Reptile / Aquatics Flashcards


You visit a fish hatchery and need to perform anesthesia on a fish to remove a foreign body. Which of these agents is approved for use in fish and what additional rules apply to its use?

  • Tricaine methanesulfonate (MS 222) - There is a 21 day withdrawal period before the fish can be consumed by humans
  • Chloral hydrate - There is a 14 day withdrawal period before the fish can be consumed by humans
  • Benzocaine hydrochloride - A mask and eye protection should always be worn when handling this agent
  • Halothane - must be used in a vacuum system to collect volatile gas
  • Clove oil (Eugenol) - This can only be used in animals that will not be consumed by humans

Answer: Tricaine methanesulfonate (MS 222) - There is a 21 day withdrawal period before the fish can be consumed by humans

Also known as Finquel, tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) is the only FDA approved agent for fish anesthesia.

There is a mandatory 21 day withdrawal period before the fish can be used for consumption. The other agents listed have been used for fish anesthesia but are not FDA approved.

***PowerPage: Aquatics: Environmental Management and Clinical Procedures

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A producer raising seahorses for the aquarium trade brings you several seahorse fish to examine and necropsy because they have concerns about Mycobacteriosis problems in their facility. You identify granulomas in multiple organs via wet mount, and impression smears are acid fast positive. You advise the producer that seahorses are particularly susceptible to Mycobacteriosis, and that there is no effective treatment. What else do you need to be sure to inform the producer of?

  • Mycobacteriosis is zoonotic and may cause Fish Handler’s Disease, a condition that presents as a chronic skin injury on the hands where water or fish was touched.
  • Mycobacteriosis in fish is caused by the same species that causes respiratory disease in cattle and people.
  • Fish, cattle, and humans all experience the same symptoms.
  • Mycobacteriosis in fish is an OlE reportable aquatic pathogen that may cause high mortality. The producer should be prepared to depopulate his entire facility.
  • Mycobacteriosis is easily prevented in seahorses with prophylactic antibiotic treatments and enhanced biosecurity, such as quarantining new seahorses and using separate nets for different tanks.

Answer: Mycobacteriosis is zoonotic and may cause Fish Handler’s Disease, a condition that presents as a chronic skin injury on the hands where water or fish was touched.

Mycobacteriosis in fish is commonly caused by Mycobacterium marinum, but other Mycobacterium spp. may cause disease as well. M. marinum is an extremely important disease of seahorses, sea dragons, and striped bass that may cause high mortality. It causes granulomas in many internal organs. Mycobacterium marinum is an acid-fast positive organism that does not gram stain well. There is no effective treatment for Mycobacteriosis, and prevention through good biosecurity is critical. This is not an OlE Reportable Aquatic Pathogen, but it is zoonotic. Most immunocompetent people should not be worried, but it can cause Fish Handler’s Disease as described above in immunocompromised people.

Mycobacterium bovis causes disease in cattle and may cause disease in humans. Symptoms in cattle tend to be respiratory related, while humans, in addition to respiratory symptoms, may experience a variety of clinical signs.

***PowerPage: Aquatics: Disease-Causing Agents

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A state fish and wildlife agency calls you looking for advice about how to anesthetize lake trout broodstock for a tagging procedure. They have historically used clove oil but recently discovered that it is not FDA-approved and therefore illegal to use in food fish. They are concerned about fish welfare during the tagging procedure and are hoping that you can refer them to a product that they can use to legally anesthetize food fish. You advise them that:

  • Eugenol is legal with a 10-day withdrawal
  • MS-222 is legal with a 21-day withdrawal
  • Clove oil is legal with a veterinary prescription
  • Metomidate is legal as an Investigational New Animal Drug
  • Alfaxalone is legal with no withdrawal

Answer: MS-222 is legal with a 21-day withdrawal

MS-222, also known as “Triple 2” or Tricaine methanesulfonate, is the only FDA-approved drug labeled for anesthesia legal to use in food fish. It has a 21-day withdrawal according to the label. It is extremely acidic and should be buffered by weight with baking soda to prevent fish from developing skin and eye lesions. Aqui-S is a solution containing 10% eugenol and may be legally used in some food fish as an Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD). Fish in the field may be released back into their natural environment with no withdrawal period for Aqui-S. Fish in a hatchery environment must undergo a 72 hour withdrawal period. Metomidate and clove oil are illegal to use as anesthetic agents in food fish. Alfaxalone can be used extralabel in food fish, but an extended withdrawal period must be established.

***PowerPage: Aquatics: Environmental Management and Clinical Procedures

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Which organization is responsible for regulating the food safety of salmon in the United States?

  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
  • FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization)
  • FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
  • USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)

Answer: FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

The correct answer is FDA. The USDA is responsible for meat and poultry products including egg products. The FDA regulates other foods, food labels, use of veterinary drugs, and seafood. The EPA is responsible for pesticides and water standards. The FBI is responsible for food counter-terrorism. The FAO is a United Nations entity.

FYl, an exception to the rules above is from the 2008 Farm Bill which amends regulations such that catfish are subject to examination and inspection by USDA’s FSIS when processed for use as human food.


Answer: FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

The correct answer is FDA. The USDA is responsible for meat and poultry products including egg products. The FDA regulates other foods, food labels, use of veterinary drugs, and seafood. The EPA is responsible for pesticides and water standards. The FBI is responsible for food counter-terrorism. The FAO is a United Nations entity.

FYl, an exception to the rules above is from the 2008 Farm Bill which amends regulations such that catfish are subject to examination and inspection by USDA’s FSIS when processed for use as human food.

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