Reproduction Flashcards
What hormone release does GnRH stimulate in the female
FSH and LH
What hormone release does GnRH stimulate in the male
What oestrus stages are in the follicular phase
Prooestrus and oestrus
What oestrus stages are in the luteal phase
Met oestrus and dioestrus
How long is the oestrus cycle in the bitch
7 months
How long is the follicular phase in the bitch
9 days proestrus
9 days oestrus
What does prolactin do
Luteotrophic so maintains the CL
What drug stops the luteal phase in the bitch
Prolactin inhibitor
What sort of oestrus cycle does the queen have
Polyoestrus seasonalong day breeder with induced ovulation
What is special about progesterone in the cat
It never rises unless she has ovulated - give LH to force ovulation to measure progesterone
How to queens ovulate
With the build up of LH from repeated mating surges
3 in 12 hours
What happens if the queen ovulates but doesn’t get pregnant
Long luteal phase - 45 days
What happens to the oocyte after ovulation in the bitch
Takes 2 days to mature for fertilisation
Bitch pregnancy length
Late mating = short apparent pregnancy
Normally ovulation to parturition= 63 days
Early mating = long apparent pregnancy
What drugs can you use for unwanted mating
Oestradiol benzoate
How can you assess risk of pregnancy with unwanted mating
Sperm identification on vaginal smear
What is congenital disease
Disease at birth
What is pituitary dwarfism
Congenital growth hormone deficiency
- abnormal pituitary development
Inherited disease - GSD
Look normal until 2 months then stunted growth, delayed dentition, puppy coat and abnormal repro development
Guarded prognosis
Common causes of conception failure in the bitch
Inappropriate mating time
Male infertility
Abnormal mating
Mating induced endometritis
Abnormal uterine environment
Common causes of infertility in the queen
Inadequate mating inappropriate time
Male infertility
Abnormal mating
Abnormal uterine environment
What is ceh
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia
Issues with CEH
Increase mating induced endometritis
Reduced pregnancy rate and litter size - increased with antibiotics - 5 days potentiated amoxicillin on last day of mating (not good stewardship)
What is spontaneous isolated resorption
Resorption of one embryo with pregnancy continuation
With large litters likelihood of resorption increases
Canine herpes virus
Causes vesicular lesions of genital tract
May cause resorption, abortion, stillbirth
Venereal and respiratory spread
Vaccine available for 2 injections in pregnancy
Signs of canine herpes virus 1 in adults
Infertility in males/females
Genital lesions
Reactivated when stressed
Signs of canine herpes virus 1 in <3weeks old
Sudden death
Weightloss, failure of suck
Neurological signs
Ocular issues
Diagnosis of canine herpes virus 1
Serology - exposure not infection
Pathology - kidneys, liver, lungs, placenta
Virus isolation - lab specific
Non infectious causes of pregnancy loss
Abnormal uterine environment
Fetal abnormalities
Low progesterone (all puppies born abnormal if supplemented)
Possible infectious causes of pregnancy loss in the queen
Feline leukemia virus
Feline herpes virus
Feline panleukopenia virus
Feline infectious peritonitis
Chlamydia psittaci
Toxoplasma gondii
Non-infectious causes of pregnancy loss in the queen
Abnormal uterine environment
Fetal abnormalities
Low progesterone
Management of resorption/abortion
Systemic antimicrobials
Ecbolic agents - oxytocin to aid expulsion
Parenteral fluid therapy
Establish causes (PM/histopathology)
Dystocia history
Is it first pregnancy
Any vulval discharge
Any uterine/abdominal contractions
Foetal membranes/fluid
Any foetal deliveries
When was mating?
Has rectal temperature declined (24h prior to mating)
Has progesterone declined (1.5 days before parturition)
Any uterine contractions (2-4h prior)
Any abdominal contractions (30-120mins before)
Assessment of dystocia
Clinical exam of bitch
Digital exam - dilation, any foetuses? Membranes? Size of canal?
Endoscopic exam - is the cervix open?
Ultrasonographic exam - are they alive, size? Heartreate?
