Outline the steps taken to remove snake from viv?
Gel hands and put on lab coat
Check notes of animal
Check position of animal, so that you can observe behaviour and plan how to remove it
Remove enrichment/ objects in the way
Door must be closed when snake is taken out, to keep heat in
How to hold snake?
Should have 2 points of contact,
1- 1/3 of way down. 2- under last quarter
Have hands low and open
Should be a tree and let them move
How to restrain a snake’s head?
Work from lower down and move up towards the head
Use three fingers
Thumb and middle finger either side of the head
Have index finger on top of the head
Use the bones as a guide
What is the cloaca?
The cloaca, or vent, in reptiles, is the slit opening under the tail. The digestive tract, the reproductive system, and the bladder all empty out of the same cloacal opening
How do you sex a snake?
Use a probe, which measures depth of snakes cloaca via vent
Look for a change in scale pattern to find vent and use lubricant
Insert towards tail and use scales as a guideline
What are the average scale measurementx when sexing a snake?
Males -> 6+
Female-> 2-4
What is the problem with A vivarium with a consistently low temperature
= impaired immune function, impaired digestion and ill health.
Why two thermometers in viv
To measure temperature gradient from basking area to cooler area
What is colour change a sign of?
Skin may become darker in colour if they’re stressed or ill
What zoonotic diseases can you catch from reptiles?
What are the two occasions you should avoid handling snakes/
24 hours after eating
If it’s preparing to shed
What are the upper and lower shells on a tortoise called?
Upper- carapace
Lower- plastron
How should you hold a tortoise?
Use burger grip around the middle of the tortoise
One hand on right side and one on left side
Thumbs around upper shell
Other fingers around the bottom shell
Remain in burger grip the whole time
How to sex a tortoise”
Check tail, by raising tortoise vertically but not on back as other organs can compress on lungs
Male tails- longer, pointy tail, cloacal opening further from shell
Female tails- rounded more circular, opening closer to the tail , like a thumb,
How to restrain head of a tortoise?
Thumb and first finger either side of skull, just behind the jaw
Approach from behind so the tortoise doesn’t retract head back in
Don’t touch soft tissue, only bone
How do you pick up a bearded dragon
Scoop hands under front and back legs (don’t pick up via middle)
Whole hand over shoulder with middle and first finger either side
How do you sex a bearded dragon?
Hold upright, with claw grip around pelvis
Femoral pores more open and dilated in males
Can look at bulges in tail if you lay it flat and have tail upright
What are some examples of squatama?
What are some examples of Chelonia?
What are some examples of crocodilia
What does CITES list?
- species that can’t be taken from the wild
- states permits are required for sale and import of those species
What counts under the Dangerous Wild Ami,als Act of 1076
Licence required for venemous snakes and lizards
And crocodiles/ a;lifstorw
What is important to remember about enclosure design in terms of size and shape?
Should be large enough for temperature gradient
If like climbing, then enclosure should be tall
30-40% floor space for activity
Size based on body length
What is important about enclosure design in terms of materials?
Non toxic
Non porous
Easy to clean
Easy to disinfect
What is POTZ
Premium optimum temperature zone
Affects: feeding, digestion, reproduction, immunocompetence
What does POTZ vary by?
Time of day/ year
Physiological state (egg laying, shedding etc. )
Heath status
What is the use of Ceramic or incandescent bulb
Hot spots”
Basking species e.g. beardies
• Need protective guard to prevent burns
What is the use of heat pads/ mats?
Nocturnal or crepuscular species e.g. leopard gecko (conduction)
Placed outside tank
Not under more than third to half of
floor area
What is the problem with hot rocks:
• Uncontrollable,
unpredictable NOT recommended
What do the two different types of lighting affect?
Infrared —> heat
Visible light —> reproductive behaviours
What type of lighting do lizards and chenolians like?
Full spectrum light (UV A, UV B and visible light)
What is important to remember about lighting
Should be changed every 6 months
Should have daytime and nighttime variation
Should be correct distance from animal —> causes skin tumours amd UV damage
What is important about the properties of substrates?
Non irritant, non toxic
Easy to clean, obtain and replace
Suitable for species, may dig and forage
Provides enrichment
What humidity do the following species need?
How can you change humidity
Drip systems
Water bowls
Water features
Moss and peat
What measures humidity
What are the problems if humidity is too high/ low
Too high —> fungal and bacterial dermatitis
Too low —>dyseccyodysis (problems shedding) renal failure
How is ventilation important for reptiles?
Air changes, not just movement
Prevents pathogen build up and odours
Active —> fans
Passive —> ventilation holes
What should carnivorous species be fed?
Whole prey (not just muscle)
What should omnivorous reptiles eat?
Leafy weeds and vegetables
Chopped finely, to avoid selective feeding
What foods should reptiles avoid?
High oxaloacte foods (reducing Ca availability)- parsley and spinach
Brassicas (can cause thyroid problems)
High phytate containing foods (reduces Ca:P ratio)
Pellets (too high energy and protein)
How can feeding snakes alter behaviour?
Feed more to calm over active snake down
What supplements can be given?
Calcium —> gutting (given to insects before feeding) or dusting
Multivitamins including vitamin D
What is brumination and why is it done?
Reptile hibernation
For natural behaviour, weight management and breeding
Triggered by drop in temperature
However, need to be careful as uses fat reserves, so BCS must be high enough
What is metabolic bone disease?
Disorder of calcium metabolism (Ca;P imbalance)
Fractures or bone deformities
What is gout and causes it?
Gout is a type of arthritis in which small crystals form inside and around the joints. It causes sudden attacks of severe pain and swelling.
If diet has too much protein
What are some common gastrointestinal issues?
Gut impaction (eating substrates)
Endoparasites (worms)
Anorexia (stress, inadequate set up, dehydration)
What are some common shell issues reptiles can get?
Shell pyramiding
Soft shell
What are some common skin conditions?
Burns and scalds (bulbs)
Ectoparasites (snake mites)
Dysecttoisis (snake shedding)
What causes respiratory diseases in reptiles?
Inadequate ventilation
High temperature —> drying of mucous membranes
Low temperature —> reduced immunity
Poor hygiene
Small viv
Nutritional deficiencies