Kennel Cough. Flashcards
What is kennel cough also known as?
Infectious tracheobronchitis (ITB).
What is kennel cough?
It is a mild contagious respiratory infection of dogs.
What causes kennel cough?
Inflammation of the upper airways.
Can kennel caught be fatal for dogs?
It can become fatal bronchopneumonia in puppies or chronic bronchitis in sick or aged dogs.
What kind of dogs will kennel cough spread rapidly amongst?
Among susceptible dogs housed in close confinement (eg, veterinary hospitals or kennels).
What 3 viruses are usually the sole pathogens involved in causing kennel cough?
Canine parainfluenza virus (CPiV).
Canine adenovirus 2 (CAV-2).
Canine distemper virus.
What bacteria commonly causes kennel cough in dogs under 6 months?
Bordetella bronchiseptica.
What are 3 common bacterial infections that often lead to kennel cough?
Escherichia coli.
Klebsiella pneumoniae.
What is the most prevalent infectious respiratory disease of dogs?
Kennel cough.
What other animals are capable of transmitting kennel cough to dogs?
Wildlife, rodents and cats.
How long will dogs that have recovered from kennel cough be able to transmit the virus for?
For up to 2 weeks post-infection.
What kind of kennel coughs are restricted to the upper respiratory tract in dogs?
CPiV infections.
What is a common cause of secondary infections from kennel cough caused by CPIV?
Damage to the tracheal epithelium allows for secondary infection.
What is usually the most common form of transmission of kennel cough in dogs caused by CPIV?
Aerosolized microdroplets
What kind of dogs are most likely to be affected by kennel cough caused by CPIV?
Animals 2 weeks and older.
What is the incubation period of kennel cough caused by CPIV?
3-10 days.
Where will the virus that causes kennel cough replicate?
In the epithelia of the nasal mucosa.
How is the B. bronchiseptica version of kennel cough most likely to infect dogs?
Via direct contact or contact with aerosolized microdroplets from infected dogs.
What is the incubation time of the B. bronchiseptica version of kennel cough?
6 days.
How does the B. bronchiseptica version of kennel cough infect dogs?
It attaches to the cilia of the respiratory epithelium.
How long does the B. bronchiseptica version of kennel cough take to heal?
Around 3 months.
What is the most common clinical sign of kennel cough?
Harsh dry coughing that may be followed by retching and gagging.
How can the characteristic cough of kennel cough be induced?
By gentle palpation of the larynx or trachea.
What other clinical sign will dogs with kennel cough usually exhibit?
Few if any additional clinical signs other than partial anorexia.
How are body temperatrure and white blood cell count usually affected by kennel cough?
Body temperature and WBC counts usually remain normal.
When should tracheobronchitis be suspected in dogs that have kennel cough?
When the characteristic cough suddenly develops 5–10 days after exposure to other affected dogs.
How long does kennel cough usually last for?
Severity usually diminishes during the first 5 days, but the disease persists for 10–20 days.
What is essential to determine the severity of kennel cough and to exclude other causes of cough?
Thoracic radiographs.
What are 8 common treatments of kennel cough?
Intranasal vaccine .
Supportive care.
What kind of vaccines are used to vaccinate against kennel cough?
Modified-live virus vaccines.
When should puppies be vaccinated against kennel cough?
An initial vaccination should be given at 6–8 weeks.
This should be repeated twice at 3- to 4-wk intervals until the dog is 14–16 weeks old.