Radiography - number and size, foetal death signs
Progesterone measurement
What are the signs of foetal death
Change in posture
Overlapping skull bones
Foetal/uterine gas
What is the meaning of different foetal heart rates
Normal 170-240
<150 indicates hypoxia
<130 poor prognosis if not delivered in 2-3h
<100 need immediate intervention to prevent demise
Cause of dystocia
3/4 of SA dystocias are maternal
Treatments for dystocia
Correction of orientation - retropulsion, correct position/posture and traction
Oxytocin - short half life, every 30 mins for 3 doses, worsens hypoxia, large litters Caesar better
Calcium - 1ml/kg SC of 2.5% solution
Contraindications for oxytocin
Large litters - won’t get all out in time and tire bitch
Bradycardia - increases hypoxia
Definition of pyometra
Accumulation of purulent secretions in uterine lumen of sexually intact bitches
How does CEH occur
Thickening of the endometrium through the progesterone dominant part of the cycle doesn’t fully regress with multiple non-pregnant cycles leading to a hyperplasia
How does pyometra occur
Ascending infection from open cervix during oestrus
Fluid secreted from endometrium is ideal for bacterial growth
Myometrial contractions are suppressed and fluid can’t be expelled
Cervix closes and traps infection
What bacteria causes most pyometras
Produces endotoxin on death leading to endotoxaemia and death
How long does involution take
12 weeks bitch
6 weeks queen
Vulval discharge normal for 3-4 weeks
What happens with retained foetal membranes in smallies
Uncommon though often suspected
Normally passed within 20 mins of pup
Retention suspected with persistence of green/black discharge post parturition
Diagnosis on ultrasound
Oxytocin and antibiotics to treat, low dose PG to cause contractions
What are the types of prostaglandin
Dynaprost - simulates natural PG, luteolytic and spasmodic - can cause colic (old)
Cloprotinal - more luteolytic less spasmodic so not useful for uterine contraction
Clinical signs of post partum metritis
Depression, pyrexia, anorexia
Purulent vulval discharge
Neutrophilia with left shift
Uterine enlargement
Animal is sick - deep bacterial invasion at placental attachment sites
How can you manage post partum metritis
Broad spectrum antibiotics
Ecbolic agents
What two conditions cause inadequate milk
Agalactica - no milk production
Lack of milk let down
Causes/treatment for agalactica
First litter
Premature birth/early caesarean
Treat with metaclopramide
(Dopamine agonist = prolactin antagonist)
Causes/treatment for lack of milk let down
Anxiety, pain, stress, cold
Oxytocin treatment
Common in early lactation
Signs - nervousness, panting, whining, hypersalivation, stiff gait, tetany, pyrexia
Treatment - calcium borogluconate slowly IV 2.5%
Oral supplementation okay but after whelping
Sub-involution of placental sites (sips)
Area of uterus not involuted
Signs persist after next oestrus
Treatments don’t normally help blood loss can be significant and ovariohysterectomy can be needed
Post partum haemorrhage
Causes - parturition injury, lack of involution, following Caesar
Treatment - tampon, ecbolic agents, ovx
Treatment for excessive milk at weaning
Large swollen mammary gland, painful, predisposed to mastitis
Uterine prolapse
Rare - immediately or after parturition with open cervix
What does polytocous mesn
Multiple offspring
What venereal pathogen causes abortion, stillbirth and fading pups
Brucella canis
How does canine herpes virus present in dogs
Vesicular lesions in genital treats
Can cause abortion, stillbirths and resorption
Vaccine available for pregnant bitches and very effective
Viral infections that can cause pregnancy loss
Canine parvovirus
Canine adenovirus
Canine distemper virus
common testicular tumours
leydig cell
sertoli cell
what does oestrogen do to the testicles
preputial swelling
male attractiveness
bilateral symmetrical non-pruritic alopecia
normal testicular tissue atrophy
what causes cryptorchidism
sex-linked autosomal recessive trait
what causes testicular degeneration
high temperature/local inflammation
vascular lesions
endogenous/exogenous hormones
auto-immune disease
penile/preputial discharge
muco-purulent often normal as lots of normal commensal
sometimes causes such as FB, adhesions,abnormalities
treatment - remove cause/saline flush
Lymphoid hyperplasia
common - raised nodule lesions as the base of penis, normally pale and firm
may bleed in retraction/mating
no treatment required
penile inflammation = balanitis, prepucial = posthitis
overgrowth of bacteria - seen in dogs that lick
topical cleaning/antiseptic/antibiotics
haemorrhaegic spots on penile skin progressing to thickening
some association with masturbation
abnormally small preputial orifice
CS - narrow urine stream, urine pooling in prepuce, inability to copulate, balanoposthitis
Treatment - preputial wedge
failure to retract the penis
caused by - small preputial opening, inversion of the preputial skin/hair, hair ring in tom cat, short prepuce
