HIV/AIDS and Cholera Flashcards
What does HIV stand for
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
What does AIDS stand for
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
What does AIDS do to the body’s immune system
AIDS is a viral disease that attacks the body’s immune system by infecting and destroying the immune cells
What are the immune cells that AIDS attacks called
CD4 cells
What happens to HIV patients who get an infection
Patients infected with HIV do not resist infections and can easily die from opportunistic infections or other mild diseases.
What bodily fluids can cause someone to contact HIV
Blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk are all examples of body fluids and can transfer HIV from one person to another
What are other ways that HIV can spread
Infected needles, blood transfusions, pregnancy and childbirth are all ways in which HIV can spread in a population.
what is the most popular way to contract HIV
through unprotected sexual activity.
What do CD4 cells do for our body
start the process of fighting pathogens that invade the body
what happens inside the body of someone with HIV
In people infected with HIV, the virus attacks the CD4 cells and kills them until none are left, leading to pathogens being able to harm the immune system with no white blood cells to hold them back
How do HIV cells find the CD4 cells
HIV recognises the CD4 cells because the proteins on the surface of the HIV virus fit perfectly into a protein on the surface of the CD4 cells.
what causes Cholera
Cholera is a disease caused by aVibrio bacillusbacteriumknown asVibrio cholerae
How can one become infected with Cholera
Cholera is anintestinaldisease caused by either drinkinginfected water or eating contaminated food
Where does the Cholera bacteria attack first
the Small intestine and this happens in between 1 to 6 days
What do they do to this body part
they begin producingtoxicsubstances in thesmall intestine
What do these toxins prevent
These toxinsprevent the large intestine from absorbing waterfrom the faeces and results indiarrhoea
What other symptoms of Cholera are there
abdominal pains and, possibly, vomiting
What do these symptoms lead to
These symptoms can lead to a person’s tissues becoming severely dehydrated
What should you give someone who has symptoms of Cholera
Give themplenty of fluids to drink. You can make up anelectrolyte solutionthat will help torehydratethem and provide much-needed electrolytes. This kind of electrolyte solution is known as oral rehydration salts/solution (ORS).