Processes involved in human nutrition - digestion Flashcards
what happens during digenstion
As the food passes through the duodenum, the accessory organs secrete 3 important digestive enzymes which are mixed with the chyme.
what does the liver do
Firstly, theliverproducesbilewhich isstored in the gall bladderand enters the small intestine via the bile duct.
The bile performs two important mechanical digestion functions.
- Bile has analkaline pHwhich neutralises the pH of the hydrochloric acid added in the stomach. The alkaline pH creates an optimal environment for the digestive enzyme of the small intestine.
- Bileemulsifies fats.This means that it breaks large molecules of fat into smaller droplets which increases the surface area of fats for thelipase enzymeto work most effectively.
In addition to the production of bile, the liver plays another integral part in the digestive process. Via thehepatic portal system, which we will explore in more detail later, the liver also plays an essential role indetoxifyingthe body of any toxins that have been ingested, as well as its role inregulation of blood glucoselevels and storage of nutrients.
what does the pancreas do
The second important accessory organ is thepancreaswhich secretespancreatic juicesinto the duodenum.
The pancreatic juices containamalayse, proteases and lipases.
what does the small intestine do
Small intestine
The final important digestive enzymes are secreted directly from the walls of thesmall intestine.
Theseintestinal juicesalso containcarbohydrase, proteases and lipaseswhich complete the chemical digestion process.
what are digestive enzymes
The main enzyme-producing components of the human digestive system are thesalivary glands, stomach, pancreas, liver and small intestine.
The suffix ‘-ase’ is used with the name of the substance being acted on. Whensucrose (sugar)is digested, it is acted upon by an enzyme calledsucrase