Applications of Biotechnology Flashcards
Transgene is a foreign gene artificially transferred into an organism.
Organism that constains the transgene is called Transgenic Organism
Recombinant DNA
The vector DNA with the inserted DNA fragment is called the Recombinant DNA
If rice is the plant species transformed, what tolerance is attained? + scientific name
Oryza sativa
Tolerance to salt, cold and drought
If maize is the plant species transformed, what tolerance is attained? + scientific name
Zea mays
Cold and drought tolerance
If tobacco is the plant species transformed, what tolerance is attained? + scientific name
Nicotiana tabacum
Heat stress tolerance
If modified tomatoes is the plant species transformed, what tolerance is attained? + scientific name
Flavr Savr
Delayed ripening, better flavour
Gene for resistance to chilling
Gene introduced into tobacco plants for resistance to chilling
codes for the enzyme Glycerol-1-phosphate acyl transferase taken from Arabidopsis
Production of pest resistant plants
- Bt toxin is produced by Bacillus thuringiensis
- THe toxin is coded by a gene called cry gene
- B. thuringiensis produces protein crystals which contain the insecticidal toxin
- The toxin does not kill the bacterium
- The toxin exists as inactive protoxins in the bacterium
- When the insect pest ingests the toxin, the alkaline pH of the gut of the insect solubilizes the crystals
- Activated toxins creates pores in the gut epithelium leading to the death of the insecr
- The Bt toxin gene is isolated from the bacterium and incorporated into crop plants like Cotton
Nematode parasite found to be adversely infecting the roots of tobacco plants
Meloidogyne incognita was adversely affecting the roots of tobacco plants and reducing the yield
Which vector was used to address the problem of Meloidogyne incognita and what did the genes introduced do?
- The Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is used as a vector to introduce specific genes into the tobacco plant cells
- These genes produced both sense and anti-sense RNA in the tobacco cells
- TThese two RNA strands were complementary to each other, thus forming a dsRNA
Meloiodogyne incognita is the nematode parasite which was found to be adversely affectin the roots of tobacco plant
Which enzyme acts upon the dsRNA and what does it do
- When a dsRNA is introduced in a eukaryotic cell, it is first picked up by a special protein called Dicer (RNAase enzyme)
- The Dicer cleaves the dsRNA into small fragments called siRNA (short interfering rRNA molecules)
What happens to siRNA
- siRNA binds to a protein called Argonuate (also called Slicer) to form RISC ( RNAi Silencing complex)
- In the RISC, unwinding of two strands of siRNA occurs. One strand is removed and later digested.
- Now the RISC has ssRNA
What happens when the nematode infects the tobaco cells?
- When the nematode infects the tobacco cells, the ssRNA binds to the target mRNA of the nematode
- The RISC cleaves off the mRNA into fragmentes, blocks translation and the nematode cannot survive in the tobacco plant cells
What is RNAi?
The silencing of a gene using RNA molecule is termed as RNA interference or RNAi.
It is the most popular mechanism of controlling gene expression
Name biofortified crops and also what is so special about them
- Atlas 66- Wheat variety with high protein content
- Golden Rice- Rice variety with high Vitamin A content
Transgenic animals
Animals whose DNA has been manipulated to express a foreign gene
What are transgenic mice used for
Transgenic mice are used to check the safety of vaccines before they are given to humans
Use of transgenic animals
Transgenic animals are used to obtain desirable bio-products such as anti-trypsin, used in the treatment of emphysema
Rosie (cow)
- In 1997, the first transgenic cow, Rosie, produced human protein entiched milk
- The milk contained the human alpha-lactalbumin
- It is a more balanced milk product for human babies than natural cow’s milk
Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
The GEAC is the apex biotech regulatory body in India.
- Its approval is mandatory before genetically modified organisms and products derived from them can be used commercially.
- It assesses proposals regarding the release of genetically engineered products and organisms into the environment, and this includes experimental field trials as well.
A biological patent is a legal document that grants the patent holder the right to prevent others from using, selling, creating, or importing the protected invention for a set period.
E.g. India patented Basmati rice
India patented Turmeric
Biopiracy is the term used to refer to the use of bio-resources by multinational companies and other organisations without proper authorisation from the countries and people concerned and without compensatory payment
Examples of biopiracy
E.g. US companies granted biopatent on the neem tree of india, and also on indigenous knowledge of its many uses
Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly earns millions of dollars by deriving drugs from the rosy periwinkle which is indigenous to Madagascar. The country receives nothing in return