Reproduction. Flashcards
What is a female dog?
A bitch.
What is a male dog?
A dog.
What is a female cat?
A queen.
What is a male cat?
A tomcat.
What is a female horse?
A mare.
What is a male horse?
A stallion.
What is a castrated male horse?
A gelding.
What is a female cow?
A cow.
What is a male cow?
A bull.
What is a castrated male cow?
A steer.
What word will anatomists use for a cow?
An ox.
What is a juvenile female cow called?
A heifer.
Do dogs and wolves have similar reproductive physiology?
How many times a year are female wolves in season?
Once a year.
How many times a year are female dogs in season?
Around twice a year.
What is the modern dog believed to have been desended from?
The Gray Wolf.
How did dogs become suitable as pets?
Russian trappers raised fur foxes and after a number of generations, the foxes became very dog-like.
During the domestication of dogs, what were the behavioral changes that occurred in the fur foxes accompanied by?
A change in physical appearance.
Tail wagging.
More frequent estrus cycles.
How long does the corpus luteum last for in a non-pregnant dog?
It lasts for the same amount of time as it would in a pregnant dog.
What 4 things does a long period of progesterone result in in dogs?
Increased chance of uterine disease.
False pregnancy signs.
After every prolonged luteal phase it takes a a long time for the uterus to recover.
Dogs that come into heat less than 4 months after the previous heat are less get pregnant.
Why do domestic cats require special care if they are not fixed?
As female cats are induced ovulators, so estrus behaviour is prolonged and repeated if the cat is not bred.
What do male cats that are intact tend to do?
They establish their own territory and fight other males so they can breed all of the females in their territory..
What kind of ovulators are cats?
Induced ovulators.
What is the only induced ovulator amongst the domestic animals?
The cat.
What does ovulation in cats require?
It requires breeding or stimulation of the reproductive
How can vets get cats out of heat?
The administration of ovulatory hormones.
Physical penetration of the vagina with a glass rod.
When do domestic cats often come into heat?
During the spring and fall.
Why are cats referred to as being seasonally polyestrus?
Because they come into heat over multiple seasons.
How long do females come into estrus for?
For a week to 10 days.
What happens if a cat does not get bred or ovulate whilst it is in estrus?
They will come back into heat in a couple of weeks later.
They repeat this cycle until they ovulate.
Do cats have the same oestrus cycle as hooved animals?
What will fermale cats do whilst they are in heat and are stuck in the house?
They will yowl and will try to escape from the house.
How can female catgs sometimes ovulate if they are kept indoors?
By recieving a lot of physical contact and petting.
What risks does a cat face if it goes through nonpregnant luteal phases?
Uterine diseases.
What do females tend to do after they have been bred?
They tend to scream very loudly.
What is the name of the condition that horses have that causes them to favour being approached or worked with from the left side?
Visual laterality.
What substance does the horse produce during pregnancy?
Chorionic gonadotropin.
What is the only domestic species to produce chorionic gonadotropin during pregnancy?
The horse.
What hormone frome the horse can be assayed during a pregnancy test?
Chorionic gonadotropin.
What side should horses be handled from?
The left side.
Why should horses be handled from the left side?
Because their eyes are best positioned to the left hemisphere of their environment.
What is visual laterality in the horse?
Because they are better at processing activities with their left eye.
What will a horse judge about the human if the human works with the horse from the left side?
A humans intentions.
When will horses produce chorionic gonadotrophin?
At around 36 days into their cycle.
What area of the equine placent produced chorionic gonadotrophin?
The outermost layer which is known as the chorion.
How are the chorionic cells of the horse arranged?
They are embedded into the endometrium in formations known as endometrial cups.
The appearance of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine can be used to detect what?
A pregnancy.
What is the best way of detecting a pregnancy in a horse?
Via ultrasound.
When is a diagnosis of pregnancy usually given in horses?
By day 16 of gestation.
When must decisions on handling twin pregnancies and on the termination of pregnancies be made within the horse?
Before equine chorionic gonadotropin is present.
Why must foals be aborted before chorionic gondotropin is expressed?
Because abortion after eCG will dirupt any future breedings in the following months.
What was ECG known as before it was officially recognised?
As “PMS” (Pregnant Mare Serum).
What hormone is used as an ovulatory drug in horses?
Equine chorionic gonadotropin.
What are cattle the ideal candidates for the use of?
Artificial insemination.
What are 2 common beef breed of cow?
Hereford and Angus.
What is a common dairy breed of cow?
When is AI usually used in cattle breeding?
In the breeding of purebred cattle.
Why do dairys tend to use AI for breeding?
Because the cattle are always available.
Because the best bulls are not usually kept on dairy farms.
Dairy bulls tend to be quite dangerous.
What kind of semen is used in AI?
Frozen semen.
Who invented frozen semen?
Christopher Polge.
What is the main chemical that is used to freeze semen?
What is usually used to transport frozen semen?
A Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) tank.
What temperature is semen frozen at in a liquid nitrogen tank?
-196C degrees.
What are 5 reasons why cattle are excellent animals for the use of AI?
Estrus is short.
Bull semen is easy to freeze.
Glycerol is not toxic to bull semen.
Large AI doses can be prepared from each ejaculate.
The semen can be delivered directly into the uterus.