Reproduction In Plants Flashcards
What is the biological definition of a species
agroup of organismsfrom thesame population with anabilityto reproducewith one another in nature andproduce viableandfertile offspring.
What two ways can plants reproduce
Plants are living organisms that can reproduce either sexually or asexually
What does asexual mean
any word consisting of the prefix “a” means “lacking” or “without.”
therefore, asexual reproduction is a form of producing offspring without sex or the exchange of genetic material
What does sexual mean
Sexual reproduction is just the opposite and it requires sex between two organisms and an exchange of genetic material.
What is the definition of sexual reproduction
theproductionof offspringwith genetic material (DNA) fromtwo individualsof theopposite sex(male and female).
what two main categories can all cells inside of a living organism be broken up into
Somatic and Sex cells
what are somatic cells
Somatic cells (or body cells) areany cellssuch as skin cells, muscle cells, epidermal cells etc
What are sex cells
Sex cells (or germline cells) areeggandsperm cells and egg and sperm are collectively calledgametes
what are the different number of chromosomes in each nucleus of each cell in living organisms
- Humans have 46 chromosomes
- Mice have 40chromosomes
- Fruit flies have 8chromosomes
- Tomatoes have 12chromosomes
- Oranges have 18 chromosomes
how do we represent the total number of chromosomesper species
how does chromosomes work in relation to sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction involves the combining of chromosomes from two individuals, one male and one female. Each offspring will be unique as it will only inherit half the total number of chromosomes from each parent. Therefore, the father will contribute 50% of his total chromosomes and likewise, the mother will only contribute 50% of her total chromosomes.
how is the number of chromosomes reduced
The reduction of the genetic material (chromosomes) occurs through the process ofmeiosis. Meiosis is a form ofcell divisionwhereby the genetic material becomes reduced byhalf of its original total
what are the cells formed in meiosis called
The cell that forms during meiosis will now be called germline cells or sex cells
how do we represent the total number of chromosomes present in a sex cell
1n or n
what do haploid cells do during reproduction
During sexual reproduction, haploid sex cells must fuse for fertilisation to occur. Once fertilisation has occurred, the fertilised egg becomes a diploid zygote.
what are the steps for sexual reproduction for plants
- The flower contains anovary (female structure) andanthers (male structures).
- Diploid cells in the ovary and anthers undergomeiosis.
- During the process of meiosis,haploid sex cells are produced.
- Haploidfemale sex cells are stored in theovule ,and haploidmale sex cells are stored in thepollen grains.
- Aftersuccessful fusion of haploid sex cells,fertilisation occurs.
- The fertilised egg becomes adiploidzygote.
- The zygote undergoesmitosis and develops into anembryo (mitosis is cell division for growth and development).
- The embryo becomes aseed.
- The seed develops into a youngplant.
- The young plant grows to become asexually mature plant.
what the reproductive parts of a plant
- Flowers are thereproductive structures that containmale andfemale reproductiveorgans.
- Ananther is apollen-producing structure and part of the male reproductive organ.
- Theovary is anegg-producing structure and is part of thefemale reproductive organ.
a revision on sexual reproduction
“Haploid spermmust fuse with ahaploid egg to produce adiploid zygote.”
- The male and female reproductive parts producediploid cells that undergomeiosis
- Meiosisreduces the total amount of chromosomes and produceshaploid sex cells.
- Haploid sex cells fuse to produce afertilised diploid zygote.
- A zygote will mature into anembryo
- An embryo develops into aseed.
- A seed will develop into a newplant