REP - L3 - Beginnings of life Flashcards
Are primordial germ cells haploid or diploid?
What cells undergo meiosis to form germ cells?
Primordial germ cells.
When do eggs go through 1st meiosis?
What happens during the zygotic stage?
- Sperm enters oocyte.
- Zona pellucida becomes impenetrable.
- Change from haploid to diploid.
- Cell division is initiated.
What happens during the cleavage stage?
- Blastomere’s look like blackberries in contact with zona pellucida.
- Asynchronous cell division (mammals).
What is a blastomere?
Cells produced during cleavage of a zygote.
What is a blast?
Primitive or precursor cell.
What are the cells called at the 16 cell stage?
What happens during the Morula stage?
Cells divide but do not grow.
What happens at the blastocyst stage?
- First differentiation event - Inner cell mass (ICM) formed.
- Cells on outside pump fluid into embryo to form blastocyst cavity.
In a blastocyst what are the inner cells called?
Inner cell mass.
In a blastocyst what are the outer cells called?
What has to happen before the embryo can grow?
It has to hatch out of zona pellucida.
How does the hatching happen?
Enzymes are produced to degrade protein of zona pellucida.
How does normal pregnancy occur?
- Embryo developes as it moves along the oviduct.
- Implantation occurs in uterus.