treatment - prepucial wedge resection, hair removal, preputial advancement/penile amputation
semen abnormalities
causes of azoospermia
incomplete ejaculation
gonadal dysfunction
prostate assessment
palpation of - gland size, pain, moveability, sub lumbar lymph nodes
massage for prostatic fluid
treatment for prostatic hyperplasia
GnRH agonist (deslorelin)
acute bacterial prostatitis
ascending infection
CS - systemic illness, V+, caudal abdominal pain
on palpation - asymmetrical and very painful
normally many bacteria on urinalysis
leucocytosis on haematology
treatment - 3-4 weeks antibiotics, castration
prostatic cysts
parenchymal retention cysts - normally underlying disease
cystic uterus masculinus - attached to prostate by stalk
treatment - castration, excision + omentalisation
prostatic neoplasia
adenocarcinoma most common
tend to metastasise
castration doesnt protect
treatment - palliative hormonal treatments, nsaids
clinical signs of ovarian tumours
abnormal oestrus
vaginal discharge
sex organ change
lumbar pain
abdominal mass
enlarged abdomen
weight gain/weight loss
treatment of ovarian tumours
what are the 3 most common reproductive tumours in the bitch
clinical signs of penile tumours
licking of prepuce/penis
haemorrhaegic/mucopurulent discharge
increased urinary frequency
difference between cat and dog mammary tumours
cat much more likely to be aggressive, take unilateral strip for 1 tumour
85% are malignant
advantage of neutering in terms of mammary neoplasia
massively reduced risk if spayed under 18 months and nearly no risk if under 6 months
no difference if spayed over 2 years
obesity increases risk
mammary tumour grading
1 - uniform neoplastic cells in cluster with smooth nuclear membrane, vesicular chromatic/indistinct nuclei
2 - mildly pleomorphic with visible nucleoli, irregular nuclear margin and granular chromatin
3 - pleomorphic cells in loose cluster with prominent nuclei/irregular membrane and chromatin clearing
surgical options for mammary tumour
single mastectomy
regional mastectomy
complete mastectomy
what glands do you remove in the bitch
gland 1 - just 1
gland 2 - 1 and 2
gland 3 - consider all
gland 4 - 4 and 5
gland 5 - just 5
what should you avoid in mastectomy
avoid sectioning the mammary capsule and if it happens change instruments
treatments to be done alongside mastectomy
chemotherapy if any non-ressectable tumours
what is galactostasis
mammary gland congestion
seen close to parturition/after weaning
CS - engorgement/painful gland
failure of let down
treatment - reducing food intake, cold packs, encouraging sucking/milking
what is agalactia
failure of milk production
caused by inadequate mammary development, early caesar
treatment - metaclopramide
OR failure of milk let down - nervous bitches with adrenaline blocking oxytocin - give exogenous oxytocin
causes of mastitis
ascending bacterial infection of e.coli/streps/staphs
CS - swelling, heat, pain
treatment - broad spec bactericidal antibiotics - cephalexin anf amoxyclav recommended with puppies.
hot packing encourages drainage and fluid therapy
signs of pseudopregnancy
anorexia, nervousness, aggression, nest making, nursing objects, lactation, occasionally parturition
treatment for pseudopregnancy
normally none
cabergoline for behavioural changes/reduced milk production
prolactin inhibitors (ensure not pregnant first)
general care
queen fibro-epithelial hyperplasia
caused by growth hormones
firm glands, secondary mastitis/ulceration common
can get very large/oedematous/ulcerated
FNA - epithelial/spindle cells
treatment -
-intact - spay/cabergoline/algepristone
- on oral progestogens - stop and cabergoline/algepristone
- on depot progestogens - cabergoline/algepristone
what can cause delayed puberty
systemic disease including hypothyroidism
slow reaching adult bodyweight
chromosomal abnormality
what is split oestrus
bitch has apparent oestrus and then another a short while later- absence of ovulation first time
common at puberty
what causes ovulation failure in the queen
inappropriate breeding management - need matings 3x at 4 hour intervals for optimal ovulation or hCG injection on day 1 of oestrus
what is the most common cause of infertility in the bitch
mating at the incorrect time - ovulation can vary between day 5 and day 32 - best within fertile window
causes of pain at coitus in the bitch
vestibulo-vaginal remnants/dorso-ventral bands - treated by transection
small vaginal hyperplasia - conservative treatment/resection/ovh
causes of the bitch not getting/staying pregnant
inappropriate mating time, male infertility, abnormal uterine environment
causes of abnormal uterine environment
cystic endometrial hyperplasia - older dogs during the luteal phase
can progress to pyometra
ovarian cysts
bursal cysts - insignificant
functional ovarian cysts - oestrogen producing - persistent oestrus. - may respond to hCG or may need progestogen suppression
progesterone producing - persistent anoestrus, usually found with OVH due to pyometra
