Reproductive System Development - Articulate Flashcards
Major and minor calices develop, Kidneys begin to ascend, Nephrons begin to form, they will connect to collecting tubules and function by 10 weeks
Week 6-7
Urogentital ridges form from the intermediate mesoderm, and germ cells migrate from the gut wall. Ureteric buds have entered the metanephric mesoderm.
Week 5
The “indifferent” stage with identical primordia in both sexes
2 months
In males, primary sex cords from seminiferous tubules. In females, secondary sex cords from ovarian follicles
10-12 weeks
External genitalia develop
3 months
Testes pass through the inguinal canal into the scrotum
8-9 months
What is the urogenital system divided into
Urinary system & reproductive (genital system)
Where do the Urinary and reproductive system develop from?
Intermediate mesoderm
Intermediate mesoderm swells to form the
Urogenital ridge
What does the urogenital ridge differentiate into?
Genital ridge & Nephrogenic cord/ridge
Formation & differentiation of gonads begins with arrival of
Primordial germ cells
Where do primoridal germ cells enter to begin gonad formation
intermediate mesoderm
rimordial germ cells migrate from wall of the yolk sac, along the dorsal mesentery of the hindgut
4th week
Primordial germ cells arrive at primitive gonads
5th week
Primoridal germ cells invade genital ridges
6th week
What happens if the germ cells fail to reach the ridges?
Gonads do not develop
When is the sex of the embryo genetically determined
At the time of fertilization
Gonads begin as pair of longitudinal ridges
Genital (gonadal) ridges
How are the genital ridges formed
Proliferation of epithelium & condensation of underlying mesenchyme
Epithelial cells of the genital ridge penetrates underlying…
Epithelium of genital ridge proliferates to form a number of irregularly- shaped cords
Primitive sex cords
Impossible to differentiate between male and femal when the genital ridge proliferates
Indifferent gonad
During the indifferent gonad stage, both males & females have two pairs of genital ducts called
Mesonephric (wolffian) ducts Paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts
Open into urogenital sinus on either side of the sinus tubercle
Mesonephric (Wolffian) ducts
Runs lateral to mesonephric duct; crosses ventrally
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts
In midline, comes in close contact with paramesonephric duct from opposite side
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts
Caudal tip of combined ducts projects into posterior wall of urogenital sinus; causes small swelling
Sinus tubercle
If embryo is genetically male, primordial germ cells carry an
XY chromosome complex
Houses SRY gene
Y chromosome
Leads to the developement of testes
Testis-determining factor (TDF)
Encodes for testis-determining factor (TDF)
SRY gene
Under influence of SRY gene, Primitive sex cords continue to proliferate & penetrate deep into the medulla to form the
Testis (medullary) cords
Y chromosome -> SRY gene -> TDF -> Testis
Just a note
Primitive sex cords proliferate & penetrate deep into medulla to form
Testis (medullary) cords
Towardshilumof testis, testis cords break up into network of tiny cell strands which give rise to
Rete testis
Dense layer of fibrous connective tissue; separates testis cords from surface epithelium
Tunica albuginea
Testis cords become horseshoe-shaped & continuous with rete testis
4th month
What are the testis cords composed of?
Primitive germ cells Sertoli cells (sustentacular cells)
Supporting cells
Sertoli cells (sustentacular cells)
Where are Sertoli cells (sustentacular cells) derived from?
Testis surface epithelium
Where are Leydig cells derived from?
Mesenchyme of gonadal ridge
Lie between the testis cords
Leydig cells
Another name for leydig cells
Interstitial cells
What do leydig cells produce?
What week to leydig cells begin to produce testosterone?
Week 8
Allows testis able to influence sexual differentiation of genital ducts & external genitalia
Remain solid until puberty
Testis cord
Testis cords acquire a lumen and become
Seminiferous tubules
Seminiferous tubules join rete testis tubules which enter
Ductuli Efferentes (Efferent ductules)
Link rete testes & mesonephric (wolffian) duct
Efferent ductules
Mesonephric (wolffian) duct gives rise to
Ductus deferens (vas deferens)
Stimulates genital ducts to develope
What do mesonephric ducts form?
-Efferent ductules -Epididymis -Vas Deferens (ductus deferens) -Seminal Vesicle -Ejaculatory Duct EEE VS
Produce Anti-Müllerianhormone (AMH)/Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS)
Sertoli cells
Causes paramesonephric ducts to degenerate
Sertoli cells
What don’t sertoli cells degenerate?
Appendix testis- small portion at cranial ends
Where do testes develop?
Retroperitoneally in abdominal region
Move caudally & pass through abdominal wall to reach scrotum
How do testes pass through abdominal wall?
Inguinal canal
Condensation of mesenchyme extending from caudal pole of testis; anchors testis to floor of scrotum & assists in its descent into scrotum
Evagination of peritoneum from abdominal cavity
Processus vaginalis (vaginal process)
Follows course of gubernaculum into scrotal swellings
Processus vaginalis (vaginal process)
What evaginates into scrotal swelling?
