Pelvic Girdle & Lower Limb Articulate Flashcards
What is the pelvic girdle composed of?
- Right & Left pelvic bones (Coxal, Innominate or hip bones)
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
What forms the pelvic bones?
- Ilium
- Ischium
- Pubis
Forms the foundation of setting for soft tissues & is architecture for motion of extremity
Bony anatomy
What is the lower limb divided into on the basis of major joints, components, and superficial landmarks?
Gluteal region
Attachment point of lower limb to the bodies trunk in axial skeleton
Pelvic Girdle
Where do 2 hip bones articulate with each other?
Anteriorly at the pubic symphysis
Where does the sacrum articulate?
Two pelvic bones posteriorly at the sacro-iliac joints
Bones that apart of the axial skeleton
Sacrum and Coccyx
Bones of the apendicular skeleton
Pelvic bones
Circular opening between the abdominal abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity through which structures travel between abdomen and pelvis
Pelvic brim
Protrudes into inlet forming posterior margin in inlet
Promontory of the sacrum
Follow the pelvic brim
Promontory of the sacrum -> ala of sacrum –> linae terminalis (arcuate line, pectan pubis, pectaneal line) in the pubic crest to the pubic symphysis
What lines the same vertical plane in the pelvis?
- Front edge of the top of the pubic symphysis
- Anterior superior iliac spine
Space above pelvic inlet including the lower portion of the abdomen that lies between the flaired illiac crests
Greater/ False Pelvis
Space below the pelic inlet containing the pelvic viscera
Lesser/ True Pelvis
What are the Ilium, Ischium and pubis attached by at birth?
Cartilage at the acetabelum
What forms the hip joint?
Acetabulum & Head of the femur
What age do hip bones fuse?
Long curved thickened superior border of the ala of ilium
Iliac crest
Where does Iliac crest terminate?
Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
Important site of attachment for sheet like muscle and deep fascia
Iliac crest
Marks the superior of the greater siatic notch
Posterior inferior iliac spine
Attatchment points for gluteal muscles
- Posterior gluteal line
- Anterior gluteal line
- Inferior gluteal line
Provides attachment for a hip flexure
Iliac fossa
Posterior inferior part of pelvic bone
Demarcates the boundary between the greater and lesser sciatic notch
Ischial spine
Important site for attachment of lower the muscles and supporting the body when sitting
Ischial tuberosity
Forms the anterior medial part of the pelvic bone
Gluteal muscles
Anterior, Medial, & Posterior thigh muscles
Take their origins from the external surfaces of the pelvic bones
Largest sesmoid bone in the body
What separates the lateral and medial condyle of the femur?
Intercondylar notch
There for attatchments of collateral ligaments of the knee joints
Formed within the tendon of the quadriceps femorous muscle
Which facet of the patella is the largest?
Site of attachment of pataller ligement
Tibial tuberosity
Lateral bone of the leg
Doesn’t add to the knee joint or help with weight bearing
Where does the fibula end?
Lateral Maleoulus
Where do anterior, lateral and posterior leg muscles originate
Tibia and or fibula
What are the three groups of bones in the foot?
Tarsal - 7
Metatarsal - 5
Phalanges- 14
Name the tarsal bones
Talus Calcaneus Navicular Cuboid Cuneiforms (medial, intermediate, & lateral)
Name the phalanges
Largest tarsal bone
Weight bearing portion of calcaneus
Calcaneus tuberosity
Where does tibialis posterior tendon attach?
Navicular bone
Which toe only has 2 phalanges?
Great toe (proximal & distal)