Reproduction in Humans II Flashcards
Embryogenesis Structure of ovar+ ovarian follicle
The intimate connection established between the foetal membrane and uterine wall is known as placenta
What do the two parts of the placenta develop from
Foetal part- develops from the chorionic villi
Maternal part- Develops from the endometrium
Which hormones production does placenta take over
Placenta takes over the production of progesterone around 8-12 weeks of pregnancy
Antibody that can cross placental barrier
IgG- Immunoglobulin G
Functions of placenta
- Oxygen and nutrients diffuse through the walls of the chorionic villi and reach the foetus
- Carbon dioxide and waste products are eliminated throught he umbilical cord by the process of diffusion into the maternal circulation
- Produces hormones, acts as an interface, protection, excretory organ, nutrition, respiratory organ
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
One month/4 weeks
Heart is formed
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
Two months/8 weeks
Limbs and digits formed
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
Third month/12 weeks (FIRST TRIMESTER)
- All major organs start development
- Limbs and external genital organs well developed
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
Fourth month/16 weeks
Digestive system and teeth well developed
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
Fifth month/20 weeks
First movement of foetus and hair on head
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
Sixth month/24 weeks (SECOND TRIMESTER)
- Eyelids separate
- Eyelashes are formed
- Body is covered with fine hair
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
Seventh month/28 weeks
Lungs and immune system well developed
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
8th month/32 weeks (THIRD TRIMESTER)
Testes descend into scrotal sac in a male child
Major landmarks of human embryonic development-
Ninth month/36 weeks
Foetus is fully developed and ready for delivery
The act of expelling the full term foetus from the mother’s uterus at the end of gestation is terms as parturition
Gestation period
The time from conception to birth
The secretion and ejection of milk by mammary glands is termed as lactation
WHat are the hormones that initiate lactation
PRH- Prolactin releaseing hormone
Secreted by the hypothalamus
Prolactin- released from the anterior pituitary gland
Oxytocin- where + fn
Hormone released from posterior pituitary gland
- Stimuate smooth muscles of the uterus to contract to facilitate parturition
- Induces the ejection of milk from mammary glands
What is colostrum
Colostrum in the first milk that is secreted from the mammary gland after parturition
Colostrum contains IgA- Immunoglobulin A (secretory antibody) which provides neonatal immunity to the newborn baby
Briefly describe the structure of the ovarian follicle
The ovarian follicle carries a large, centrally placed ovum surrounded by several layers of granular cells (follicular granulosa)
Graafian follicle
- Tertiary follicle changes into mature follicle called Graafian follicle
- Secondary oocyte forms a new membrane called zona pellucida surrounding it which is released from the ovary by ovulation
Corpus luteum
- After extrusion of the ovum what remains of the Graafian follicle is called corpus luteum
- The corpus luteum grows for a few days and if the ovum is fertilized and pregnancy results, it continues to grow
- But if the ovum is not fertilized the corpus luteum persists for only about 14 days during which period it secretes progesterone
What happens to the corpus luteum if fetilization occurs
- Does not degenerate
- Grows continuously and produces progesteron which is necessary to support pregnancy