Chapter 11 Selecting a Quantitative Research Design Flashcards
Analytic epidemiological studies
Studies concerned with testing hypotheses to determine if specific exposures are related to the presence or absence of specific diseases.
- Elements built into a design to reduce or eliminate interpretations of the cause of the results. These elements include the use of randomization, manipulation of experimental conditions, and use of comparison groups.
- The essence of an experimental design.
Control group
The group that does not receive the experimental treatment in an experiment or intervention.
Descriptive study
A study designed to describe the meaning of existing phenomena.
Descriptive correlational study
A study used to describe and explain the nature and magnitude of existing relationships.
Descriptive epidemiological studies
Studies concerned with the distribution and patterns of disease or disability in a population.
Double-blinded study
Treatment assignment (to either experimental or control group) is unknown to patients and healthcare providers. Sometimes referred to as patient-provider masking.
Experimental group
The group that receives the “new” treatment in an experiment.
External validity
The extent to which the results of a study can be generalized from the study sample to the target population.
Extraneous variable
- Any variable that is not directly related to the purpose of the study but that may affect the dependent variable; sometimes termed “intervening” or “confounding variables.”
- Can be external factors emerging from the environment and the experiment or internal factors that represent personal characteristics of the subjects of the study.
Internal validity
Refers to whether the independent variable made a difference.
Organizing framework that contains a set of assumptions or values that underlie how scientists view reality, truth, and research.
Qualitative research
- Research directed at the discovery of meaning and underlying philosophical inquiry or psychological and sociological underpinnings.
- Research involving the use of language, concepts, and words rather than numbers to represent evidence from research, with a focus on processes.
- Focus is on an individual’s perspective in a social context, social and thinking processes, discovery of information, participatory involvement of researcher as a means of data collection, and description of happenings. The design is highly flexible.
Quantitative research
- Research directed at the discovery of relationships and cause and effect. Methods used are based on the scientific method of inquiry.
- Research concerned with the measurement and analysis of relationships between and among variables at a particular point in time, with a focus on outcomes.
- Focus is on measurement, testing, explanations, verification of facts, testing of theoretical relationships, statistical significance, internal validity, and prediction of events.
Randomized clinical trial (RCT)
- A prospective study evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention/treatment in a large sample of patients. Essential features of a clinical trial include use of an experimental and control group, randomization, masking of patients and health-care providers, and sufficient sample sizes.
- The gold standard for evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention on a sample.
Research design
- Set of guidelines by which a researcher obtains answers to questions.
- An overall plan or blueprint that outlines aspects of sample collection and analyses based on specific research questions and/or hypotheses.
- Purpose: Answer questions or test hypotheses; forms the link between the researcher’s framework and research questions with the resultant data.
- Characteristics: Provides methodological direction (sampling, random assignment); a general, nonspecific approach to a study or question; guides the researcher’s specific plan.
Single-blinded study
Treatment assignment (to either experimental or control group) is unknown to patients.
Experimental vs. quasi-experimental research designs
- Experimental: Offers the greatest amount of control over independent variables, and involves control, random assignment, and manipulation.
- Quasi-experimental: Involves manipulation of an independent variable, but lacks randomization or a control group.
Factors guiding the choice of a research design
- The topic of interest under investigation.
- The purpose of the study.
- The amount of knowledge on the topic.
- The individual’s philosophy or paradigm.
If little is known about a particular topic, a _ research design is used.
Descriptive or exploratory.
If a particular phenomenon is well defined and measured, a more structured design, such as an _ research design, may be appropriate.
Experimental or quasi-experimental.
_ designs develop from a strong theoretical base, emerge from questions regarding explanation and relationships between and among variables, and generally derive from evolving knowledge in the area of inquiry.
_ designs emerge from a strong research tradition and perhaps theoretical base, evolve from questions about understanding and description of phenomena, and generally emerge from evolving knowledge.
Random assignment
Allocation of subjects to either an experimental or a control group.
The ability for the researcher to determine what form/action an independent variable will take.
Randomized pretest-posttest control group design
Experimental design in which random assignment is used; pretesting provides information about the similarity of experimental and control groups on measures of the dependent variable before the independent variable is introduced.
Randomized posttest-only control group
- Experimental design in which random assignment is used, but only a posttest is administered.
- Example: Post-operative pain - there is no reason to ask the person about pain before they have the surgery.
One-group pretest-posttest design
Weak experimental (quasi-experimental) design in which both pretesting and posttesting are conducted, but only an experimental group is used.
Nonequivalent control group design
- The most common type of quasi-experimental design; also called a comparison group. Involves two groups and a pretest/posttest design, but subjects are not randomly assigned to one of the two groups.
- Common in nursing research - baseline data are collected from both groups; one group receives an intervention while the other does not; data are collected again.
Three identifying properties of a true experimental design
- Randomization or random assignment.
- Control.
- Manipulation.
_ may be impaired due to the use of a quasi-experimental design.
Internal validity. (It is difficult to make cause-and-effect statements.)
Threats to internal validity
- History (another event may have an effect on dependent variable).
- Maturation (developmental, biological, or psychological processes).
- Testing (pretest and posttest).
- Instrumentation (reliability of measurement).
- Mortality (may involve the death of subjects but it actually refers to attrition - loss of subjects for any reason).
True experiments are designed primarily to _
Determine causal connections.
Non-experimental design
Primarily exploratory and involves independent variables that naturally occur and are not manipulated; random assignment is not used.
Descriptive design
- Goal is to describe and document aspects of a phenomenon. Provides a better understanding of something when little is known about a phenomenon.
- The researcher observes, describes, and documents various aspects of a phenomenon (the manner in which something exists, the frequency with which it occurs).
- No manipulation of variables, but the results can be used to develop future hypotheses.
Descriptive comparative design
- Describes differences in variables that occur naturally between two or more groups; usually the researcher has a hypothesis about the differences in variables among different units.
- No manipulation of the independent variable; no cause and effect.
Correlational design
- Describes, predicts, or tests the relationship between two or more variables - as one variable changes, does a related change occur in another variable?
- The independent variable is not manipulated and causation is not proven.
- Example: Is there a relationship between the frequency of turning an immobile patient and the development of skin breakdown?
Secondary analysis
- Research method (not an actual design) of collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of exploring new relationships and creating new insights.
- The researcher obtains data that has already been collected for a different study and analyzes that data to answer research questions that are different from the original study.
Research that combines findings from several other studies and performs statistical analyses on the combined findings.