Processus vaginalis + Muscular & fascial layers of body wall
Where does evagination into scrotal swelling occur?
Through inguinal canal
What coveres testes?
Reflected fold of the processus vaginalis
Connects lumen of processus vaginalis with peritoneal cavity
Narrow canal
Obliterated shortly after birth
Narrow canal
As testis descend through inguinal ring, they get covered by:
-Processus vaginalis -Transversalis fascia -External abdominal oblique muscle
- Visceral & Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis
Processus vaginalis
Internal spermatic fascia
Transversalis fascia
Cremasteric fascia & muscle
Internal abdominal oblique muscle
External spermatic fascia
External abdominal oblique
Does the transversus abdominus muscle a layer that covers the testes?
What chromosomes are femal?
-Medullary cords degenerate -Cortical cords develop -No tunica albuginea
-Medullary cords develop -No cortical cords -Thick tunica albuginea
Dissociate into irregular cell clusters
Primitive (medullary) sex cords
Contain groups of primitive germ cells; occupy medullary part of ovary
Primitive (medullary) sex cords
In what gender does the surface epithelium of gonad continue to proliferate?
Surface epithelium gives rise to a second generation of cords
Cortical cords
What week do cortical cords arise
Penetrate underlying mesenchyme; remain close to surface
Cortical cords
Cortical cors split into isolated cell clusters
3rd month
Cells in clusters continue to proliferate; begin to surround each oogonium with a layer of epithelial cells
Follicular cells
What makes up primordial follicle?
Oogonium + Follicular cells
What happens in presence of estrogen, & absence of testosterone & AMH (MIS)
-Paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts develop into main female genital ducts -Mesonephric ducts degenerate
Develop into main female genital ducts
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts
Degenerate in presence of estrogen and absence of testosterone & AMH
Mesonephric ducts
3 parts recognized in each duct
-Cranial vertical portion -Hortizonetal part -Caudal vertical part
Opens into abdominal cavity
Cranial vertical portion
Crosses mesonephric duct
Horizontal part
Fuses with counterpart on opposite side
Caudal vertical part
What does the paramesonephric duct give rise to?
Uterine tube & Uterine canal
Parts of the uterine canal
-Corpus of uterus (corpus uteri) -Cervix -Upper portion of vagina
Fused caudal ends of paramesonephricducts contact posterior wall of urogenital sinus; slight thickening forms
Sinus tubercle
What do fused tips of paramesonephric ducts fuse with?
Sinus tubercule
Two solid evaginations grow out from sinus
Sinovaginal bulbs
What do sinovaginal bulbs proliferate and form?
Solid vaginal plate
What increases distance between uterus & urogenital sinus
Continuation of cranial end of plate
When is vaginal outgrowth entirely canalized?
By the 5th month
Wing-like expansions of vagina form around caudal end of uterus?
vaginal fornices
What is the origin of vaginal fornices?
Paramesonephric origin
Dual origins of vagina
Upper portion & lower portion
What is the upper portion of the vagina derived from?
Uterine canal
What is the lower portion of the vagina derived from?
Urogenital sinus
Lumen of vagina remains separated from urogenital sinus by thin tissue plate
Where do ovaries begin?
high in abdomen
Where do ovaries end up?
They descend and settle just below rim of true pelvis
Forms suspensory ligament of the ovary
Cranial genital ligamen
Forms ligament of the ovary proper & round ligament of the uterus (extends into the labia majora)
Caudal genital ligament
Mesenchymal cells from primitive streak, migrate around cloacal membrane forming
Cloacal folds
When are cloacal folds formed?
3rd week
Cranial to cloacal membrane, folds unite to form
Genital tubercle
Caudally, folds subdivided into
urethral folds (anteriorly) & anal folds(posteriorly)
Another pair of elevations becomes visible on each side of the urethral folds
Genital swellings
What do genital swellings become?
Scrotal swellings or labia majora
Development of external genitalia in males characterized by rapid elongation of genital tubercle
During elongation, phallus pulls urethral folds forward forming
Lateral walls of urethral grove
Groove extends along caudal aspect of elongated phallus; does not reach most distal part
Epithelial lining of the groove
Urethral plate
Where does the urethral plate originate?
When is the penile urethra formed?
End of the 3rd month
The two urethral folds close over urethral plate forming
Penile urethra
When is the most distal portion of the urethra formed?
4th month
Ectodermal cells from the tip of the glans penetrate inward forming
Short epithelial cord
Cord later obtains a lumen and becomes
External urethral meatus
Genital swellings in males
Scrotal swellings
Arise in the inguinal region and move caudally
Scrotal swellings
What separates each half of the scrotum
Scrotal septum
Stimulates the development of external genitalia of female
What elongates slightly to form the clitoris?
Genital tubercle
Do urethral folds fuse?
No, they develop into labia minora
Urogenital groove is open, forming
Vestibule of the vagina