signs of phenotypic female - enlarged clitorus, odd vulval shape, male behaviour
signs of phenotypic male - small penis, slit-like prepuce, penile bleeding, can develop pyometra
infectious causes of infertility
opportunistic commensal bacteria common
viruses eg herpes/distemper
what is the ejaculatory fluid split into
3 fractions
1st - 0.5-2ml prostatic fluid containing no sperm to flush the urethra of urine
2nd - 0.5-2ml sperm rich fraction into cranial vagina
3rd - 15-20,ml during tie prostatic fluid to wash sperm into the uterus
what mating problems occur in the male
poor libido - inexperience/poor breeding management, do not give androgens
mating difficultly - inexperience, psychological problems, abnormal penis
what does red/green vulval discharge indicate
placental separation
can you spay with a caesarean
yes as prolactin produced by pituitary
risk factors for primary uterine inertia
small or very large litters (small reduces signal and large uterine stretch inhibits contraction)
old age
diet (hypocalcaemia)
oxytocin use in dystocia
give oxytocin, aim for contractions to be productive
pups are often left behind
better to early caesar than exhaust the bitch prior to surgery
what agonises prolactin
dopamine antagonists - metoclopramide
what happens to rectal temperature around parturition
drops 1.5 days beforehand
assessments for pup viability
gas - in uterus/under skin
positioning of skull bones
abnormal body positioning
gross/histopathological changes of the uterus with infection
uterine distension
uterine wall thickening
mucosa can be necrotic, haemorrhaegic, hyperplastic, marked suppurative inflammation
plasma cells in stroma/cystic glands
presenting signs of pyometra
history - FE, older 6+, 1-3m after season, PUPD, anorexia, V+, lethargy, vaginal discharge if open
CE - mild pyrexia, sometimes palpable uterine distension, dehydration, sometimes acute shock/collapse
pyometra diagnosis
bloods - increased WBC, azotaemia, metabolic acidosis, low Na+ and high K+, hypoglycaemia, toxic bone marrow suppression
urinalysis - isosthenuria, proteinuria, active sediment
radiography - can raise suspicion, warning pregnancy <40d can look similar
ultrasound - quick and easy, 2 fluid filled loops near bladder but more hyperechoic
treatment for pyometra
medical - broad spectrum anti-biotics
anti-progestogen drugs - prostaglandins (PGF-2a)/dopamine agonists (cabergoline)/progesterone receptor agonists(algepristone)
need to breed or spay before next season. must be systemically well
surgery - ovariohysterectomy
stabilise with iv fluids first, correct hypoglycaemia, start anti-biotics
potential complications with pyometra
low BP
cardiac arrythmias
ruptured uterus
post-op pain
post op care for pyometra
continue monitoring
pain score
feline pyometra
less common
harder to detect
diagnosis and treatment the same
may not present until very late, cats often clean away discharge
stomach during pregnancy
increased gastrin production, increased HCl, decreased stomach pH
decreased gastric motility
reduced oesophageal sphincter tone increases risk of regurgitation and aspiration pneumonia
respiration during pregnancy
increased oxygen consumption and basal metabolic rate
increased tidal volume
renal compensation for respiratory alkalosis
diagram pushed cranial due to increased uterus size
premed for pregnant
methadone sensible
avoid acepromazine - can cause hypotension and not reversible
alpha -2 - vasoconstriction and reduced CO, useful in fractious/feral
care with pregnant analgesia
pre-oxygenate at least 5 mins to prevent hypoxaemia
induction - raise head, intubate swiftly, propofol/alfaxalone not ket
tilt table a little
maintain with iso/sevo but beaware of reduced MAC
most medications not licensed for pregnant
what is suitable for induction in c section
propofol or alfaxalone
what determines uterine blood flow
maternal blood pressure
GnRH supression
short term - buserelin injection/deslorelin implant
long term - deslorelin implant - used for behaviour/fertility in males and oestrus suppression/puberty delay in the bitch
progestogen effects
central sedation
closes cervix
stimulates endometrial proliferation, suppresses myometrial activity
mammary enlargement
treatment of pseudopregnancy
proligestone / delmadinone
unwanted mating treatment
oestradiol benzoate
use day 3, 5 and 7 post mating
alternative is algepristone
urinary incontinence treatment
estriol - many possible regimes
hCG use in small animals
testing gonadal function
hastening ovulation
forcing ovulation
test for cryptochid
prostaglandin use
open cervix pyometra
pregnancy termination
post-partum metritis
oxytocin use
uterine contraction (when receptors present)
milk let down
prolactin use
luteotrophic agent
stimulate milk production
prolactin agonists
low dose phenothiazines
prolactin inhibitors
cabergoline - causes CL demise
when is spaying appropriate around seasons in bitch
> 12 weeks post oestrus
or within 3-4 weeks of end
why do you need to close the vaginal tunic in rabbit/guinea pigs
large inguinal ring - will eviscerate