Chapter 7 Selecting the Sample and Setting Flashcards
Accessible population
Population that is readily available to the researcher and that represents the target population as closely as possible.
Cluster sampling
- Type of sampling in which the researcher randomly selects groups of subjects rather than individual subjects; also called multistage sampling.
- Used for convenience when the population is very large or spread over a wide geographic area.
Convenience sampling
- Type of nonprobability sampling in which the researcher selects subjects or elements readily available; also called accidental sampling.
- Subjects are not selected from a larger group; the researcher collects data from whomever is available and meets the study criteria.
- Includes snowball sampling and network sampling.
External validity
Extent to which results of a study can be generalized from the study sample to other populations and settings.
Network sampling
- Type of nonprobability sampling that takes advantage of social networks.
- When the researcher has found a few subjects with the needed criteria, these individuals are asked to help the researcher get in touch with others having similar characteristics.
- Biases: Subjects are not independent of each other; subjects volunteer to participate.
Nonprobability sampling
- Type of sampling in which the sample is not selected using random selection.
- Disadvantage: The sample chosen may not represent the larger population.
- Entire set of subjects, objects, events, or elements being studied (not restricted to humans); also called the target population.
- Tends to be inferred rather than directly stated.
Probability sampling
Type of sampling in which every subject, object, or element in the population has an equal chance or probability of being chosen.
Purposive sampling
- Type of nonprobability sampling in which the researcher selects only subjects that satisfy prespecified characteristics; also called judgmental or theoretical sampling.
- Allows the researcher to handpick the sample, but sampling bias is a concern.
- Commonly used in qualitative research.
Quota sampling
- Type of nonprobability sampling in which quotas are filled.
- Similar to stratified random sampling except that subjects are not randomly selected for each stratum. Subjects are solicited via convenience sampling.
Random assignment
Allocation of subjects to either an experimental or a control group.
Random selection
Type of selection in which each subject has an equal, independent chance of being selected.
A subset of a population; must represent the larger population.
- The process of selecting a subset from a larger population. (No sampling technique guarantees a representative sample, however.)
- When conducted properly, it allows the researcher to draw inferences and make generalizations about the population without examining every element in the population.
Sampling frame
A list of all elements (subjects, objects, events, or units) in a population.
Simple random sampling
Method of selecting subjects for a sample, in which every subject has an equal chance of being chosen.
Snowball sampling
- Type of nonprobability sampling that relies on subjects identifying other subjects with similar characteristics.
- Useful when one cannot get a list of individuals who share a particular characteristic - studies in which the criteria for inclusion specify a trait that is ordinarily difficult to find (e.g., undocumented immigrants).
Stratified random sampling
- Type of random sampling in which the population is divided into subpopulations, or strata, on the basis of one or more variables, and a simple random sample is drawn from each stratum.
- Examples of stratifying populations: By age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, diagnosis, occupation, year of immigration, etc.
Systematic sampling
Type of sampling in which every 𝑘th (where “𝑘” is some convenient number) member of the population is selected into the sample.
Target population
- Population for which study outcomes are intended. Although the intended (target) population is usually evident, having access to members of this population (accessible) can be difficult.
- The entire set of elements about which the researcher would like to make generalizations.
Types of probability sampling
- Simple random sample.
- Stratified random sample.
- Proportional.
- Disproportional.
- Cluster (multistage) sample.
- Systematic sample.
Types of nonprobability sampling
- Convenience (accidental).
- Snowball.
- Network.
- Quota sample.
- Purposive sample.
𝑘 refers to the _
Sampling interval in systematic sampling.
Many nursing research studies use nonprobability sampling because of _
The difficulties in obtaining random access to populations.
Disadvantages of convenience sampling
- The potential for sampling bias.
- The use of a sample that may not represent the population.
- Limited ability for results to be generalized.
_ is used when limiting a population is not possible.
Snowball sampling.
In qualitative studies, the sample size should be _
Large enough to accomplish the goal of the study; the exact number of subjects may not be determined in advance and sampling may continue until the phenomenon under study becomes clear.
In quantitative studies, the sample size should be _
Linked to data collection and the type of analysis; researchers should consider the purpose of the study, research design, sampling method, and data analysis.
Power analysis
A statistical procedure that can calculate the exact number of subjects needed for a research study, based on the number of variables and study design.
The object of sampling is to _
Have a sample as representative as possible with as little sampling error as possible.
Samples that are biased or too small threaten the _ of the design.
External validity.
Three things that can threaten external validity
- Sampling and selection - the more specific the criteria, the less generalizable the results will be.
- Setting - when subjects are chosen who are themselves similar but who exist in different settings (e.g., rehabilitation hospitals vs. nursing homes), the setting itself may become a variable that limits generalizability.
- History - it may be inappropriate or impossible to generalize results to different periods in the past or future.
You decide to select a sample of 100 subjects of whom 10% will be African American, 10% Hispanic, and 80% white. Identify the appropriate sampling design.
Quota sampling.
The population from which the researcher selects the research sample is commonly referred to as the _
Accessible population.
The purpose of defining inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria is to _
Control for extraneous variability or bias that would limit the strength of evidence.
Nonprobability sampling is appropriate for _
Qualitative methods.
Disproportionate sampling in stratified random sampling is appropriate when _
There are under-represented groups; the researcher can then weight the statistical data accordingly so that legitimate comparisons can be made.
_ is widely used in national surveys.
Cluster sampling.
Type I error
A false positive (detecting something that was not actually there) - the researcher rejected a null hypothesis that was true.
Type II error
- A false negative (failing to detect something that was present) - the researcher accepted a null hypothesis that was false.
- Occurs when a sample size is not large enough (“underpowered”) - can minimize through the use of power analysis.
Natural or field setting
When the researchers go where the participants are, in their environment. The researcher does not manipulate the setting in any way. Used in qualitative research.
Partially controlled setting
The researcher manipulates/modifies the setting in some way, such as using an ICU to collect data. Commonly used with correlational, quasi-experimental and experimental studies.
Highly controlled setting
An artificial environment created solely for purpose of research, such as research units/centers, and laboratories. Controls extraneous variables and allows the researcher to examine effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
Internal validity
Whether the independent variable is really responsible for the change in the dependent variable - threatened when extraneous variables exist.