experience through artistic expression
Qualitative research - phenomenology.
Participants made drawings and gave interviews to describe their experiences about being survivors of Ebola. Phenomenology was used to analyze the data.
Ebola article - research approach
Phenomenology. This approach was chosen because the researchers wanted others to understand the experience of surviving Ebola; drawings were used as representations of collective reflection and an expression of meaning.
Ebola article - basic findings
Drawings were used to analyze the participants’ “relationship” with the Ebola virus or life-threatening illness in general. Four categories emerged: Escape in peaceful awareness; hope for a world outside of fear; persistence in defying death; constant fear of dying.