Chapter 6 Formulating Hypotheses and Research Questions Flashcards
Complex hypothesis
A statement explaining and/or predicting relationships between two or more independent and dependent variables.
Deductive reasoning
- A process that begins with a general picture and moves to a specific direction or prediction.
- Deductive hypotheses are derived from theory and contribute to the science of nursing by providing evidence that supports, expands, or contradicts a given theory.
Dependent variable
- A variable that is observed for changes or to assess the possible effect of a treatment or manipulation; may be the effect or outcome of an experimental procedure; also referred to as a criterion variable or outcome variable. Usually symbolized by the letter Y.
- The variable which is under investigation and is the focus of the study.
- What the researcher intends to understand, explain, predict, or measure about subjects after the introduction of the independent variable.
Directional hypothesis
- A hypothesis that makes a specific prediction about the direction of the relationship between two variables.
- Usually derived from conceptual models or findings from previous research.
Extraneous variable
- A variable that is not controlled for in a study, which threatens the internal validity of the study. Also known as confounding variables.
- These variables exist in all studies and are primarily of concern in quantitative research.
- Classified as controlled or uncontrolled and as recognized or unrecognized. Attempts should be made to identify and control extraneous variables.
- A statement about the relationship between the variables that are being investigated. A well stated hypothesis must be testable.
- Purposes: Guide scientific inquiry for the advancement of knowledge; provide direction for the research design and the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; provide a framework for reporting the conclusions of a study.
- Researchers do not set out to prove hypotheses but rather to collect data that either support or refute them. Hypotheses are never proved right or wrong.
Hypothesis-generating study
A study that generates hypotheses by pulling together pieces of data from several descriptive/exploratory studies.
Independent variable
- A variable that is manipulated and controlled by the researcher; also called a predictor variable. Usually symbolized by the letter X.
- May be classified as an experimental, treatment, intervention, or predictor variable.
Inductive reasoning
- A process that begins with details or specific observations and moves to a more general picture.
- Inductive hypotheses are derived from observed patterns and contribute to the development of a model or framework that can possibly be tested through more formal research.
Nondirectional hypothesis
- A hypothesis that does not stipulate in advance the direction and nature of the relationship between two variables.
- Used when past research provides conflicting results or when the direction of the relationship is unknown.
Null hypothesis (H₀)
- A hypothesis stating that no relationship or difference exists between two variables. Also called statistical hypothesis.
- Suits the statistical techniques that determine whether an observed relationship is probably a chance relationship or probably a true relationship.
Research hypothesis (H₁ or Hₐ)
- A hypothesis stating a relationship or difference between two variables. Also called an alternative, declarative, or scientific hypothesis.
- Indicates what the researcher expects to find as a result of conducting a study.
Research question
- A concise, interrogative statement written in the present tense that includes one or more variables (or concepts). All research variables and the population to be studied should be included.
- Three purposes (does not have to do all three): Describes variable(s), examines relationships among variables, and determines differences between two or more groups regarding the selected variable(s).
- Used when prior knowledge of the phenomenon is limited and the research seeks to identify or describe the phenomenon.
- Should flow naturally from the purpose statement and narrow the focus of the study.
Simple hypothesis
A statement explaining and/or predicting a relationship between one independent and one dependent variable.
A measurable characteristic that varies among the subjects being studied.
Hypotheses and research questions are formulated after _ has been completed.
The review of literature.