Chapter 8 Principles of Measurement Flashcards
Construct validity
- Extent to which an instrument or test measures an intended hypothetical concept or construct.
- The most valuable - yet the most difficult (takes years) - way to assess an instrument’s validity.
- Example: The Safe Sex Behavior Questionnaire was determined to have construct validity based on significant correlations with measures of risk-taking and self-expression.
Content validity
- Extent to which an instrument or test measures an intended content area. The most common type of validity.
- Determined by a panel of experts. Example: Experts in nutrition were chosen to assess the items in the Barriers to Healthy Eating Scale.
- Usually this type of validity is used in the development of a questionnaire, interview schedule, interview guide, or instrument.
Continuous variable
- Variable that takes on an infinite number of different values presented on a continuum.
- Examples: Age in years; education in years.
Criterion-related validity
- Extent to which an instrument or test measures a particular concept compared with a criterion.
- Measured by a validity coefficient; a higher coefficient indicates high criterion-related validity.
- Example: A new instrument is compared with an older, more reputable instrument.
- Two types: Concurrent and predictive.
Cronbach’s alpha (coefficient alpha)
- Widely used index of the extent to which a measuring instrument is internally stable.
- A measurement of the extent to which all the items in an instrument measure the same concept.
- An acceptable level of reliability for any measurement instrument is an alpha coefficient of 0.70.
- Can be used with instruments composed of items that can be scored with three or more possible values, such as a Likert-type scale.
Dichotomous variable
A nominal variable that consists of two categories.
- A device, piece of equipment, or paper-and-pencil test that measures a concept or variable of interest.
- Examples from nursing research: Questionnaires, surveys, and rating scales.
Interval level of measurement
- Level of measurement characterized by a constant unit of measurement or equal distances between points on a scale.
- Possesses all characteristics of a nominal and ordinal scale in addition to having an equal interval size based on an actual unit of measurement, but lacks a true zero point.
- May be referred to as “interval data” or “interval variables.”
- The assignment of numerical values to concepts, according to well-defined rules.
- The numerical values reflect properties of the concepts under study.
Nominal level of measurement
- The lowest level of measurement, which consists of assigning numbers as labels for categories. These numbers have no numerical interpretation (i.e., they are not stating that one category has “more” and one category has “less”).
- Data simply show the frequency of subjects or objects in each category.
- May be referred to as “nominal scale,” “nominal data,” “nominal measurement,” or “categorical data.”
Operational definition
- A definition that assigns meaning to a variable and the terms or procedures by which the variable is to be measured.
- Especially important for quantitative research. Usually found in the methods section.
- Concepts such as “spiritual well-being” must be translated to measurable definitions that are valid reflections of the concepts.
Ordinal level of measurement
- Level of measurement that yields rank-ordered data (i.e., highest to lowest, most to least).
- Specifies the order of items being measured, without specifying how far apart they are.
- May be referred to as “ordinal scale,” “ordinal data,” “ordinal variables,” or “ordinal measurement.”
Psychometric evaluation
Evaluating properties of reliability and validity in relation to instruments being used to measure a particular concept or construct.
Predictive validity
- Ability to predict future events, behaviors, or outcomes.
- Example: A university admissions committee uses applicants’ GRE scores to decide whether to admit them to a graduate program, based on the idea that a high GRE score is predictive of success in their program.
Ratio level of measurement
- The highest level of measurement, characterized by equal distances between scores having an absolute zero point.
- The zero point indicates absolutely none of the property.
- Value that refers to the consistency with which an instrument or test measures a particular concept. Different ways of assessing reliability include test-retest, internal consistency, and interrater.
- An instrument with high reliability should yield essentially the same scores each time the test is administered.
- Asks, “Is it consistently generating the same measurements?”.
Test-retest reliability
- An approach to reliability examining the extent to which scores are consistent over time (their stability).
- A researcher measures a group of individuals twice with the same measuring instrument or test, with the two testings separated by a particular period of time.
- Value that refers to the accuracy with which an instrument or test measures what it is supposed to measure. Different types of validity include content, criterion, and construct.
- Asks, “Are the measurements meaningful?”.
Relationship between reliability and validity
- Both are essential to the meaning and accuracy of the results produced by an instrument.
- They are the two most important issues to consider when examining the worth of any instrument used to measure variables in a study.
- Reliability refers to whether an instrument generates consistent measurements; validity refers to whether an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure.
- An instrument’s data must be reliable if they are to be valid; an instrument can be reliable without being valid.
- They are context/population-specific - an instrument designed for premenopausal women is not reliable and valid for homeless youth, unless tested and proven.
In order to make sense out of data collected, each variable must be _
Defined operationally using a variety of measurement techniques.
The selection of a measurement technique depends upon _
The particular research question and the availability of instruments.